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Kirby Puckett died!

[Mar 6,2006 10:32pm - DomesticTerror ""]
[Mar 6,2006 10:33pm - BornSoVile ""]
yeah guy!
[Mar 6,2006 10:34pm - ArilliusBM ""]
Damn. I always liked his name.
[Mar 6,2006 10:44pm - DomesticTerror ""]
[Mar 6,2006 10:57pm - dreadkill ""]
he ruled
[Mar 6,2006 10:58pm - dreadkill ""]
he looked like a tuskless walrus
[Mar 6,2006 11:11pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
My Mom has his rookie card, should go up in value now!
[Mar 6,2006 11:29pm - brian_dc ""]
I used to be a big Kirby Pucket fan...even read a book about him when I was a kid.

then he went and beat the crap out of his wife...I think...so I kinda lost a fair anount of respect for him.

Rest In Peace and junk.
[Mar 6,2006 11:31pm - ArilliusBM ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:My Mom has his rookie card, should go up in value now!

You mom collects baseball cardS?
[Mar 7,2006 6:01am - Sinistas ""]
my thread is better
[Mar 7,2006 6:47am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
brian_dc said:I used to be a big Kirby Pucket fan...even read a book about him when I was a kid.

such a nerd :stupidflanders:
[Sep 10,2013 8:44pm - RTTP's The Walking Thread  ""]
[Sep 10,2013 8:57pm - the_reverend ""]

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