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Mar 24 (Fri) - Skatefest 2006: Death Among Thieves, The Brethren (return show), Black Onyx, Burdens Will Be Broken, And The There Were None, Buried And Still Breathing, Always And Forever, Break A Sweat, NeverSayNever, Severyn, A Timely Demise; Doors open at 5pm, $7 at the door ($5 if you get a ticket from a band prior). All proceeds go towards a new skatepark in Somersworth - American Legion Hall, 45 Washington Street, Somersworth N.H., 03878 +

3/24 - SKATEFEST 2006

American Legion (Somersworth, NH) - [orange_lazarus]
[show listing]  _________________________________
[Mar 15,2006 7:14pm - mcmahon ""]

Death Among Theives - http://www.myspace.com/deathamongthieves
Severyn - http://www.myspace.com/severynonline
Breat A Sweat - http://www.myspace.com/breakasweatnh
NeverSayNever - http://www.myspace.com/neversaynevernh
Buried and Still Breathing - http://www.myspace.com/basb
A Timely Demise - http://www.myspace.com/atimelydemise
Burdens Will Be Broken - http://www.myspace.com/burdenswillbebroken
Always and Forever - http://www.myspace.com/alwaysandforevernh
Black Onyx - http://www.myspace.com/blackonyxmetal
And Then There Were None - http://www.myspace.com/andthentherewerenone

Skatefest is an fund-raiser to build a skate-park in Somersworth, New Hampshire.
[Mar 15,2006 7:15pm - sacreligion ""]
i remember when this started in 1998 and it was a huge deal
[Mar 15,2006 7:17pm - bowelskinfacecloth ""]
onyx............killer, slam! dow...dow dow
[Mar 15,2006 7:20pm - sacreligion ""]
let the boys be boys!
[Mar 15,2006 7:21pm - brian_dc ""]
sacreligion said:i remember when this started in 1998 and it was a huge deal

I remember when you were like 10 in 1998
[Mar 15,2006 7:23pm - brian_dc ""]
actually...that comment accomplishes nothing but stating an obvious fact that brings about nothing good or bad

[Mar 15,2006 7:27pm - sacreligion ""]
hey man...i was 14
[Mar 15,2006 7:30pm - dreadkill ""]
three word name should play this. those guys pwn!
[Mar 15,2006 7:35pm - brian_dc ""]
I thought you were a lot younger than that?
[Mar 15,2006 7:36pm - sacreligion ""]
oh...ok then

i guess i'll take that as a compliment that i age well
[Mar 15,2006 7:44pm - Doomkid ""]
This is disgusting, when did Skatefest get herpies?
[Mar 15,2006 7:49pm - tomx nli  ""]
dreadkill said:three word name should play this. those guys pwn!

i concur. also, neon nazis and these pants fall should play as well
[Mar 15,2006 7:55pm - sacreligion ""]
i'd rather see prepositional phrase
[Mar 16,2006 5:13am - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
Beware hes Possesed to Skate
And ya know the skating radical
[Mar 16,2006 6:51am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I don't know those bands, other then black onyx who apparantly failed to take one of my great suggestions for a name change.

Shouldn't skatefest be all fast hardcore bands? Get Defcon4
[Mar 16,2006 8:38am - basb_geetar ""]
sacreligion said:i remember when this started in 1998 and it was a huge deal

Really? Are you sure your not thinking about the one at the paladium? I thought this was just a little fundraiser or something.
[Mar 16,2006 2:40pm - kyledoesnot  ""]
High school fest.
[Mar 16,2006 2:40pm - kyledoesnot  ""]
These bands dont exist right?
[Mar 16,2006 2:41pm - kyledoesnot  ""]
Is this real?
[Mar 16,2006 3:37pm - anonymous  ""]
scott lee is going to be after the name of this fest.
[Mar 16,2006 4:55pm - c-rex  ""]
for some reason i doubt this is going to be up there with converge playing upstairs at the palladium while it was 100+ degress and kids teeth were getting knocked out.

doesn't massconcerts own the rights to that name anyways?

[Mar 17,2006 9:16am - aborted_fetus_crunch ""]
We're still thinking of names Joe. I'm still talking to the guys about The Creampie Lads. That was a good one.
[Mar 17,2006 2:00pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
The Creampie Lads will get you no where.
[Mar 17,2006 2:56pm - sever ""]
...isnt a fest two or more days?
[Mar 17,2006 2:59pm - pisscup ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:
Shouldn't skatefest be all fast hardcore bands? Get Defcon4

My thought exactly.
[Mar 17,2006 7:24pm - mcmahon ""]
fuck that, skatefest is for everyone.
[Mar 18,2006 12:10pm - aborted_fetus_crunch ""]
I really hope that you can tell that us calling ourselves The Creampie Lads was a joke Brandon.
[Mar 18,2006 1:12pm - JayTUS nli  ""]
Just a suggestion, but it'd probably be a good idea to call this something other than Skatefest...
[Mar 18,2006 1:18pm - succubus ""]
the actual massconcerts skatefest is in september every year...this show has nothing to do with it..i have no clue why they would use the same name
[Mar 19,2006 4:23pm - mcmahon ""]
succubus said:i have no clue why they would use the same name

I'm told the proceeds are going towards a skate park in somersworth. We were asked to play and I'm really not sure who is running what.

