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Now Find a show to go to!

Apr 23 (Sun) - The Taste of Silver (Hold True Recordings / Argentum Decorum Est), Disaster Strikes (Alternative Tentacles), These Are:, Dour Cursiva, Infantile Prostitute - all ages - 6pm doors - $5 to benefit boston mobilization - The Democracy Center, 45 Mt Auburn St, Cambridge, MA +[view flyer]

Sunday, April 23rd - ALL AGES! - 6pm - VANNA, TTOS, These Are:, DC, IP @ THE DCC

[show listing]  ________________________________________________
[Apr 4,2006 4:16pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

Sunday, April 23rd
@ The Democracy Center
45 Mt Auburn St
Cambridge, MA

all ages - $5 goes to Boston Mobilization - 6pm

VANNA (epitaph)
The Taste of Silver
These Are:
Dour Cursiva
Infantile Prostitute (ex-Aganihm, ex-Throwing Shrapnel, current member of Unholy Trinity)

[Apr 4,2006 4:31pm - RustedAngel ""]
hopefully infantile prostitute will show up :spineyes:
[Apr 4,2006 4:50pm - thedeparted ""]
[Apr 4,2006 5:50pm - brian_dc ""]
ooh yay.
[Apr 4,2006 5:59pm - Doomkid ""]
this will be the ill shit
[Apr 4,2006 7:39pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
aaron, can you mark this as a show? it won't let me do it after the fact
[Apr 4,2006 10:27pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
bump for aaron to do the switharoo
[Apr 4,2006 10:29pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
now that's what i call cervix!
[Apr 4,2006 11:10pm - brian_dc ""]
sick joke
[Apr 4,2006 11:11pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
RustedAngel said:hopefully infantile prostitute will show up :spineyes:

they thought the show was cancelled since we werent playing the april 1st show. not their fault miscommunication, ill be there for them and DC !
[Apr 5,2006 11:50am - anonymous  ""]
[Apr 5,2006 3:35pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
we're playing this show, and then a few in may, and then we're on tour for like 5 weeks.
[Apr 5,2006 3:38pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Anyone who goes to this instead of UNEARTHLY TRANCE should be raped with a pitchfork.
[Apr 5,2006 3:53pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh at the library  ""]
is it me or does the text for that banner make infantile prostitute look wicked funny?
[Apr 5,2006 3:56pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
they are a funny band
[Apr 5,2006 4:54pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
BestialOnslaught said:Anyone who goes to this instead of UNEARTHLY TRANCE should be raped with a pitchfork.

that's why im only going for the first two bands. :bartnormal:
[Apr 5,2006 6:46pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
that's the spirit
[Apr 7,2006 9:08am - these_are_fucked ""]
i think itd be cool if people found a way to go to shows without seeing ANY bands. seems like hte next logical step... jsut hang out while a band is setting up and then disappear into the mist. that would be cool.
[Apr 7,2006 9:25am - cav ""]
who is unearthly trance??
[Apr 7,2006 12:40pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
cav said:who is unearthly trance??

theyre fucking amazing band from nyc. go to relapse or myspace and find them. that middle east show is gonna be amazing, but ill there to see you guys and if IP is still a band for this show.

[Apr 8,2006 12:31am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I whole-heartedly believe in fucking over local bands and organizations for bigger band shows.
[Apr 8,2006 12:35am - the_reverend ""]
as well you should.
I'm taking it that you are going to eat 5 dicks?
[Apr 8,2006 12:39am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
pff, 5 dicks is like a fucking snack to me

I could eat those standing on my fucking head!
[Apr 8,2006 12:51am - the_reverend ""]
munch that shit 4 reeeeellll
[Apr 10,2006 1:29pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Vanna had to drop due to schedule conflicts

we're looking for a new headliner
[Apr 10,2006 3:19pm - cav ""]
damn....hmmm...last chance to reason might want to do it...they have a little draw in mass...maybe the auburn system...
[Apr 11,2006 12:09am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I'll look into those

then cut you!
[Apr 11,2006 12:15am - brian_dc ""]
you are violent!
[Apr 11,2006 4:22pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
id die in front of you and take the blade into the gut for Brian. so you lose
[Apr 11,2006 4:47pm - brian_dc ""]
<3 Sean *enter gay jokes*
[Apr 11,2006 11:05pm - cav ""]
any news on who is gonna headline this badboy?
[Apr 11,2006 11:24pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
me, im going to perform covers of How They Light Cigarettes in Jail
[Apr 11,2006 11:25pm - thedeparted ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:me, im going to perform covers of How They Light Cigarettes in Jail

ill be there
[Apr 11,2006 11:31pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
still looking, though Deathcycle said they might be able to do it.

