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HORN OF VALERE...in Metal Manics; Aural Assaults

[Feb 18,2006 9:09pm - Kinslayer  ""]
[Feb 18,2006 9:35pm - anonymous  ""]
congrats \m/

hails to the heathens
[Feb 18,2006 10:07pm - christraper ""]
[Feb 18,2006 10:48pm - Phillip  ""]
i just finished The Eye of the World a few weeks ago \m/

but congrats, horn of valere are pretty badass!
[Feb 18,2006 10:48pm - matt_forherblood ""]
I didn't like them. their one of those makeup wearing blackmetal bands singing about vampires and how dark they are.
[Feb 18,2006 11:00pm - anonymous  ""]
matt_forherblood said:I didn't like them. their one of those makeup wearing blackmetal bands singing about vampires and how dark they are.

are you retarded?
[Feb 18,2006 11:05pm - matt_forherblood ""]
No, I'm talented. No one wants to see bands wearing makeup speedpicking single notes to the same drumming while some ass puppet screatches about his love for satan.
[Feb 18,2006 11:24pm - core = shit  ""]
matt_forherblood said:No, I'm talented. No one wants to see bands wearing makeup speedpicking single notes to the same drumming while some ass puppet screatches about his love for satan.

Hahahaha, some one in a metalcore band says theyre "talented"? Wow, you wont last long in this forum.

[Feb 18,2006 11:27pm - matt_forherblood ""]
The best talent is found in metalcore bands. It's proven science.
[Feb 18,2006 11:53pm - eddie ""]
someone who likes metalcore picking a fight with someone who likes black metal! the board has never seen such a thing before!!!

i think von is more talented than 99% of metalcore. suck it.
[Feb 19,2006 1:24am - arilliusbm ""]
Drama aside,
I don't hear much talent other than wannabe gothenburg riffs, with some unoriginal breakdowns in there. Although the ending is somewhat cool with the octave chords, this, by any chance, is not even close to being as good as HoV, and you should fucking die for making such a claim! No offense, mattforherblood, but don't talk smack about one of the best NEBM bands and expect everyone to agree with you.
[Feb 19,2006 2:02am - matt_forherblood ""]

Best! Their recording quality is terrible and so is the guitar playing. That crap makes me want to rip my ears off.
[Feb 19,2006 2:24am - christraper ""]
ill own you on guitar and ill kick your pussy metalcore faggot ass to top it off bitch. fuck you fagmo.
[Feb 19,2006 3:13am - pam nli  ""]
[Feb 19,2006 10:34am - Kinslayer  ""]
I cant take this sorry fuck seriously...Have you ever even heard HoV? We're not like single chord, corpse paint wearing, screach vocal black metal at all..

[Feb 19,2006 11:31am - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, I just read that review. Nice work, gentlemen.
[Feb 19,2006 12:47pm - Average Metalcore Fan  ""]
[Feb 19,2006 1:21pm - CNV  ""]
matt_forherblood said:The best talent is found in metalcore bands. It's proven science.

2 words beeeeyotch, Morbid Angel

and congrats on the review
[Feb 19,2006 1:25pm - Anthony nli  ""]
matt_forherblood said:The best talent is found in metalcore bands. It's proven science.

die, faggot.

congrats to HoV!!
[Feb 19,2006 1:25pm - RichHorror ""]
matt_forherblood said:The best talent is found in metalcore bands. It's proven science.

I'm sorry, I believe you were looking for http://www.returntothemaleonmalesodomy.com .
[Feb 19,2006 2:09pm - pisscup ""]
RichHorror said:matt_forherblood said:The best talent is found in metalcore bands. It's proven science.

I'm sorry, I believe you were looking for http://www.returntothemaleonmalesodomy.com .

broken link
[Feb 19,2006 2:36pm - brian_dc ""]
read words next time first
[Feb 19,2006 2:42pm - CNV  ""]
Who was the drummer on Blood of the Heathen Ancients? He has some pretty interesting off beats on parts of that record

I am listening to it right now
[Feb 19,2006 2:43pm - dreadkill ""]
for her blood is gay. go kill yourself asshole.
[Feb 19,2006 3:20pm - BornSoVile ""]
another ignorant metalcore fan who has everything all figured out, hey kid, your guitar is pink and you hate band who wears makeup, i think you're having an identity crisis. fuck off.
Heil HoV!
[Feb 19,2006 3:27pm - CNV  ""]
I think- A prophecy of Ivory Skies is my favorite tune on the HOV album
[Feb 19,2006 3:32pm - CNV  ""]

this pic = asinine amounts of snickering laughter bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah!!!!!
[Feb 19,2006 3:33pm - RichHorror ""]
Wow. The gay is blinding.
[Feb 19,2006 4:11pm - pam ""]
wow, that's the gayest guitar I've ever seen.
[Feb 19,2006 4:19pm - CNV  ""]
I think it used to belong to Ricki Rocket
[Feb 19,2006 4:43pm - dreadkill ""]
or vinnie vincent
[Feb 19,2006 4:55pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Did he get that from the Diamond Darrel estate?
[Feb 19,2006 6:51pm - christraper ""]
CNV said:Who was the drummer on Blood of the Heathen Ancients? He has some pretty interesting off beats on parts of that record

I am listening to it right now

Jon played drums on that. He played on everything weve recorded.