I assume this is what you are comparing it to: http://www.skatefest.net/

did you attend this event in 2005?
[Mar 19,2006 6:14pm - succubus ""]
yeah that's the show...i only attended in 2002 (where the reverend and i officially met)..he went in 05 too but i didn't
[Mar 19,2006 8:54pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Of course I knew it was a joke Nate...I was laughing when I wrote that.
[Mar 21,2006 11:30pm - mcmahon ""]
5:00-5:15 - TBA
5:25-5:45 - Break A Sweat
5:55-6:15 - Death Among Thieves
6:25-6:45 - Always And Forever
6:55-7:15 - Never Say Never
7:25-7:45 - Black Onyx
7:55-8:20 - A Timely Demise
8:30-8:55 - Burdens Will Be Broken
9:05-9:30 - Buried And Still Breathing
9:40-10:05 - And Then There Were None
10:15-10:40 - Below The Rise

*as of Mar 21, 2006 1:23 PM
[Mar 24,2006 9:33am - mcmahon ""]
5:00-5:15 - Orange Lazarus
5:25-5:45 - The Brethren
5:55-6:15 - Break A Sweat
6:30 - 6:50 - Always And Forever
7:00 - 7:20 - Death Among Thieves
7:30 - 7:50 - Black Onyx
8:00 - 8:25 - Never Say Never
8:35 - 9:00 - A Timely Demise
9:10 - 9:35 - Burdens Will Be Broken
9:50 - 10:15 - Buried And Still Breating
10: 25 - 10:50 - Below The Rise

*as of Mar 23, 2006 10:08 PM
[Mar 24,2006 9:38am - the_reverend ""]
I think I went at least one day in 2002,2003,2004, and 2005.
[Mar 24,2006 9:39am - the_reverend ""]
that is a lie, I didn't go in 2003.
[Mar 24,2006 11:40am - cavnli  ""]
let the boys be boys!
[Mar 24,2006 4:20pm - the_reverend ""]
I quess I'll show up at this dilli
[Mar 24,2006 4:58pm - pam nli  ""]
dreadkill said:three word name should play this. those guys pwn!

you're my favorite person ever.
[Mar 24,2006 5:04pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, 3 wood names like oh... I don't know.. smite the something or other. so lame!
[Mar 24,2006 6:11pm - the_reverend ""]
while I was outside on the phone the show got shutdown!
[Mar 24,2006 6:14pm - RichHorror ""]
Three wood names? You mean like "Balsa Redwood Pine"?
[Mar 24,2006 6:37pm - mcmahon ""]
yup, i got the call on the way to the show. fuckers.
[Mar 24,2006 6:47pm - the_reverend ""]
rich: that's balsa pinewood derby.
[Mar 24,2006 6:48pm - RichHorror ""]
Ah yes.
[Mar 24,2006 7:51pm - the_reverend ""]
pictures ha!
[Mar 24,2006 8:05pm - Josh603 ""]
Whyd it get shutdown?
[Mar 24,2006 8:28pm - xmikex ""]
who's the genius who stole the name of the even lamer but way bigger "SKATEFEST"?
[Mar 24,2006 8:50pm - the_reverend ""]
I showed up and orange lazarus was making a little noise. really quiet, but sounded like the locust.

I walked outside to call carina and heard someone say something about no liquor. a few minutes later, I walk in and there is a bunch of kids getting money back. There was two bottles found by the back door so the show was cancelled. I don't get it though. this is scummersworth... people have to drink there
[Mar 24,2006 8:51pm - the_reverend ""]
straight-edge in the rochester area means that you don't drink before noon on sundays.
[Mar 25,2006 1:51am - anonymous  ""]
Due to Orange Lazarus leaving their empty beer bottles outside the back door, the show was cancalled...They don't even have enuff common sense to pick after themselves....Because of their actions, or inactions, all the other bands got fucked outta playing, but as 2 of the offenders ran away with the remains of their 12 pack, they were laffing about the show being shut down. They did run fast tho..
Nice way to treat all the other bands that thought they would be able to play at this event. Now the benefit will have NO MONIES to put towards the proposed skate park in Somersworth. Nice job Orange Lazarus.
Always has to be at least one bunch of assholes in every crowd.
[Mar 25,2006 9:53am - pisscup ""]
You kids need to come on down to the skatepark in Groton, CT. Not only can you skate, you can drink and play live music too. The only people we chase away are bikers...
[Mar 25,2006 10:48am - mcmahon ""]
we scrambled to get all the gear in the van and, right as we were filling the gas tank, art from ATD called to tell us the news. it's a good thing i wasn't there i would chased them down with our van. orange lazarus wont be get the call from us to do a show anytime soon.
[Mar 25,2006 11:16am - cavnli  ""]
i think onyx and orange lazarus should start a gang war
[Mar 25,2006 11:17am - thedeparted ""]
rev should have gone to your show last night cav instead of this one heh
[Mar 25,2006 11:20am - brian_dc ""]
I actually thought he was coming...I was kinda sad that he wasn't there.
[Mar 25,2006 11:22am - cavnli  ""]
ya fuck that. im sad too! ill be in the gang war SLAM!!!!
[Mar 25,2006 11:24am - thedeparted ""]
hah, i was taking a shit this morn, i was cant wait to see the pics from the dc, war on our shores show last night. then i get on rttp....ohhh and there is nothing!

