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3 metal bands needed ASAP for Oct 4th Box of Knives show. pref death/black/thrash/grind

[Sep 11,2003 11:10pm - xeatadickx ""]
hey, if youre interested in playing, just email me at: straightedgetom@earthlink.net or IM me at: xXxSwornOathxXx

ill fill you in on all the details once we get in touch. so far, ascendancy(death) and cryptic warning (thrash) are booked. if interested, get in touch asap, thanks everyone.

[Sep 12,2003 3:38pm - joe/notcommon ""]
hi there

disengaged might be interested in playing. their singer is going to check with the rest of them, i just wanted to make sure you didn't hate them or anything first before they officially asked to play.

[Sep 12,2003 3:49pm - RustedAngel ""]
don't book them unless you don't want people to go.
[Sep 12,2003 6:37pm - Embludgerals  ""]
embludgeonment will play
[Sep 12,2003 7:21pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
hahahha tom. Such a true statement
[Sep 12,2003 8:38pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Sep 12,2003 8:40pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
book shroud of bereavement please
[Sep 13,2003 1:39am - NolinLifeAtZero ""]
How about LifeAtZero??

Brutal death from NH:satancross:
[Sep 13,2003 7:14am - joe/notcommon ""]
well it depends if you want your show filled with 3 fags, or 20+ kids who can have fun without trying way too hard to be tough, even though they have humungous man tits that flop around when they jiggle their fat bodies while wearing sweat pants to cheesy metalcore crap
[Sep 13,2003 1:47pm - dysenteryvokills  ""]
sounds like someone is trying to talk like a wanna-be "relapse" true metal head..pfffffffft!!!.
[Sep 13,2003 9:10pm - El Negro Machete  ""]
El Negro Machete's down Ejo de Puta hehe 3 peice from Holyoke,still looking for singer but we can play out with a temp. one for now mostly death and grind other stuff as well though.....if you still need bands let me know Marvin413@hotmail.com:duffbeer:
[Sep 14,2003 3:22am - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
Or you can bring in pussies like joe notcommon who runs a gay label and also runs away from fights. You and beakey ran away hahahahhaha. joe you talk about me being fat, look in the mirror buddy. Youve got quite a beer gut going on there, or maybe its just like that because beakeys loads are too big for your hairy gut to handle. Keep running from fights you pussy.
[Sep 14,2003 10:38am - joe/notcommon ""]
why don't you stop trying to threaten me in a thread that has nothing to do with your tits or your gay band?
lets fight if that is what you wanted, even though last time you pussed out and spent weeks backing out before that RAOV cd release show, and even went so far as to even want to 'talk things out' with me as if we were dating.
i hope you really think you can beat me because i plan to stab you
[Sep 14,2003 12:36pm - jesus ""]
jesus christ, will the both of you fucking babies shut up already

you were both at a show in cambridge, and neither of you stood up to the other to fight. so just fucking drop it, its getting old.

just have sex and get it over with
[Sep 14,2003 12:40pm - the_reverend ""]
I second that.
web-cast it and make some money off it.
[Sep 14,2003 12:41pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
Jake not true!!!
[Sep 14,2003 12:48pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
Actually joe not true, that venue I couldnt even get into anyways, but thats besides the point . You didnt do shit at that show in cambridge and jake even you saw that joe left the place when we were waiting out side for quite a while. Personally I think this whole thing should be dropped. But he wont fucking drop it he'll keep saying shit about me. If he says shit about me ill say shit about him. I tried to drop it with him months ago, but he'll contine with this message board crap. The intelligent thing would be to just talk about it and get it settled, but his brain cant handle it. The only thing that he can produce is something about him wanting to be my boyfriend for trying to get things settled. Ok so you plan to stab me now? .LOL stab me over a messae board fight. I can see the headlines now " 24 year old message board guru stabs 17 year old at metal concert" Joe how old are you??? please grow the fuck up
[Sep 14,2003 12:59pm - dirtykittie ""]
Joe's 22!
[Sep 14,2003 1:01pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
lol ok 22 year old message board guru then
[Sep 14,2003 4:32pm - the_reverend ""]
all I have to say about this fight is
[Sep 14,2003 7:23pm - joe/notcommon ""]
dirtykittie said:Joe's 22!

