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Cocteau Twins appreciation thread

[Mar 29,2006 1:02am - litacore ""]
HAHAHAHA, this one's gonna sell like HOTCAKES on this board

where the fuck's Cody?

no, really--just listen to Xasthur or Velvet Cacoon and tell me CT ain't an influence

this band is even more Elfen than Nightwish, if that's possible.

My wholehearted approval. :satancross::yoda:
[Mar 29,2006 7:02am - ichabod ""]
I absolutely 2nd the motion. Saw them at Avalon back in the '90's and they were totally mesmerizing. Even more "elfen" yet though are the Cranes...check 'em.
[Mar 29,2006 10:10am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
It's not possible to be more fairy than Nightwish, the difference is some of Cocteau Twins' albums are actually very good.

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