[Mar 25,2006 1:27pm - TheWrldCanWait ""]
Yeah, we've decided instead of having a gang war, we're just going to rape Orange Lazarus. Josh from Burdens Will Be Broken said it best when he said, "There's nothing more shameful than being raped..."

Thanx for showing up Rev. It woulda been an awesome show if Mathematics didn't ruin it.
[Mar 25,2006 4:49pm - anonymous  ""]
this event will be re-named, re-scheduled, re-located, and re-anything else for a date in what looks to be may. we have come to the attention of the massconcerts skatefest, and we didn't mean any harm.
[Mar 25,2006 5:42pm - cav ""]
dour cursiva will play!
[Mar 25,2006 5:45pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
sacreligion said:let the boys be boys!

b..b..b...but what theres more, im not watered down so im dying of thirst!
[Mar 25,2006 6:40pm - orangelazarus  ""]
the orange lazarus sincerly apologizes for the actions of so called "friends" of ours...they will not be coming to any shows with us if we can even get any after this mess. we are sorry
[Mar 25,2006 6:47pm - sacreligion ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:sacreligion said:let the boys be boys!

b..b..b...but what theres more, im not watered down so im dying of thirst!

was that from that onyx thread? i'm missing something here
[Mar 25,2006 6:48pm - sacreligion ""]
also, i'd kick those alcoholics right in the grundle...really hard so it breaks the pelvis...hot damn that would hurt
[Mar 25,2006 9:01pm - Arthur_ATD ""]
orangelazarus said:the orange lazarus sincerly apologizes for the actions of so called "friends" of ours...they will not be coming to any shows with us if we can even get any after this mess. we are sorry

convienent that you say your friends. me and about 10 other people (including all the members of A Timely Demise and Buried and Still Breathing) saw you guys with the beer too, I can't say for sure all of you, but one was most definately your drummer. So don't pass the blame, quit being bitches and just own up to it. It'll make things alot easier on you. and as far as sincerly apologizing, that seems real genuine, since I watched you cocksuckers running away laughing your asses off with the beer. and the comment your keyboardist made to the singer of Buried and Still Breathing really helps your claim it was your friends too. Let me refresh your memories. Justin - BASB "There is ABSOLUTLY no drugs and no alcohol allowed here" your keyboardist "Thats ok, we're leaving now anyway".

they will not be coming to any shows with us if we can even get any after this mess.

about that....... you're a mathematics band.... do the math.

wait...... your math seems to be a bit off...... want some algebra books and a calculator?

[Mar 25,2006 9:46pm - dumbassbassist ""]
hey, guess what....i was one of the people that saw your drummer drinking outside.

also, i thought that all this "well, it wasnt <i>ussss</i>, it was our...'friends' " stuff stopped in the fourth grade. Orange Lazarus, you guys fucked up, and you fucked up bad. How hard is it to say that? Wait...thats right, you all are a bunch of pussies who cant take responsibility for your own actions; instead, you blame it on people who were only a SMALL part of the problem. so, for future reference, i have no respect for ANYONE in that band, and i will also do EVERYTHING within my power to make sure you never play a show anywhere in NH or MA again. well, a half decent show at least.

also, incase you were going to try that whole... "well u didnt even leave your name, you are the pussy!!"...

im the bassist of a timely demise, and i promise you, once given the oppertunity, i WILL say all of this to your faces. I am only doing this over the internet for now, just to make sure that people dont get the wrong story. Josh from Burdons HAD put togeather a good show, and you guys fuckin ruined it for everyone

