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the Hills Have eyes~movie

[Mar 12,2006 9:50am - succubus ""]
ok so i think when aaron wakes up we're going to see it. i just read 2 reviews about it as well i guess it's quite gorey

i've never seen the original but after reading the first review i want to.

i wanted to link one of the reviews but now it's forcing me to log in...so whatever, only thing is that i read about a baby getting molested...ummm yuck...

[Mar 12,2006 10:01am - anonymous  ""]
it starts a little slow,but once it gets going it is great! definately worth seeing
[Mar 12,2006 10:06am - niccolai nli  ""]
It's fucking amazing. saw it last night.

The best movie of it's kind in a long time in my opinion.

There's no baby molestation... maybe in the screen play?
[Mar 12,2006 10:22am - succubus ""]
oh perhaps i misread..here's a link but it might not work..so here's what i read:
The new film goes so far as to have a deformed cannibal holding a gun to a woman's baby while he molests her.

i'm guessing her=the woman, not baby
[Mar 12,2006 10:42am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
saw it last night. Even though I didn't enjoy it as much as the original, I still found that the movie was well done, and I do like Alexandre Aja's directing style alot. The acting was well done, the cinemetography was great, and the gore was awesome. I just can't wait to see the uncut version, cause they cut out more gore to get an "R" rating. The only thing I wish was that they got Michael Berryman from the original to have a cameo.
[Mar 12,2006 11:05am - sever ""]
awesome movie.
[Mar 12,2006 12:05pm - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
niccolai nli said:It's fucking amazing. saw it last night.

The best movie of it's kind in a long time in my opinion.

There's no baby molestation... maybe in the screen play?

Is it as good as the original?

[Mar 12,2006 1:52pm - niccolai nli  ""]
I've only read the screen play of the original... It wasn't really one of Craven's most popular movies so it's tough to find a copy of it around here.

I'm sure in a couple months, the old version will be everywhere though.

Anywho, from what I read on the screen play of the old one, I like the plot of the new one more than the rivaling familly plot from the first one...

the new one was missing a couple kickass scenes though, like how in the old one they used one of their dead familly members as bait to try and catch the cannibals.
[Mar 12,2006 1:59pm - spaldino  ""]
The hill have eyes... sounds like the next big xemoxcorexscreamoxwussx band
[Mar 12,2006 4:10pm - Notorious_D.U.G. ""]
Just got back. Awesomely violent. I was surprised. The gore was great. Aja has a super keen eye for survival horror type stuff. Too bad he can't write dialogue to save his life. The ending was a little lack luster but I think that's his thing . . . poor endings. Otherwise I was pleasantly entertained.

[Mar 12,2006 4:32pm - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
niccolai nli said:I've only read the screen play of the original... It wasn't really one of Craven's most popular movies so it's tough to find a copy of it around here.

I'm sure in a couple months, the old version will be everywhere though.

Anywho, from what I read on the screen play of the old one, I like the plot of the new one more than the rivaling familly plot from the first one...

the new one was missing a couple kickass scenes though, like how in the old one they used one of their dead familly members as bait to try and catch the cannibals.

You havnt looked hard enough for the original.I found it at NC in Salem,NH.
[Mar 12,2006 5:19pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
hi, they sell it at best buy.
[Mar 12,2006 6:01pm - the_reverend ""]
I want to check out the old movie.
the new movie was pretty damn good. if definitely showed me that the "good" people in the movies make stupid mistakes and don't deserve to live and when they die, it's awesome.
[Mar 12,2006 6:49pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i just got back from seeing it, i liked it.
[Mar 12,2006 6:51pm - Dankill  ""]
Yeah, it was a goodie
[Mar 12,2006 6:59pm - the_reverend ""]
the gore was awesome. it was better than the new TCM in plot/gore
better in gore than hostel

the only thing that the new TCM had was the scenery.with that said, I loved the way they re-did the towns.

I've been thinking for a while that the 3rd world is going to start being plagued by genetic deformities cause they live in the filth of our oppulence. fortunately for us, waste like that doesn't cause super strength, it only causes C.H.U.D.D.s, swampthings, and mole people.
you need cosmic rays for people like the fantastic four.
and gammarays for the hulk.

selective genetic mutations doesn't jump into people with gills and super strength.
[Mar 12,2006 7:02pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i just loved how the pick axe was the weapon of choice through out the movie.
[Mar 12,2006 7:13pm - the_reverend ""]
true dat
[Mar 12,2006 8:35pm - Dankill  ""]
At least they not only kept the cruxcified to a flaming cactus scene, but they made it better!
[Mar 12,2006 10:05pm - RustedAngel ""]
k and I just went to see it, it was good.

now she's going around the house making sure windows and doors are locked. haha.
[Mar 12,2006 10:36pm - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
Just got back from seeing this.It was suprisingly good but I still like the original one better.The gore was great but some of scenes were a ripoff of Wrong Turn and Texas Chainsaw Massacre.One of the cannibal brothers looked like Keith Richards I think LOL!!!
[Mar 13,2006 10:07am - anonymous  ""]
that movie sucked i laughed throughout the whole thing funniest part of the movie is when the boyfriend told that kid Fuck your Sister then lit up the smoke.
[Mar 13,2006 10:16am - succubus ""]
boyfriend? there was no boyfriend in the movie...

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