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Oh man I should've known better than to pick up Decibel Magazine

[Mar 22,2006 2:59pm - litacore ""]
Chrissakes. OK, I've nothing (much) against J. Bennet (he seems to know Wrest hates his gvts--now I can see why). Part of what rules about being a rock writer is that you get paid to be opinionated. But come from an even MILDLY RETARDED basis of knowledge, guy!

He gave the new Venom 4 out 10. This guy just lost Infinity Princess Points. Fuckin' white Trivium belt. GRRRRRRRRRRRR!

[Mar 22,2006 3:02pm - the_reverend ""]
weird, I've been happy with the mag over all.
some cheese, but better than most of the riffraff.
[Mar 22,2006 3:05pm - litacore ""]
oh, it's designed beautifully, and although its crap to actual metal ratio is better than Revolver, it is much worse than Metal Maniacs.

maybe I just wanted to annoy myself.
[Mar 22,2006 3:10pm - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
The current issue of Decibel magazine is KILLER.Its got Morbid Angel,Deicide,and Cannibal Corpse in it.Whats not to like about those 3 bands?
[Mar 22,2006 3:13pm - litacore ""]
no, this is the newer one, for Chrissakes. Lacuna Coil is on the cover (which should've warned me what to expect)

I read the Deicide interview in the store so I wouldn't have to buy the damn thing, but this newer one has a big NSBM article which would've taken too long. I'm a slow reader.
[Mar 22,2006 3:36pm - BornSoVile ""]
litacore said:
I read the Deicide interview in the store so I wouldn't have to buy the damn thing, but this newer one has a big NSBM article which would've taken too long. I'm a slow reader.

I peered through that issue the other day...I really hate Trivium, that whole section where they play them bands, ugh. I didn't make through the NSBM article, I saw Richard from Vinland Winds was quoted throughout it though.
I think the reviews are somewhat interesting, only because they're the only mag that constantly slams bands in reviews, unlike so many other mags that have nothing but nice things to say.
I saw Ocean had a big feature in Terrorizer though!
[Mar 22,2006 3:42pm - succubus ""]
larissa, write a letter to the editor and then tell him to use more photos by aaron =)
[Mar 22,2006 4:22pm - jrb2971 ""]
Just making sure everyone knows J. Bennet isn't the same as J. Bennett (me). Phew!! I think that's Jeff Bennet (no relation).
[Mar 22,2006 5:49pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
You both suck.
[Mar 22,2006 6:00pm - RobinG  ""]
you 3 suck.
[Mar 22,2006 6:36pm - infoterror ""]
litacore said:oh, it's designed beautifully, and although its crap to actual metal ratio is better than Revolver, it is much worse than Metal Maniacs.

I can't imagine reading anything WORSE than Meal Maniacs.

[Mar 23,2006 11:24am - wade nli  ""]
litacore said:oh, it's designed beautifully, and although its crap to actual metal ratio is better than Revolver, it is much worse than Metal Maniacs.

haha, FUCK yes! we thank you.

[Mar 23,2006 11:24am - wade nli  ""]
infoterror said:litacore said:oh, it's designed beautifully, and although its crap to actual metal ratio is better than Revolver, it is much worse than Metal Maniacs.

I can't imagine reading anything WORSE than Meal Maniacs.

where can I find this Meal Maniacs?

[Mar 23,2006 11:26am - wade nli  ""]
BornSoVile said:litacore said:
I read the Deicide interview in the store so I wouldn't have to buy the damn thing, but this newer one has a big NSBM article which would've taken too long. I'm a slow reader.

I peered through that issue the other day...I really hate Trivium, that whole section where they play them bands, ugh. I didn't make through the NSBM article, I saw Richard from Vinland Winds was quoted throughout it though.
I think the reviews are somewhat interesting, only because they're the only mag that constantly slams bands in reviews, unlike so many other mags that have nothing but nice things to say.
I saw Ocean had a big feature in Terrorizer though!

i disagree with this. you see a ton of 7-9s in decibel, a lot of 8s.

[Mar 23,2006 11:36am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
just because he gave his opinion doesnt mean you should be pissed off at him.
[Mar 23,2006 11:41am - DreamingInExile ""]
BornSoVile said:I saw Ocean had a big feature in Terrorizer though!

yeah, that's kick ass for them :newhorns:
[Mar 23,2006 12:39pm - wade nli  ""]
slowlypeelingtheflesh said:just because he gave his opinion doesnt mean you should be pissed off at him.

if you're typing at me, I'm nowhere near pissed off. pretty relaxed to tell you the truth.

[Mar 23,2006 12:39pm - wade nli  ""]
but you're probably referring to J Bennett?
[Mar 23,2006 12:41pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
wade nli said:slowlypeelingtheflesh said:just because he gave his opinion doesnt mean you should be pissed off at him.

if you're typing at me, I'm nowhere near pissed off. pretty relaxed to tell you the truth.

nope, i was typing at the first poster. so dont worry. heh.
[Mar 23,2006 12:43pm - wade nli  ""]
yeah, I gathered that as soon as i hit Qik [sic] Reply...hah.
[Mar 23,2006 1:30pm - the_reverend ""]
succubus said:larissa, write a letter to the editor and then tell him to use more photos by aaron =)

I whole heartily agree with this statement.
the first few decibels had lots more live pictures. the newer issues have all the same pictures that unrestrained! and other magazines have.
[Mar 23,2006 1:52pm - jrb2971nli  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:You both suck.

Mr. Tourette - atleast we don't go as far as you and swallow. I heard you like the taste of man seed. And I almost forgot about JD, he just keeps opening babbling out the side of his mouth ignorant shit. Never failing fudge. "Hi my name is Dwyer, and I'm and idiot" - Where do you want your name badge sent to?

Larissa, ya, Resound doesn't really seem like the best of zines. I almost turned down their latest request for ads. (I put a small 1/4 b&w ad in exchange for cds.. hrmmm maybe I can give them some of dwyer's useless cds he tries to pawn off to me at shows).

[Mar 23,2006 1:54pm - jrb2971nli  ""]
NLI - I can't go back and fix some errors.. it's open for Pathetic Prodmeister to take a swing at (damn, don't we all wish we perfuct like him heh)
[Mar 23,2006 2:35pm - the_reverend ""]
awesome, it's so cool that someone's email address might be located on this link
[Mar 23,2006 3:50pm - infoterror ""]
wade nli said:where can I find this Meal Maniacs?

[Mar 23,2006 6:44pm - wade nli  ""]
you should jerk off a lot more.
[Mar 23,2006 7:07pm - the_reverend ""]
more? that idicates that he ever stops.
which he doesn't.
he keeps beating even when he's whipping a limp noodle
[Mar 23,2006 7:21pm - wade nli  ""]
well, killing infoterror sperm is a good argument for that.
[Mar 23,2006 7:21pm - wade nli  ""]
well, killing infoterror sperm is a good argument for that.
[Mar 23,2006 8:57pm - echo  ""]

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