i appoligize to everyone who showed up just to get sent home...especially after having to listen to.....that.....
[Mar 26,2006 12:09am - orangelazarus  ""]
ok lets set one thing straight, the person who i found out was drinking in the band had one beer, mind you hes 21, our friends who showed up who are also 21 drank, i am not denying it, i know that this was stupid especially that one of them decided to leave his emptys outside the back door. i am sorry and i will see you at a show and i will tell you the same thing....i have offered my help and will continue to try and fix what i know was the cause for the shows cancellation. be it helping promote and with anything that itll take to get this benefit concert back on.
[Mar 26,2006 12:11am - orangelazarus  ""]
and as for running away i was standing in the hall until they told everyone to leave
[Mar 26,2006 12:12am - mOe nli  ""]
fuckin lame...fuck a Kenny boycott...lets have an Orange Lazarus boycott...who's fuckin down
[Mar 26,2006 12:23am - anonymous  ""]
as far as i am concerned Ryan is the only decent person in that band, i saw him helping bands unload there stuff and it is unfortunate that this had to happen, it also didnt help that there was an out of control drunk druggie steve burnes who was being obnoxious and kept calling josh dana that annoyed the shit out of me
[Mar 26,2006 12:31am - todayistheday ""]
so the show got called off because people over 21 were drinking outside the venue? i dont get it....and its funny fighting over someone having a beer
[Mar 26,2006 12:35am - mOe nli  ""]
in my opinon if the show was for a good cause and that shit should have been kept away from the venue is no alcohol was stressed as vehemently as people are saying it was...i drink as much as the next person and i agree with everyone else whos pissed about this
[Mar 26,2006 1:00am - Arthur_ATD ""]
hey man, im not fighting over someone having a beer, i'm pissed that Josh from Burdens went through all the trouble of setting this shit up, to have a last minute replacement band fuck everything up. Severyn couldn't make it down for the show, and honestly, it would have better to have just gone without the extra band. I'm also pissed that the show got shut down, and convienently enough, the assholes that got it shut down were the only "band" to play. I could give a fuck about them drinking in the parking lot, they could have been smart enough to leave the empties in their car and just toss them at the end of the show, or out on the road somewhere. I drink as much as anyone else, A Timely Demise even has a song about getting drunk.... so that's not the issue with us at all. I just never want to see or hear of Orange Lazarus again.
[Mar 26,2006 1:48am - anonymous  ""]
you all are babies hahah seriously boo to you.
[Mar 26,2006 11:38am - Paulll  ""]
[Mar 26,2006 1:55pm - craz ""]
If the hall says "absolutely no alcohol or drugs" then it doesn't mean drink and do as much drugs as humanly possible even if you are of age. This drinking/doing drug shit at halls needs to stop because before you know it metal/hardcore/death metal/grind/whatever bands wont be able to play anywhere. Smarten up whoever did do it.
[Mar 26,2006 2:02pm - sacreligion ""]
yeah...smarten up...don't get caught!
[Mar 26,2006 9:37pm - josh burdens  ""]
craz i dont know who you are, but you hit the nail on the head, completely agree with you and i'd kiss you on the mouth if we weren't seperated by firewalls. im not that pissed about all of this as much as i was then. but honestly, if everyone can just put it behind us and move on with the makeup date and have a good time, that would be the best option to me, its better than drama and war of words. fact is the show got shut down, we're in the hole, we're pissed, but i'm going to try everything in my power to pull off another show. the point of this show was to bring together some bands and have a good time with a positive message, i dont want anything negative having anything to do with it, so lets make it that way. thanks to aaron for coming and taking a picture of one band and letting me get that close to his nuts.
[Mar 26,2006 10:24pm - dumbassbassist ""]
alright, what i think of this whole thing is that Ryan, the guitarist of Orange Lazarus is the only guy with any morals in the band, he is appologizing for something he didnt do. I respect the fact that he is trying to appologize for it, but he shouldnt be the one doing it. The dumb assholes who drank should be the ones sayin they are sorry.
[Mar 26,2006 11:54pm - Adam  ""]
honestly i dont see why Ryan plays in a band with those guys he could do way better for himself, id bail on those guys and start something new, after this whole deal it will be hard for orange lazarus to get another decent show anytime soon
[Mar 27,2006 10:39am - craz ""]
josh burdens it's me Steve from Of The Betrayed. We're actually playing a show with you guys on May 13th with Screams of Erida. Should be an awesome show even if it is in the middle of nowhere.
[Mar 27,2006 12:39pm - mcmahon ""]
craz said:josh burdens it's me Steve from Of The Betrayed. We're actually playing a show with you guys on May 13th with Screams of Erida. Should be an awesome show even if it is in the middle of nowhere.

the last show that nate put on there went well. i heard they moved it into the gym for more room. here's the layout:
[Mar 27,2006 12:40pm - twig 'n' berries  ""]
hey this is the drummer, robbie, yeah people were drinking i don't how many were drinking cause i was inside most of the time rocking out to journey. actually this was my first show i played sober. when the show got cancelled i was still packing my drums up. anyone of you people could have come up and yelled at me or beaten me, and that would have been understandinable considering you're all blaming me for it. but alas, none of you did any of that. now that you have a computer in front of you, you've decided to shit talk. that's fine, go ahead. just know this, we'd do it again. cause we suck and so do you so stop being bitches and get over it. sorry to the bands who couldn't play, that sucks, but it was a show. people drink at shows. if it's not allowed people are going to do it in the parkinglot. should have stayed in their car but oh well. they're will be more shows we won't play, and everyone will still suck.

[Mar 27,2006 12:45pm - anonymous  ""]
<<keyboardist of orangelazarus, yeah friends of ours drank.. in the parking lot. people shut the show down.

i may not got to every show around the block but im pretty familiar with people having a beer or two in the parking lot. its a fucking show... i dont see baseball games getting shut down due to tailgate parties. all in all to drag our name into it is lame, but whatever i like to think of it as noteriety.

