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opinion on CD artwork

[Feb 24,2006 2:38pm - Niccolai NLI  ""]
fashion emergency:

wich one looks better?



[Feb 24,2006 2:39pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I like the bottom one, and using "tattoo" in a title is wicked nu-metal
[Feb 24,2006 2:40pm - pam ""]
Took me a couple minutes to see what was different. It's like one of those things in the newspaper...

I like the 2nd one...looks like germs in a microscope. mmm infections.
[Feb 24,2006 2:43pm - dreadkill ""]
i like the top one.
[Feb 24,2006 2:56pm - Niccolai NLI  ""]
there's also this one:


the original photo was a micropscope view that I used a kelidascope effect on. And I'm not sure I agree that it's numetal sounding. I haven't heard of any numetal albums with a similar name.
[Feb 24,2006 4:41pm - Sinislazy  ""]
ahh, ruritania.
[Feb 24,2006 5:52pm - DreamingInExile ""]
My opinion: the first one
[Feb 24,2006 6:18pm - jesus ""]
theyre different?
[Feb 24,2006 6:19pm - Kinslayer  ""]
That font is wicked over-used...
[Feb 24,2006 6:22pm - Christraper ""]
[Feb 24,2006 7:24pm - wade nli  ""]
i honestly would like it better if it were more minimal, specifically by losing the circle and having it all white. the simplistic hard edge distracts from the intricacies (sp..) of the image.
[Feb 24,2006 7:25pm - wade nli  ""]
hah..nevermind. i should never, EVER post on a friday night.
[Feb 24,2006 7:40pm - dyingmuse ""]
i like the second one better where you can read the text better
[Feb 24,2006 7:43pm - dyingmuse ""]
is that supposed to be a moon or something? and i don't really like the tittle, but that really has nothing to do with the artwork, i think it's cool looking, any of the 3 really
[Feb 24,2006 8:36pm - Niccolai NLI  ""]
it's the thermal graphic thats being put on the actual disk itself, hence it being a circle.

Yea, the font is used alot. It's temporary until Mark Fucking Richards finishes our logo.
[Feb 24,2006 9:31pm - thedeparted ""]
well i guess it will look totally different with a logo, so wait til then for some actual useful input.

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