that would be cool if they did.
[Apr 12,2006 11:45pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
well no matter what I'm gonna flyer the shit out of this soon

fuck it, we'll headline if we have to. We'll do all Roid Rage covers.
[Apr 13,2006 12:57am - brian_dc ""]
how bout we all headline and play the "bands for bands" song you came up with at Dee Dee's until they kick us out.

Not that I think this show won't draw anyone, but won't that be sweet?
[Apr 13,2006 12:59am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

[Apr 13,2006 8:29am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
danger is my middle name
[Apr 13,2006 10:49am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Apr 13,2006 12:52pm - brian_dc ""]
yeah, I saw the thing on Lambgoat. All positive responses about you too, very odd for that site.

I also posted for everyone to relax since you were just dealing with him for one album. But this album is going to be awesome, I don't doubt it.
[Apr 13,2006 2:18pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yeah I think you're really going to like it brian

the goal is to get the recording quality as tight as we can, and the mastering, but the songs are top notch
[Apr 13,2006 3:28pm - cav ""]
cant wait nick!!! is it a full length?
[Apr 13,2006 3:53pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yeah...it's a concept album about art and humanity...how art affects the audience and affects the creator; how the mind concieves the product but also how the product has concieved the mind...

it's like a big opera, pretty triumphant. The booklet is going to have art from Joshua Andrew Belanger and I really want an accompanying graphic novel to go with this.

The ideas and stories are played out through doom and grind and orchestral music. On any given song there is a chorus, violin, synths, grand piano, guitars, drums, guest vocals, cello....
[Apr 13,2006 4:02pm - shana  ""]
i think vanna is the worst band in boston right now.
[Apr 13,2006 5:26pm - Murph ""]
Yeah, well I don't pay you to think, honey. In fact, I don't pay you at all! Count it!
[Apr 13,2006 5:30pm - brian_dc ""]
you think you can solve everything by quoting family guy, don't you?
[Apr 13,2006 5:31pm - brian_dc ""]
well...maybe not qoute...but you know what I mean.

Here comes some lame, douchebag humor comeback (a la Dane Cook)
[Apr 13,2006 5:31pm - brian_dc ""]
and Vanna isn't playing this show anymore anyway.
[Apr 13,2006 6:43pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yeah vanna had to drop cause they have a show at the middle east this month and you can't play anywhere else in cambridge when you do
[Apr 14,2006 12:39am - brian_dc ""]
crazy middle east...must be too hot in there for them to think rationally...har har at stupidity.

but yay at this show.
[Apr 14,2006 8:07am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
LCTR said they could do it, so if they confirm, they'll headline.

anyone that flyers this show is a saint
[Apr 14,2006 11:46am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I guess we're headlining <shrugs>

I'll do another flyer up this weekend
[Apr 14,2006 12:58pm - cav ""]
cool...cant wait to hear it nick...thats a sweet topic for the album too, "how the mind concieves the product but also how the product has concieved the mind"...i hear ya...i think brain dc should make a guest solo on the album!! haha. thats sweet if lctr play, they are really awesome dudes and a great band...thanks for hookin em up nick. those are our homeys.
[Apr 14,2006 12:59pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
cav said:i think brain dc should make a guest solo on the album!! haha.

