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Show: The Cult tonight!~

[Mar 22,2006 4:11pm - succubus ""]
not a metal band but i used to love them..i was supposed to shoot the show and then late last night got an email telling me that it was a "fans only" show and there were no passes being given out, but if i still wanted to go, they'd give me a ticket...
i don't want to go if i can't shoot it..anyhow an hour or so ago i get a call from the paper asking if i want to shoot the show...I tell her what was told to me...and that i don't want to go there and find out there isn't a pass for me

anyhow...anyone on here planning on going?
[Mar 22,2006 4:15pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I heard the Cult canceled so they could go to Heavy Metal Breakdown #11.

Just what I heard....
[Mar 22,2006 4:50pm - dwellingsickness ""]
you should go anyway...just because you are not shooting it, is a stupid reason not to go, course that is only my opinion
[Mar 22,2006 4:58pm - succubus ""]
ok well i am going..i jsut got a call from the paper and then the publicist that emailed me last night, emailed me again telling me that the manager approved me to shoot it. I guess it's being recorded too for a CD or something...

[Mar 22,2006 6:03pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
I be at this if I wasn't afraid to drive my car over the border right now...
[Mar 22,2006 7:15pm - succubus ""]
Where do you live? If u were on my way I would have picked you up. I just got here....show starts at 9...not only do I have tix, photo pass..but I have an after show too...funny
[Mar 22,2006 7:39pm - succubus ""]
And aaron...I love the new bag you got me..it's a lot more cushioned all over...so much more padded..wow!
[Mar 22,2006 7:45pm - succubus ""]
Heh..there's a guy talking about seeing z z top at the centrum and joan jett opened up...I'm wondering how old people here are...late 20's early 30's I'm guessing...
[Mar 22,2006 8:08pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
I'm not on the way anyways..RI
[Mar 22,2006 9:16pm - succubus ""]
Oh ok...well..it still hasn't started..I've been alone in the photo pit sincew I don't know when...friendly people excited to see the band..man I'm sleepy.....I wish I hadn't gotten up at 3...ugh
[Mar 22,2006 9:18pm - succubus ""]
At least they are playing god music ... One of my all time favorite bands...joy division...woooo..also nin and now muse (the band that gave me my photo break into the business)
[Mar 22,2006 9:25pm - succubus ""]
Not sure but the drum tech has been working on the drums since...4ever...and he looks like lemmy..people are yelling out lemmy and chanting motorhead..it's quite funny...though there's a little smoke that's been in the air since I walked in...yep...incense..which I like..but now I'm dying
[Mar 22,2006 9:26pm - succubus ""]
More joy division playing...
[Mar 22,2006 10:55pm - succubus ""]
Wow...ian rules...I think they need to turn up his vocals a bit
[Mar 23,2006 7:35am - succubus ""]
my pics will be up tonight...i did send some of my faves to the paper they should be posted online sometime today and then in this week's issue
[Mar 23,2006 3:44pm - pam nli  ""]
I wanted to go to this SO bad :( I effing love the cult.
[Mar 24,2006 7:30am - succubus ""]
took a ton of photos, here's a link to them all:

some samples
what a ham! heh
[Mar 24,2006 8:34am - the_reverend ""]
there are some much better samples of the guitarist in there. I'm shocked at how good the lighting in that place is sometimes. the one time I went there, I don't think the lighting was that good:
see, all back lit.

also, the skin tones are very nice. they must have had white lights on them.
[Mar 24,2006 8:39am - succubus ""]
i shot the same show you just posted your photos from..lighting was cool at the sp show...i posted photos that were better lit but the light was changing a lot...and i kept on changing my settings..there are darker photos if you look through them..the lights were all colors and they were back lit as well but i tried moving around and zooming in
don't assume nice shot=good light...you have to "work" at it, though sometimes it's easier than others. remember 95% of what i do is no flash so i'm more used to it and have gotten better at it with experience. (like you're better than i am with a flash)
[Mar 24,2006 10:14am - succubus ""]
[Mar 24,2006 3:47pm - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 24,2006 5:01pm - pam nli  ""]
succubus said:took a ton of photos, here's a link to them all:

some samples

Mike Muir, is that you?

I'm still pissed off I missed this.

[Mar 24,2006 7:51pm - succubus ""]

he sounded awesome though...i was hoping he would have sang a doors cover...
[Mar 25,2006 6:00pm - succubus ""]
i would have figured someone on here went too
[Mar 25,2006 10:16pm - succubus ""]
[Mar 28,2006 11:11am - succubus ""]
[Mar 29,2006 2:44pm - succubus ""]

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