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Congrats to Goratory

[Mar 1,2006 11:12pm - Phrozenspite  ""]
[Mar 1,2006 11:17pm - hungtableed  ""]
sick. they are probably the best band ever.
[Mar 1,2006 11:27pm - NECTrepresent  ""]
My cock felt like there was a knife shoved in it for almost an hour yesterday after i took a piss. It hasnt done it again since, but seriously, what the fuck."
[Mar 1,2006 11:47pm - the_reverend ""]
hm.. I love when I learn things about bands that are regular posters here on other sites. makes me wonder why I bother with all the new crap.
[Mar 1,2006 11:53pm - evil puppy  ""]
hungtableed said:sick. they are probably the best band ever.

best band ever?
[Mar 2,2006 12:22am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
neat, its about time you fucks do something new
[Mar 2,2006 12:43am - BornSoVile ""]
shut the fuck up dwyer.
[Mar 2,2006 12:49am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Did I say anything?
[Mar 2,2006 1:12am - BornSoVile ""]
think yer so clever!
[Mar 2,2006 8:25am - Robdeadskin ""]
NECTrepresent said:My cock felt like there was a knife shoved in it for almost an hour yesterday after i took a piss. It hasnt done it again since, but seriously, what the fuck."

holy shit mine too..it fuckin killed
[Mar 2,2006 10:52am - dreadkill ""]
congrats to those dudes.
[Mar 2,2006 4:43pm - dwellingsickness ""]
They have some killer bands, that is cool. I thought Goratory was done though?. Anyways, What happen to you guys on AVR?
[Mar 3,2006 8:22am - bowelskinfacecloth ""]
uh..............is that good??
[Mar 3,2006 8:27am - the_reverend ""]
what todd said
[Mar 3,2006 10:14am - BornSoVile ""]
you guys!

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