[Apr 14,2006 1:00pm - cav ""]
haha!! yea
[Apr 14,2006 1:32pm - brian_dc ""]
Nick, I got your IM...we'll talk about this later. I'd love to contribute.
[Apr 14,2006 5:24pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I just flyered this like nobody's business
[Apr 14,2006 5:37pm - The Drug Dealer  ""]
[Apr 14,2006 6:02pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
what the hell does that mean
[Apr 14,2006 8:05pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
new flyer
[Apr 15,2006 11:45am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
we all love you
[Apr 15,2006 12:03pm - brian_dc ""]
that's true
[Apr 15,2006 5:26pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
we're getting between 100 and 200 dollars for playing this. you know, for "gas"
[Apr 15,2006 5:28pm - brian_dc ""]
of course
[Apr 15,2006 5:32pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
hey get on AIM
[Apr 16,2006 1:08pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
in another amazing upset to the bill, rumor has it DISASTER STRIKES in playing a surprise set on this. Featuring members of Unholy Trinity and Diamond Mines, amongst other things, DS has been around longer than the moon. They have a new album coming out on Alternative Tentacles with guest vocals from Steve Austin (today is the day) and Jello Biafra (Dead Kennedies)

of course, this may just be a rumor...
[Apr 16,2006 4:15pm - Skumbag ""]
I'm sorry, but I'm only going to go to see Infantile Prostitute. I've checked out all the other bands, and I'm not impressed. Who the hell put a brutal grind band on the same bill as these Vanna and Taste of Silver jokes, and at a Hippie Venue too? Disaster Strikes would be an interesting addition to the bill. I havent seen them since I almost got kicked out of regeneration records.
[Apr 16,2006 6:08pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
skumbag is my new personal hero
[Apr 16,2006 8:37pm - Skumbag ""]
Man, I've been talking to Kill or Be Killed for a while about this. Would you like to join us, Mr. Whiskey, in our tearing up of the pit and other such insanity?
[Apr 16,2006 9:32pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
ha bobby knows im down for whatever man.

get high have some fun and then go check out watchmaker right after !
[Apr 16,2006 9:44pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
once again, I'm all about people only going to see one band and then ditching local shows.

it builds a stronger music community in the end!
[Apr 16,2006 10:06pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
cool cause Watchmaker, Deathamphetamine, Infantile Prostitute and Dour Cursiva are all local bands.

gonna be a goodtime next sunday, ill hate going to work on monday !
[Apr 16,2006 10:08pm - Skumbag ""]
Dude, seriously. You have a fucking grind band, with song titles like "Sand Paper Handjob" and "Nun Defiled" playing at a hippie fundraiser. Second, and I may repeat myself here, you booked a BRUTAL-ASSED grind band with a bunch of screamo and hardcore bands. I hate to break it to ya, but those audiences are quite different from eachother, one group will not nessessarily like the musical stylings of the other. In fact, I gaurentee you that those who come for These Are and company will not be enjoying Infantile, conversely, you cannot expect me to enjoy what Taste of Silver calls metal. Besides, you all are playing at a venue that strictly states: No Booze, No Drugs, No Jerks. I dont know about the rest of you reading this, but that more or less rules me right out.
[Apr 16,2006 10:08pm - brian_dc ""]
you see, Sean's problem is that he loves too much.
[Apr 16,2006 10:14pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
brian_dc said:you see, Sean's problem is that he loves too much.

yeah sorry, i enjoy music. brian sir, i plan on sharing either a shot or a joint with yourself !

rock and roll motherfuckers !
[Apr 16,2006 10:19pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Skumbag said:Dude, seriously. You have a fucking grind band, with song titles like "Sand Paper Handjob" and "Nun Defiled" playing at a hippie fundraiser. Second, and I may repeat myself here, you booked a BRUTAL-ASSED grind band with a bunch of screamo and hardcore bands. I hate to break it to ya, but those audiences are quite different from eachother, one group will not nessessarily like the musical stylings of the other. In fact, I gaurentee you that those who come for These Are and company will not be enjoying Infantile, conversely, you cannot expect me to enjoy what Taste of Silver calls metal. Besides, you all are playing at a venue that strictly states: No Booze, No Drugs, No Jerks. I dont know about the rest of you reading this, but that more or less rules me right out.

someone always comes on and tells me that someone that likes my music wouldn't like grind and vice versa.

but I do.

so there goes that theory, huh? Maybe I can be in the record books!
[Apr 16,2006 10:23pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

whiskey_weed_and_women said:enjoy music.

rock and roll motherfuckers !