Ryan is a great guitarist and one with that talent knows what to do with it. perhaps if we did more breakdowns and chug riffs we would have had a more accepting ear. the show was in shambles to start with and it ended the way it started as a wreck.

i do apologize to any band that could play (all of them other than us) though i dont like the music youre still a band like us, struggling for shows and i know what its like to get kicked off the bill and it sucks, we drove 2 hours to get there and we would have been pissed. but i definitely wouldnt drag a bands name into the ground because of their friends. (and the one red stripe i had was put back in the paper bag i got it from)

all and all i think its a normal thing to happen at a show at a legion, i never see them lasting the whole night anyways. and besides we drank, but we werent drunk like a few people i saw there. orangelazarus didnt ruin anything. the people with authority did, nothing is wrong with a couple beers, we didnt shut down the show the legion did, i heard nothing about not being able to drink, we showed up we drank, we heard the show got shut down, we left. i personally didnt run away. if everyone thought we where the cause we where there for a good 15 mins breaking our shit down, and no one said a fucking word. i was there even longer with ryan and again... no one said shit.

our drummer wasnt drunk.. i guess he just looks like he is.

but in the end, yeah its a shitty thing to happen, but to drag a bands name into the ground is just as shitty, but really, i dont care what anyone thinks about our band anyways, otherwise would we have played a hardcore show?

sorry to all the bands that couldnt play ive been there and it sucks, blame it on neglegent drinking and not a struggling band as many of the bands that were going to play there that night are too.
[Mar 27,2006 1:18pm - mcmahon ""]
it's hard to judge the sincerity of your posts based on the need to justify yourselves for drinking at an all ages show. i wasn't there and i don't know what really happened, besides what information i gathered from phone conversations and previous posts.

maybe we should blame the learning curve of underage drinkers, or maybe the lack of common sense. either way, i'd hope orange lazarus learns something from this.
[Mar 27,2006 1:37pm - craz ""]
mcmahon said:craz said:josh burdens it's me Steve from Of The Betrayed. We're actually playing a show with you guys on May 13th with Screams of Erida. Should be an awesome show even if it is in the middle of nowhere.

the last show that nate put on there went well. i heard they moved it into the gym for more room. here's the layout:

That's not a bad setup. The lineup is pretty nasty. I hope there's a good turnout.

[Mar 27,2006 1:55pm - mcmahon ""]
i started a thread for shredfest 2006 http://www.returntothepit.com/view.php?formid=27942
[Mar 27,2006 2:45pm - thewrldcanwait ""]
twig ā€˜nā€˜ berries said:hey this is the drummer, robbie, yeah people were drinking i don't how many were drinking cause i was inside most of the time rocking out to journey. actually this was my first show i played sober. when the show got cancelled i was still packing my drums up. anyone of you people could have come up and yelled at me or beaten me, and that would have been understandinable considering you're all blaming me for it. but alas, none of you did any of that. now that you have a computer in front of you, you've decided to shit talk. that's fine, go ahead. just know this, we'd do it again. cause we suck and so do you so stop being bitches and get over it. sorry to the bands who couldn't play, that sucks, but it was a show. people drink at shows. if it's not allowed people are going to do it in the parkinglot. should have stayed in their car but oh well. they're will be more shows we won't play, and everyone will still suck.


You obviously don't Fucking get it, shithead. This was an all ages show, and the rules were no drinking. It's been like that, and people know that. If you didn't that's fine, but don't start acting like you were in the right here. PEOPLE DON'T DRINK AT ALL AGES SHOWS, so shut the hell up. I drink as much as anyone else on this board and I don't: 1) Drink in the parking lot of venues that don't allow drinking. 2) Leave my empty bottles all over the parking lot of a venue that doesn't allow drinking. 3) Act like I did nothing wrong when a show gets shut down because I blatantly and obviously broke a rule...

There was someone else on here who mentioned that this happens all the time and shows at the legion always get shut down, which is also bullshit. I heard the Reverend himself say, when I talked to at this show, He's never seen shows shut down for drinking, only for fighting. So STFU.

Either way I wouldn't worry about it you guys. Because the way you handled this is not getting you any more shows around here, and I would say all this shit to your face...I want you to know that. I'm not a bitch who talks big behind a computer and shuts his mouth in front of your face. Just give me the opportunity.
[Mar 27,2006 3:03pm - craz ""]
Actually it was me who said

"If the hall says "absolutely no alcohol or drugs" then it doesn't mean drink and do as much drugs as humanly possible even if you are of age. This drinking/doing drug shit at halls needs to stop because before you know it metal/hardcore/death metal/grind/whatever bands wont be able to play anywhere. Smarten up whoever did do it."

