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so a show is a show...right???....

[Mar 23,2006 12:31am - cav ""]
so i need some advice here...we got asked to play a high school battle of the bands. anyone can go...and theres a 150 prize for winning. theres like 3-4 other "metal" bands playing. cool. the only catch is that its at a catholic school in warren, and its guaranteed to be the worst show ever, in a high school auditorium, with nothing but 16 year old boyband/atreyu fans...not sure if im down... would you do it???
[Mar 23,2006 12:36am - brian_dc ""]
figure out when it is...if we all have nothing better to do, why not?
[Mar 23,2006 12:38am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I'd do it. Go for it man, make the best of it.
[Mar 23,2006 12:49am - brian_dc ""]
Kiss-Alive was wildly overdubbed...even the fan noise was layered. thank you vh1
[Mar 23,2006 1:05am - PatMeebles ""]
School them. SCHOOL THEM ALL!!
[Mar 23,2006 1:12am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
brian_dc said:Kiss-Alive was wildly overdubbed...even the fan noise was layered. thank you vh1

dood, i do believe you're so in the wrong thread
[Mar 23,2006 1:42am - Cecchini ""]
battle of the bands are a waste of time in my opinion, and thats from playing a few after high school haha.
[Mar 23,2006 1:44am - diamond_dave ""]
do it. shred the past won a battle of the bands at J&W (the other bands were emo-pop and a dave matthews clone) and made t-shirts with the prize money.
[Mar 23,2006 1:46am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
dave, go on IM.
[Mar 23,2006 9:09am - craz ""]
Take what you can get man. I remember we played this asian festival in Lowell, MA before because we have 2 asians in the band. It was asian traditional music all day and when we got on playing death metal/hardcore type stuff the guy was trying to tell us to stop the whole time. They cut us off like three times to do a stupid ceremony in between and we have this pause in one of our songs so the guy came out as fast as possible and said "Betrayed Band everyone" when the name of our band is called "Of The Betrayed". The crowd reaction was surprisingly well; the crowd actually wanted us to keep playing. Unfortunately there was a stabbing during our set. Someone was stabbed with a screw driver. And somehow they asked if we could play it again this year. So you never know until you try really.
[Mar 23,2006 9:12am - dftg nli  ""]
craz said:Take what you can get man. I remember we played this asian festival in Lowell, MA before because we have 2 asians in the band. It was asian traditional music all day and when we got on playing death metal/hardcore type stuff the guy was trying to tell us to stop the whole time. They cut us off like three times to do a stupid ceremony in between and we have this pause in one of our songs so the guy came out as fast as possible and said "Betrayed Band everyone" when the name of our band is called "Of The Betrayed". The crowd reaction was surprisingly well; the crowd actually wanted us to keep playing. Unfortunately there was a stabbing during our set. Someone was stabbed with a screw driver. And somehow they asked if we could play it again this year. So you never know until you try really.

I think having a stabbing during your set is one of those things that you're not totally proud of but at the same time you feel like it's an accomplishment.
[Mar 23,2006 9:12am - dftg nli  ""]
like that time I made a grown man cry
[Mar 23,2006 10:35am - Yeti ""]
we played one time at Quinsigamond Community College during some family outdoorsy gathering. our crowd was kids and balloons. it was interesting
[Mar 23,2006 10:39am - aborted_fetus_crunch ""]
My band won a battle of the bands in Pittsfield, and we played with all of these "punk" bands and some emo bands, and even a few ska bands. Just play it.
[Mar 23,2006 10:41am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Play because it's a show, but battle of the bands are generally pretty fickle, since the outcome is often determined by the personal preferences of the judges or who wins the high school popularity contest, not the quality of your music/performance.
[Mar 23,2006 10:42am - Yeti ""]
yeah definitely dont expect to win, but give a kiddies a run for their money
[Mar 23,2006 11:05am - brian_dc ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:brian_dc said:Kiss-Alive was wildly overdubbed...even the fan noise was layered. thank you vh1

dood, i do believe you're so in the wrong thread

oh wow...I'm a retard
[Mar 23,2006 11:16am - cavnli  ""]
ya you is
[Mar 23,2006 3:06pm - Cav ""]
yea im leaning towards playing, im just a little weary of these kind of shows since PC. sitting around for like 6 hours only to get thrown off stage after 2 songs kinda sucks...but was sort of fun at the same time. haha.
[Mar 23,2006 3:10pm - sacreligion ""]
i don't think they'd cut you off...i definitely agree with everyone else and the title of this thread..."a show is a show"

just rock the fuck out and don't give a fuck what anyone else may think
[Mar 23,2006 3:17pm - Cav ""]
guess ill explain a bit...we played a hurricane benefit at providence college. there were like 8 bands. the departed played first at like 4 pm then 6 other bands mostly classic rock or emo, then we went on...during our second song some college kid tried to make fun of the way the departed dudes were moshing, so nelson from the departed had a little talkin to with the kid...then the douche bags that put on the show stopped the "fight" and told us we couldnt play anymore. so we said fuck this place and took off. i made a conscious effort to spit on all of the religious paintings on the wall on the way out. sorry janitor.
[Mar 23,2006 3:26pm - retzam ""]
Yeti said:we played one time at Quinsigamond Community College during some family outdoorsy gathering. our crowd was kids and balloons. it was interesting


If nothing else, this post is testament to the title of this thread. Play any show, and you're guaranteed interesting experiences.
[Mar 23,2006 4:12pm - xmikex bored at work  ""]
I played a battle of the bands once. It was cool because I was 16, and it was my first show. I almost got roped into another one when I was 18. Then I realized what a huge waste of time it is. The idea is either to make money off of little kid bands, and bands full of older dudes that can't get shows anywhere else. Lemme guess, you have to sell tickets right? $10 a ticket with about 20 bands bringing in at least like 30 kids each... that's like $6,000 going straight to the promoter (that $150 doesn't sound so great any more). AND factor in the fact that most of these kids are going to leave right after their friends (or most likely nephew's) band is over. So despite the fact that the promoters can boast a 700+ attendence or something, you might just get stuck with the 20 kids who came to see you (who'd way rather see you at a good show), a small handfull of kids who might actually like your band but won't buy any merch, and another bunch of kids who just want you to get off the stage so the neighborhood ska band can play.

I was always pretty picky and pessmistic about shows, so don't take me too seriously. But I'd say unless you really need the workout, and it's really that convenient to play it, I'd say screw.

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