[Apr 16,2006 10:36pm - cav ""]
wow when did this get dramatic
[Apr 16,2006 10:37pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I didn't think it did?

why, is that Skumbag guy or WWW serious?

It's pretty funny if so
[Apr 16,2006 10:40pm - cav ""]
and to add to it....nick is right most kids dont just like one subgenre of metal or hardcore or grind...most kids that listen to this shit listen to a lot of different genres and styles...my opinion...some kids that like "brutal grind" care way too much about what other people listen to.
[Apr 16,2006 10:41pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:HEY EVERYONE CHILL AND.......

whiskey_weed_and_women said:enjoy music.

rock and roll motherfuckers !

[Apr 16,2006 10:45pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
cav said:and to add to it....nick is right most kids dont just like one subgenre of metal or hardcore or grind...most kids that listen to this shit listen to a lot of different genres and styles...my opinion...some kids that like "brutal grind" care way too much about what other people listen to.

dude, I listen to Ani Difranco cause i know it'll score me points in this scene.

And The Moldy Peaches.

And I also really like Josh Wink and S.O.A.P. (the black swedish house music women).
[Apr 16,2006 10:50pm - brian_dc ""]
I think most people here have pretty diverse listening tastes.

Let's not take all of this messageboard stuff too seriously.
[Apr 16,2006 10:54pm - cav ""]
brian please dont ruin my chances for a late night rttp battle...i need this.
[Apr 16,2006 10:57pm - brian_dc ""]
take it outside sally

and by outside I mean "out on your dick"
[Apr 16,2006 11:09pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
brian_dc said:I think most people here have pretty diverse listening tastes.

Let's not take all of this messageboard stuff too seriously.

[Apr 17,2006 12:02am - these_are_fucked ""]
to quote toxic narcotic:

"all bands suck."

all the wisdom you need.

[Apr 17,2006 12:03am - brian_dc ""]
not enough people use the word "guff"
[Apr 17,2006 12:05am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
i'll guff your face
[Apr 17,2006 12:06am - brian_dc ""]
you givin' me guff?
[Apr 17,2006 7:27am - Skumbag ""]
these_are_fucked said:to quote toxic narcotic:
"all bands suck."
all the wisdom you need.

Agreed...This, my friends, is America. We have the freedom to watch whatever bands we want, leave whenever we want, and drink whatever we want outside the venues walls.

[Apr 17,2006 8:35am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Skumbag said:these_are_fucked said:to quote toxic narcotic:
"all bands suck."
all the wisdom you need.

Agreed...This, my friends, is America. We have the freedom to watch whatever bands we want, leave whenever we want, and drink whatever we want outside the venues walls.

I blame the jews.
[Apr 17,2006 10:33am - Murph ""]
oi vay
[Apr 17,2006 5:05pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Murph said:oi vay

Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurphs in the motherfuckin hizzouse !
[Apr 17,2006 5:11pm - brian_dc ""]
it's true...seems like a good time for everyone else to get out of the house.
[Apr 17,2006 8:23pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Murph's agood dude with a lot of love to give
[Apr 17,2006 8:31pm - brian_dc ""]
sure he is.....sure he is
[Apr 17,2006 9:19pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
sure YOU ARE


clearly just a bump
[Apr 17,2006 10:31pm - Doomkid ""]
Skumbag said:
Agreed...This, my friends, is America. We have the freedom to....drink whatever we want outside the venues walls.

[Apr 17,2006 10:36pm - Skumbag ""]
How so, Good Sirrah?
[Apr 17,2006 10:37pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I still can't believe a brutal fucking grind band is playing with Tastes Like Semen
[Apr 18,2006 12:54pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
In honor of Skumbag and WWW leaving early, we will not be showing up till 5 minutes before we play as a show of respect to the other bands

all hail proper show etiquette

Also I plan to take 20 minutes to set up and another 20 to tear down.