There was a show like 2 weeks ago that was shut down for under age drinking and I just don't want to see this happening more and more. These places allow these kids to have shows, they can easily say "no" but they allow them and some people take advantage of that. Like I said if this keeps happening then the hall owners will start to smarten up and wont allow any shows to happen. Then where will we play?
[Mar 27,2006 3:04pm - josh burdens  ""]
if i may say in reply to the guys of orange lazarus saying things like "so what we had one beer", that's fine with me. i'm the one who booked the show, i have spoken to you're guitarist several times before and after the show. here is what you and your friends did wrong, and your drummer in fact admitted to it and did not even realize it. you drank in public at all ages show, at an american legion. what is wrong with that you ask? drinking in a public place is illegal, the american legions liquor license is then compromised because it was on their property and they are then held liable, and it was an all ages show, drinking was the first thing they worned me about when we put it on. so, in reply to what you guys had said, it was in fact a horrible idea. it's unfortunate that everyone layed the blame on your band in particular, but what you in fact did, was and is illegal, thus prompting the american legion to tell us the show had to be shut down immediately, after empty beer bottles were found by the steps and the police had reported it. why did they and everyone else make a big deal about it? because two weeks ago an american legion in mass had 35 kids arrested due to underage drinking on the property with no one fessing up to it, deeming and hardcore/diy shows unsafe and untrustable. that is exactly why i am personally dissapointed in all of this. i wont hide behind a computer, i'll be glad to talk to you guys in person, and your guitarist has already volunteered to help me with the next show, thus i would ask him to meet with myself and the rest of the skatepark committee here in the town a few weeks before the show. i'm not going to argue with you guys about this, but i hope you can realize that what you didn't wasn't the most responsible things to do. i could have cared less if you needed to have a drink, but for christs sake sit in your car and dont leave the empty bottles right on the steps.
[Mar 27,2006 3:05pm - josh burdens  ""]
and i spelled warned wrong... fuck. that makes that whole post pointless.
[Mar 27,2006 3:11pm - craz ""]
You could've just edited it you know.
[Mar 27,2006 3:33pm - mcmahon ""]
craz said:You could've just edited it you know.

i think he needs to be logged in to edit.
[Mar 27,2006 3:37pm - craz ""]
Yeah maybe.
[Mar 27,2006 5:24pm - anonymous  ""]
anonymous said:
all and all i think its a normal thing to happen at a show at a legion, i never see them lasting the whole night anyways.

Actually, craz I totally agree with you. This was the guy I was talking about.

[Mar 27,2006 6:08pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:<<keyboardist of orangelazarus, yeah friends of ours drank.. in the parking lot. people shut the show down.

i may not got to every show around the block but im pretty familiar with people having a beer or two in the parking lot. its a fucking show... i dont see baseball games getting shut down due to tailgate parties. all in all to drag our name into it is lame, but whatever i like to think of it as noteriety.

Ryan is a great guitarist and one with that talent knows what to do with it. perhaps if we did more breakdowns and chug riffs we would have had a more accepting ear. the show was in shambles to start with and it ended the way it started as a wreck.

i do apologize to any band that could play (all of them other than us) though i dont like the music youre still a band like us, struggling for shows and i know what its like to get kicked off the bill and it sucks, we drove 2 hours to get there and we would have been pissed. but i definitely wouldnt drag a bands name into the ground because of their friends. (and the one red stripe i had was put back in the paper bag i got it from)

all and all i think its a normal thing to happen at a show at a legion, i never see them lasting the whole night anyways. and besides we drank, but we werent drunk like a few people i saw there. orangelazarus didnt ruin anything. the people with authority did, nothing is wrong with a couple beers, we didnt shut down the show the legion did, i heard nothing about not being able to drink, we showed up we drank, we heard the show got shut down, we left. i personally didnt run away. if everyone thought we where the cause we where there for a good 15 mins breaking our shit down, and no one said a fucking word. i was there even longer with ryan and again... no one said shit.

our drummer wasnt drunk.. i guess he just looks like he is.

but in the end, yeah its a shitty thing to happen, but to drag a bands name into the ground is just as shitty, but really, i dont care what anyone thinks about our band anyways, otherwise would we have played a hardcore show?

sorry to all the bands that couldnt play ive been there and it sucks, blame it on neglegent drinking and not a struggling band as many of the bands that were going to play there that night are too.

your a fucking idiot
[Mar 27,2006 7:37pm - Arthur_ATD ""]
twig ‘n‘ berries said:when the show got cancelled i was still packing my drums up. anyone of you people could have come up and yelled at me or beaten me, and that would have been understandinable considering you're all blaming me for it. but alas, none of you did any of that. now that you have a computer in front of you, you've decided to shit talk. that's fine, go ahead. just know this, we'd do it again.

two things to say about that.

1. i would have said something to your face about it, but I was busy packing up my bands shit and moving a few bands to a different place to still at least play. So I'll just hafta make it a point to say something if I do see you again. Notice I'm not threatening you, I'm not talking shit, so stop feeling tough.

2. You admitted to it by saying you'd do it again, which means you didn't learn. Mostly i just want for one of you to at least admit you were wrong. And since you admitted to it anyway, that's why you can forget about shows with several of these bands.

