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Music Video: Well, I'll give these queers credit for at least making an interesting video

[Feb 26,2006 9:01am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Feb 26,2006 10:47am - pisscup ""]
Damnit, I thought it was a video by The Queers, not these queers.
[Feb 26,2006 12:42pm - Hoser ""]
Why is that guy always barfing?
[Feb 26,2006 1:08pm - brian_dc ""]
wow...fuck asian nu-metal.
[Feb 26,2006 1:27pm - spaldino  ""]
the japanese are always incredibly stylish... the video was pretty neat drummer sucked though
[Feb 26,2006 1:44pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
The video was cool. I just hated looking at their numetalgothfag costumes and the shitty music.
[Feb 26,2006 1:50pm - eddie ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:The video was cool. I just hated looking at their numetalgothfag costumes and the shitty music.

numetalgoth gay to us. I think it's just normal Jrock dress to them.
[Feb 26,2006 1:58pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Who knows how the Japanese culture works. As far as I knew before watching that video, it revolved around eating feces while naked, and throwing up in your partner's cunt.
[Feb 26,2006 2:11pm - mccripplefingers  ""]
That was mcfuckin-fagtastic!
[Feb 26,2006 2:27pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i've said it before and i'll say it again...asians are weird
[Feb 26,2006 2:36pm - Dankill  ""]
If they gave that video to a good band, it would be fucking amazing.
If it were an American band, like say, The Black Dahlia Murder, it would be interesting for all the foreign elements too, aside from the obvious gore, nudity, body fluids and general weirdness.
[Feb 26,2006 2:39pm - the_reverend ""]
pisscup same here.
damn, I'm going to borrow carina's ipod and listen to the queers on the way to green carnation
[Feb 26,2006 2:41pm - RichHorror ""]
Apparently B-Face is jamming with some of The Queers guys again. It would be awesome if a CD and shows came out of it.
[Feb 26,2006 4:43pm - Smite_The_Righteous_Bassist_aka_The_Mexicutioner  ""]
wow, that video touched in a a place that I didn't know existed. Too bad the music was probably the worst I've ever heard.
[Feb 26,2006 5:56pm - infoterror ""]
brian_dc said:wow...fuck asian nu-metal.


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