This does not mean I will be shortening our playing time.
[Apr 18,2006 12:57pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
if I even see 5 minutes of any of the other bands, I'm walking and I still want my guarantee
[Apr 18,2006 1:25pm - Skumbag ""]
Wow. Taste of Cigs, I am in awe of your bad-assitude. Nothing I can say can even come close to equaling your awesomeness. I want to be just like you, and I will be, and here's how. I will promote the scene unity, i.e its ok for me to come late (cuz I'm the headliner and I'm getting money for this show), but its not ok for the smaller band's fans to leave early and possibly miss the gift of God that is my band because I need more fans in the first place. I will be in a melodic hardcore band posing as a "black metal/grind band". I will have more scene points than smaller bands because my band can tour. All in all, I will just be better than everyone else, and I will talk down to people by means of a computer screen and a keyboard.
[Apr 18,2006 1:32pm - brian_dc ""]
[Apr 18,2006 2:25pm - Murph ""]
skumbag, I can understand why you "are trying to rack up the most sexual rejections known to man."

and my band personally enjoys shows that have a diverse bill, so playing with Vanna (not any longer on this bill) and TTOS along with any other band is just fine by me...shit, we played a metal show with Irepress, and I'm glad we did, because they blew me away, and we our selves have been stuck on bills that are not our particular taste or arent even the "best fit" for our sound, yet just as amazed as I am by some unique acts I see, maybe one of those people there might say the same about my band...which is the whole reason I play music

...and Dave Garibaldi
[Apr 18,2006 2:25pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
brian_dc said:sarcasm

Skumbag's moustache is so big he can't read the sarcasm in my posts
[Apr 18,2006 4:08pm - Skumbag ""]
Murph, you're absolutely correct. It is important to go play with other styles of music and meet other people. However, my initial comment was that this show seems to be billed strangely in respect to the straight up styles/types/politics of the bands playing. And I am good friends with at least some of the members of Infantile Prostitute, and I am going solely to support them. I dont care that my door money is supporting some hippie project, and I'm not going to hang out with a bunch of people I do not know. I'm going to support the basement grind scene, bands that dont take themselves too seriously and can play music that I like, and I'm also going becuase I want to check out anther band there that interests me. Shit, I'm going there to have fun, and when I stop having fun, I'll leave, if I dont like the way a band sounds/their style of music, I wont stick around. I'm going to be there when I'm there, and leave when I leave, and if anyone has a problem with it, tough.
[Apr 18,2006 4:27pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Skumbag said:Murph, you're absolutely correct. It is important to go play with other styles of music and meet other people. However, my initial comment was that this show seems to be billed strangely in respect to the straight up styles/types/politics of the bands playing. And I am good friends with at least some of the members of Infantile Prostitute, and I am going solely to support them. I dont care that my door money is supporting some hippie project, and I'm not going to hang out with a bunch of people I do not know. I'm going to support the basement grind scene, bands that dont take themselves too seriously and can play music that I like, and I'm also going becuase I want to check out anther band there that interests me. Shit, I'm going there to have fun, and when I stop having fun, I'll leave, if I dont like the way a band sounds/their style of music, I wont stick around. I'm going to be there when I'm there, and leave when I leave, and if anyone has a problem with it, tough.

I got no problem with it, I wouldn't want to be around your negitive attitude anyway.

I just think it's funny how you're all like "I'm good friends with some of the memebers of Infantile Prositute" but initially asked why we were on the same bill as them. I mean there's 3 guys in it, and if you look at the pictures on this site you'll figure it out.
[Apr 18,2006 4:58pm - these_are_fucked ""]
who wants to go to shows where you hear the same band 5 times in a row? not I
[Apr 18,2006 5:00pm - brian_dc ""]
let's be honest, how often when at a show do you think back to the messageboard thread regarding it? I know I pretty much never do...let's just have some fun, ay sport?
[Apr 18,2006 5:00pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i hate every member of Infantile Prostitute and would never say theyre my friends, thats why im going to see Dour Cursiva and leaving.
[Apr 18,2006 5:03pm - brian_dc ""]
I hate every member of Dour Cursiva so I'm going to play from a separate room at this show.

And then I'm staying and being overly enthusiastic for everyone else.
[Apr 18,2006 5:04pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
brian_dc said:I hate every member of Dour Cursiva so I'm going to play from a separate room at this show.