[Mar 27,2006 8:05pm - dumbassbassist ""]
twig ā€˜nā€˜ berries said:hey this is the drummer, robbie, yeah people were drinking i don't how many were drinking cause i was inside most of the time rocking out to journey. actually this was my first show i played sober.

when the show got cancelled i was still packing my drums up. anyone of you people could have come up and yelled at me or beaten me, and that would have been understandinable considering you're all blaming me for it. but alas, none of you did any of that. now that you have a computer in front of you, you've decided to shit talk. that's fine, go ahead. just know this, we'd do it again.

sorry to the bands who couldn't play, that sucks


ok, i took the liberty of seperating what you said into three sections, to outline what you said and so i may respond to each "point"

first off, about you not drinking: BULLSHIT

i personally saw you outside the band room door drinking. Im in now way saying you were drunk, but i am saying that you were drinking too, so stop fucking lying about it. Grow up and take responsibility for your actions. Also, stop acting like it wasnt your fault.

second: i mentioned in one of my previous posts that i WOULD say all of this to your face. Believe me, i deffinately would have loved to do it then, but i, along with many others, was too busy trying to fix the mess that you assholes made. So, about the computer in front of me? I already told you who i am, and if i ever see you again, i do plan on saying the same things

third: where the fuck do you get off on saying that you are sorry about this whole things when (i quote) "we'll do it again"

ya, really sorry

also, about the "music" aspect, i will listen to ANYTHING for music. yes, stuff that doesnt have break-downs and "chug-a-lug" parts included

but you guys sound like what 4 retards who just smoked a ton of crack and tried playing instruments would sound like

that aint music in my eyes, not even "grind"
[Mar 27,2006 8:25pm - orangelazarus  ""]
4 retards who smoked crack and tried to play there instruments....that sounds sick...
[Mar 28,2006 12:04am - anonymous  ""]
hahahahahah.... that's silly... all of it... a hardcore band questioning my musical integrity... love billy on bass.... straight edge.... believe me or not..
[Mar 28,2006 12:26am - sacreligion ""]
this is gayer than:

[Mar 28,2006 1:43am - GutturalZombie ""]
yeah i am the new guitarist of never say never my name is justin regis in fact my friend showed me orangelazarus a long time ago and i liked it cause i also like the locust and they sound similar but to go as far as saying a band like OL has no talent is wrong any many ways cause thats like saying your better then them ,yes they did drink at a show that they shouldnt ,and yes they didnt learn from it they might be trying to be "bad ass" but you cant stop what already happend and i was pissed about the whole thing but we cant go back and change it so im not the one to sit here and talk shit..some of this shit you all said is very true but im not one to hold a grudge
[Mar 28,2006 2:10am - GutturalZombie ""]
haha after further review of what i just said and reading some of the shit up there i am taking back some of the stuff i said cause some of OL said all the other bands sucked so i guess in a way it is alright to take offence to it and say it back and for saying they would do it again is pretty bad but again im not one to talk shit so im gonna leave it at that
[Mar 28,2006 2:14am - GutturalZombie ""]
haha first glance at that picture i thought that was dave hasselhof or however the fuck you spell his last name i was gonna say i knew he was gay but this?
[Mar 28,2006 2:24am - partyasteroid ""]
what is it with all these fruit baskets overbooking shows and calling them fests. you can't have a fucking fest every other weekend retards.

why dont you just go rollerblade instead.
[Mar 28,2006 2:58pm - thewrldcanwait ""]
Maybe my bassist went off the hinge a little bit by saying your band sucked. I know it takes talent to play the kinda stuff OL plays, but I seriously couldn't hear anything but the keyboards. So it did sound outta control. And just to point out, we may question your musical integrity, but you would not be able to play in a "hardcore" band like ours, even if you wanted to. You've got way to much of a pussy attitude for that.

And sure, there seems to be a trend of overbooking shows and calling them fests, but that's only so people can ensure they get the money back that they put into renting the hall. At least we're trying to help the scene out and put on shows, as overbooked and long as they may be.
[Mar 28,2006 5:25pm - anonymous  ""]
I'm sure I know who was responsible for this. There doesn't seem to ba a shortage of crappy japanimation looking, poorly tattooed emo clowns that think they can push buttons on a keyboard and be rock stars out there.
[Mar 28,2006 5:42pm - sacreligion ""]
thewrldcanwait said:I know it takes talent to play the kinda stuff OL plays

ugh...something tells me they're some crappy every time i die knock-off...playing incoherent music actually takes no talent at all

