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Who remembers the old Brockton daysof No regret, Brawl Park, League of Pain, Blackbelt , Incision and all that shit?

[Mar 23,2006 2:13pm - Billy Brockton  ""]
Where are those dudes now? Some of those bands were sick!
[Mar 23,2006 2:18pm - HARSH RESPONSE  ""]
What about Punch the Klown, Circle of Hate, XXL,Grudgeholder, Force of Habit...
[Mar 23,2006 2:36pm - seth666  ""]
I had a cd by incision and one by no regret. incision was pretty good.
[Mar 23,2006 2:37pm - seth666  ""]
i used to see those guys play all the time. back in the high school days.club 121
[Mar 23,2006 2:44pm - robdeadskin ""]
haha i was in circle of hate...good times...121..hahaha i remember all that shit
[Mar 23,2006 3:18pm - Yeti ""]
i forgot about Brawl Park. i saw them back in the day at the Espresso Bar in Worcester with Force Fed Shovel Head
[Mar 23,2006 3:22pm - Moran NLI  ""]
My cousin told me that Punch the Klown are getting back back together.
[Mar 23,2006 3:59pm - xmikex bored at work  ""]
BLACKBELT is pretty much Embrace Today now.
The singer from INCISION sings for Death Before Dishonor.
I think the old guitarist from DBD was also in League of Pain.
Some of the guys from BRAWL PARK had a new band, I dunno what happened to it.
Kris Churchill of PUNCH THE KLOWN now books shows.... you guessed it... in Brockton.
Goto the Tiger's Den in Brockton on any given Friday night, I'm sure you'll see a few familiar faces. Especially on the 31st.
[Mar 23,2006 5:21pm - CNV  ""]
I remember all that shit

Brockton sucker punch hardcore
[Mar 23,2006 5:23pm - CNV  ""]
I remember seeing bands from Brockton play at the Rat and this dude walked in and threw a baseball as hard as he could into the crowd

[Mar 23,2006 6:21pm - Dave Fox  ""]
Good times, Good times indeed.
[Mar 23,2006 9:12pm - pft  ""]
hey... anyone remember when circle of hate was suppose to get beat up at binks big benefit?
[Mar 24,2006 5:27pm - robdeadskin ""]
yep...but that was my singers fault for running his mouth....i was only in the band a month when all that crap went down....
[Mar 27,2006 1:05pm - anonymous  ""]
[Mar 28,2006 2:37pm - murdersteinbag ""]

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