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ATTN: Rusted Angel or other photoshop experts!

[Mar 13,2006 10:20am - succubus ""]
Haven't seen Tom posting much so I'm not sure if he's reading this...but I need someone to help me photoshop a photo.
I had to take a picture of someone at work. Just a basic work headshot, but there is a shadow behind his ears and I'm wondering if this can be erased.

if you can help me please post here and then I can email you the photo.

thanks a lot!
[Mar 13,2006 10:34am - DreamingInExile ""]
yeah, that's easy stuff

I used to fix shadowing all the time at my last job, when I worked for the school portraits company

mark.guy@gmail.com, e-mail it on over
[Mar 13,2006 10:37am - succubus ""]
I jsut emailed you from my work email.

TIA Mark! You are my HERO!
[Mar 13,2006 10:42am - Photoshoppa  ""]
many ways to skin a cat - one way - use the CLONE stamp and pick up an area near it and stamp it over the shadow.. then blur if you want. Or send it to a friend who can PS for you.

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