[Feb 19,2006 7:07pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i think black metal is pretty gay, but saying metalcore fags have more talent is just rediculous.
[Feb 19,2006 8:42pm - DJ Death  ""]
Horn of Valere calls back the dead to fight for the dragon! good job raper and slayer, on getting the review. Blood of the Heathen Ancients deserves only the best, since HOV is one of only a few of the greatest Metal records.
[Feb 19,2006 9:50pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Is there going to be a repress? I heard that this CD is sold out and OOP.
[Feb 19,2006 9:58pm - christraper ""]
no idea. thatd be interesting though. personally id just like to put out another demo. weve got new material nobodys heard yet.
[Feb 20,2006 9:32am - Kinslayer  ""]
Deathgasm only pressed 1000 and they are sold out but there are a few distros that still have copies.

We do need to get our new shit together and record the next demo but its hard with us living an hour away from eachother...
[Feb 20,2006 2:52pm - paganmegan ""]
I want to check out the review, the album rules
[Feb 20,2006 3:14pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I only have 3 left I think.
[Feb 20,2006 3:43pm - anonymous  ""]
it's really is a great review and in the COLOR section
[Nov 28,2012 11:50am - arilliusbm ""]

matt_forherblood said:I didn't like them. their one of those makeup wearing blackmetal bands singing about vampires and how dark they are.

Looking for myspace kinslayer quotes but cant find many on here. Theyve got to be somewhere. Anyways, this quote made me LOL
[Nov 28,2012 11:53am - trioxin245 ""]

matt_forherblood said:The best talent is found in metalcore bands. It's proven science.

least accurate statement of all time.
[Nov 28,2012 11:53am - Mark R  ""]
heh, on an unrelated note, I just started re-reading The Great Hunt. Second time through. I'm about 50 pages away from the actual hunt for HoV beginning, so I figure I'll get there sometime this weekend.
[Nov 28,2012 11:59am - trioxin245 ""]
I remember liking the Eye of the World and the Great Hunt, but the library I used didn't have the third book so I never got anywhere with the series.
[Nov 28,2012 12:02pm - trioxin245 ""]
What was that entity in that ruined city that everyone was afraid of called? I don't know it's been like 12 years.
[Nov 28,2012 12:03pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Nov 28,2012 12:10pm - trioxin245 ""]
yup that's the one. there's already like 16 bands named Mashadar
[Nov 28,2012 12:32pm - Spydre ""]
I'm just starting the 8th book now (The Path of Daggers). At this point, I'm only marginally interested in the story, but I'm so invested in the series now that I'm 8 books in that want to see how things play out. They really drag things out to a mind numbing degree at times.
[Nov 28,2012 12:35pm - trioxin245 ""]
I was under the impression that the series went unfinished due to his death, and some random toolbox wrote a prequel, Lovecraft style.
[Nov 28,2012 12:46pm - AndrewBastard ""]
brand sanderson took over...

I lost interest around Book 8 as well...

just fucking end it. Martin is doing the same thing...

any series more than 5 books is overkill.
[Nov 28,2012 12:48pm - Boozegood ""]

AndrewBastard said:
any series more than 5 books is overkill.


[Nov 28,2012 12:49pm - DYA is FUCK BRIDS  ""]

trioxin245 said:What was that entity in that ruined city that everyone was afraid of called? I don't know it's been like 12 years.

Woody Allen?
[Nov 28,2012 12:54pm - trioxin245 ""]

DYA%20is%20FUCK%20BRIDS said:
trioxin245 said:What was that entity in that ruined city that everyone was afraid of called? I don't know it's been like 12 years.

Woody Allen?

[Nov 28,2012 12:54pm - trioxin245 ""]
fuck, that was supposed to be this hah

[Nov 28,2012 1:04pm - andrewbastard nli  ""]
arnt a few different authors involved in that xxwing series?
[Nov 28,2012 1:14pm - trioxin245 ""]

andrewbastard%20nli said:arnt a few different authors involved in that xxwing series?

yea, plus they aren't all sequential, they can be read independently, if I remember correctly, which i probably don't
[Nov 28,2012 1:43pm - Mark R  ""]
hahaha @ Ross's video postings

Also that X-wing series is pretty good. I only read the first four but the whole business with "who's the traitor" and being stuck on Coruscant is one of my favorite EU story arcs
[Nov 28,2012 1:45pm - AndrewBastard ""]

trioxin245 said:yup that's the one. there's already like 16 bands named Mashadar

or just one


[Nov 28,2012 1:48pm - AndrewBastard ""]
Shadar Logoth maybe?
[Nov 28,2012 2:00pm - trioxin245 ""]

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