who are you?
[Sep 14,2003 7:32pm - dirtykittie ""]
Someone you know!
[Sep 14,2003 7:46pm - Dorchesta Ed  ""]
Once again Paul"bitch tits" is a tough guy behind the computer screen, enough talk I am going to smash your face in when I see ya tough guy. If you are that tough why dont you come to my disengaged show,since you like to talk about us so much! I will be the asshole playing bass gutiar with the NRA t-shirt on...Of course you wont show up so that means I will see ya at one of your "Shading the end shows" thats if you tough guys can even get booked on a show here in boston...
[Sep 14,2003 7:53pm - joe/notcommon ""]
out of my hands now....
nice knowing you paul
[Sep 14,2003 7:57pm - dirtykittie ""]
Did you figure it out yet?
[Sep 14,2003 7:58pm - joe/notcommon ""]
i have no idea who you are!!??
[Sep 14,2003 8:08pm - penisnipple  ""]
that kid is crazy! I feel bad for you paul...faggot
[Sep 14,2003 8:13pm - dirtykittie ""]
It doesn't matter.
[Sep 14,2003 9:57pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
listen im not driving up to RI to see bands I dont like. I dont even know who the bassist who wears an NRA shirt is, or why he wants to beat my ass. Its probably because im "Gay and fat" or something. GROW UP play music have fun.
[Sep 15,2003 12:50am - Terence ""]
I heard that guy has people buried in his backyard
[Sep 15,2003 1:02am - phantos ""]
[Sep 15,2003 1:10am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Now that's cute.
[Sep 15,2003 11:05am - Mike_STE ""]
Dorchesta Ed said:Once again Paul"bitch tits" is a tough guy behind the computer screen, enough talk I am going to smash your face in when I see ya tough guy. If you are that tough why dont you come to my disengaged show,since you like to talk about us so much! I will be the asshole playing bass gutiar with the NRA t-shirt on...Of course you wont show up so that means I will see ya at one of your "Shading the end shows" thats if you tough guys can even get booked on a show here in boston...

Why is this nonsense still going on? Paul, Joe, and whoever else, just needs to fucking drop this shit. You all don't like each other, wow we've already established this fact, so let it go. I personally do not want to get involved with this drama, but Paul, you should just walk away from this situation. It's pointless to keep perpetuating this internet fight with these guys. Also... I wasn't aware the band I was in were "tough guys", we aren't Shattered Realm. I won't be surprised if someone tries talking shit about me over this post, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it. Paul, just put an end to this, today. We don't need negative attention being brought upon our band over guys who just don't, and will not ever like you. I don't condone the shit they say about you, but it's time for both sides to put childish things away.
[Sep 15,2003 4:00pm - Terence ""]
ok back to what the thread was about, whats the lineup now?
[Sep 15,2003 5:53pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
[Sep 15,2003 10:53pm - Terence ""]
I'll try again. whats the lineup?
[Sep 16,2003 9:06am - xeatadickx ""]
hey kids? do you like violence? wanna see me stick nine inch nails through each one of my eyelids?

no? oh. ok.

yeah, the lineup thus far is ascendancy, dysentery, cryptic warning, and embludgeonment. ill know by wednesday if the mighty and newly reformed GORATORY can play, they said its 99% yes. but we'll see. so no worry kids, everythings under control, the shows still on and such.
[Mar 12,2004 7:07am - anonymous  ""]
[Mar 12,2004 7:33am - Assuck ""]
i cant believe you brought this fuckin thread back for no goddamn reason.
[Mar 12,2004 10:40pm - Terence ""]
Wow thats funny. This was the best show we've ever played. ahhhhh the memories.

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