[Mar 28,2006 8:42pm - thewrldcanwait ""]
Nope, not even close to everytime i die. They're progressive/grind/thrash...Says they're myspace. It's wierd.
Check Em Out, Here
[Mar 29,2006 9:43am - craz ""]
Can someone enlighten me on what exactly Powerpop is? Maybe an example of some bands that are because to me pop & grindcore shouldn't mix unless I hear a decent example.
[Mar 29,2006 10:25am - the_reverend ""]
some no one any said it in this thread...
[Mar 29,2006 1:30pm - keyboardist of OL  ""]
"I'm sure I know who was responsible for this. There doesn't seem to ba a shortage of crappy japanimation looking, poorly tattooed emo clowns that think they can push buttons on a keyboard and be rock stars out there. "

was this directed to me? i didnt realise i was emo nor a rockstar.. but yeah i love my bad tattoos
[Mar 29,2006 3:31pm - anonymous  ""]
that wasn't directed to you, you just suck!
[Mar 29,2006 4:25pm - anonymous  ""]
thewrldcanwait said:Nope, not even close to everytime i die. They're progressive/grind/thrash...Says they're myspace. It's wierd.
Check Em Out, Here

they seem to use that envelope effect alittle too much.
[Mar 29,2006 5:19pm - anonymous  ""]
heres an idea if you want to drink at a show like this....
in between the bands go out of the hall and down into the bar where you can drink and not ruin the enjoyment of others by drinking up at the show... but don't get trashed.
[Mar 29,2006 5:31pm - sacreligion ""]
that was officially some of the worst music i've ever heard

but then again that's just my opinion
[Mar 29,2006 5:33pm - captainahab  ""]
that's not an envelope filter it's just a badly programed patch
[Mar 29,2006 5:35pm - sacreligion ""]
or just crap
[Mar 29,2006 6:40pm - thewrldcanwait ""]
Mmm, who knows...all I remember from OL's set was the extremely overpowering keyboard.
[Mar 29,2006 9:58pm - Billy on Bass of OL  ""]
hahaha, yeah, I insult hardcore, cus I don't like it... whatever, ya know no big deal, I just don't like people trying to judge us on that performance... I mean, I couldn't her myself from 3 feet away.... there was just almost no sound system there, and only enough cords for our keyboardist... if you go to our myspace, and don't like our music there... ok, then you don't like our music, big deal... and as far as "us" drinking goes... I don't like people saying broadly that "we" did whatever.... I did not drink... ok, I never have... end of that, and I'd rather hear someone say something like they seem to use that emvelop effect a little too much, than someone saying we're mathy.. and something about getting us a calculator... see the difference in that? and as far as us saying, it's cool, we're leaving anyway... we didn't mean we didn't care if it got shut down, it was like.... it's cool, the people who drank were leaving anyway, that being the keyboardist, and a few friends of ours... and I must say... that's the first time I've EVER heard that we sound like ETID.... wow.... I mean, I usualy go with orthrelm with a keyboard, and bass.... or locust with a shorter attention span...

Love always,
Billy Wallace
[Mar 30,2006 12:26am - ive never posted here before  ""]
You are all retarded, and I am embarassed that I once lived in the town next to this show.
[Mar 30,2006 12:59am - dwellingsickness ""]
ive never posted here before said:You are all retarded, and I am embarassed that I once lived in the town next to this show.

[Mar 30,2006 2:37am - orangelazarus  ""]
umm about us using an envelope filter too much...the filter is what makes the sound on a synth, so your pretty much saying you use your strings to much when you play your guitar....and i dont know exactly what a poorly programed patch is...but anyway just thought id clarify on that whole envelope thing.
[Mar 30,2006 2:38am - sacreligion ""]
Billy on Bass of OL said:that's the first time I've EVER heard that we sound like ETID.... wow.... I mean, I usualy go with orthrelm with a keyboard, and bass.... or locust with a shorter attention span...

i said that as a joke without even knowing what you sounded like

but i still think your music sucks

[Mar 31,2006 9:53am - contortion  ""]
saying a band like ol uses that patch to much is like saying hardcore uses open palm mutes too much. it's part of there sound deal with it. if a hardcore band can play an open palm mute for every fucking breakdown there is nothing wrong with using a simalar patch.
[Mar 31,2006 11:05am - cav ""]
you guys should argue about this until the end of the world.
[Mar 31,2006 11:31am - ive never posted here before  ""]
I can sum up this entire forum with 3 words. I LOVE MEN
[Mar 31,2006 1:00pm - SteveOTB ""]
ive never posted here before said:I can sum up this entire forum with 3 words. I LOVE MEN

But what if there are women on this thread which kindof defeats the whole purpose. Next time say "I can sum up this entire forum in 5 words "I love the same sex"". But I do agree, this show was last weekend; they fucked up simple as that now it's time to move on.
[Mar 31,2006 3:41pm - keyboardist of OL  ""]
i love men and getting shows shut down. fuck rttp
[Apr 1,2006 12:07am - arthur_ATD NLI  ""]
I'd rather hear someone say something like they seem to use that emvelop effect a little too much, than someone saying we're mathy.. and something about getting us a calculator... see the difference in that?

the mathematics thing came from your keyboardist over the summer a show you played with buried and still breathing and never say never. i asked what the fuck that was, and the keyboardists answer was "That was Mathematics"
[Apr 1,2006 12:11am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]

just whoa
[Apr 1,2006 1:47pm - sacreligion ""]
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...whoa........lois this is not my batman glass

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