And then I'm staying and being overly enthusiastic for everyone else.

dude exactly

fuck the DC guys

they are so mean and scarey

also everyone in TTOS is an emo fag.

Metal + any kind of thought or substance = emo fag shit
[Apr 18,2006 5:19pm - Skumbag ""]
Yeah, and I hate throwing shrapnel because their music sucks due to the fact that they only play O'Briens around here and its always 21+.
[Apr 18,2006 5:20pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
emo, fags, metal, mean, scary, thought, substance......these are none of the reasons im not staying to watch your band.

i like the opening bands, i also enjoy the opening LOCAL BANDS on the other show. so ill be leaving after dour cursiva's set.

cause i think theyre all good guys, even though i only talk to brian
[Apr 18,2006 5:23pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Skumbag said:Yeah, and I hate throwing shrapnel because their music sucks due to the fact that they only play O'Briens around here and its always 21+.

yeah fuck those guys.
[Apr 18,2006 5:39pm - cav ""]
sean... i would talk to you if you didnt always blatantly try to get in my pants...i mean i know im a sexy 300 lb man...but cmon....that one time i was really drunk...it didnt mean anything
[Apr 18,2006 5:41pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
cav said:sean... i would talk to you if you didnt always blatantly try to get in my pants...i mean i know im a sexy 300 lb man...but cmon....that one time i was really drunk...it didnt mean anything

you can sweet talk me all you want but youre still getting pancakes in the morning.

[Apr 18,2006 5:54pm - cavnli  ""]
i want french toast baby
[Apr 18,2006 5:55pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
pancakes it is
[Apr 18,2006 5:56pm - cavnli  ""]
fuck! fine... then im wearing the condom this time
[Apr 18,2006 5:58pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Apr 18,2006 6:45pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
whoa whoa whoa

everyone play nice

[Apr 18,2006 6:47pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
he said my name.
[Apr 18,2006 7:10pm - brian_dc ""]
haha...oh you :point:
[Apr 18,2006 11:02pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
oh us
[Apr 19,2006 2:34pm - cav ""]
[Apr 19,2006 3:10pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Apr 19,2006 10:33pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
my ID in high school had me as Dr Nicholas I believe.

or something close to it
[Apr 20,2006 8:33am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
AIDS, the final frontier
[Apr 20,2006 8:34am - brian_dc ""]
that shit will be cured in no time
[Apr 20,2006 2:46pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I hope so, it's AIDS-rific
[Apr 20,2006 3:09pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i will stay for TTOS set if they open with an Aganihm song, hey im a rockstar whos all up on myself so i can ask for that.

this should keep this thread at the top for a while
[Apr 20,2006 3:34pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
we know 1/2 of Dead Sentence Dirge

this time last year I knew the whole thing
[Apr 20,2006 3:48pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
its ok im sure brian and george dont remember any of it
[Apr 20,2006 4:01pm - brian_dc ""]
I really like the TTOS/Aganihm split
[Apr 20,2006 4:02pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
brian_dc said:I really like the TTOS/Aganihm split

shut the fuck up brian. i love you cav
[Apr 20,2006 4:02pm - brian_dc ""]
I feel so discarded.
[Apr 20,2006 4:03pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
brian_dc said:I feel so discarded.

brian, you're not shutting the fuck up !

my heart will beat on as long as Cav lives on
[Apr 20,2006 4:10pm - brian_dc ""]
I won't let you control me!
[Apr 20,2006 4:11pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
The Aganihm split is so raw, that's what I like about it

it sounds like it's exactly what it is
[Apr 20,2006 4:13pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
brian_dc said:I won't let you control me!

listen brian, you cant go on this way. just let it go, ive moved on to Cav we talked about the mosh yesterday and how you cant bring it. i know Cav is the one who has brought it. so its just time to let it go and let me move on.

now go back to shutting the fuck up
[Apr 20,2006 4:33pm - brian_dc ""]
mmmm....I just ate oodles of food
[Apr 20,2006 4:33pm - animalrampage ""]
me and griff will be in the house for infantile prostitute
[Apr 20,2006 4:35pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
brian_dc said:mmmm....I just ate oodles of food

thats another reason i left you brian, youre such a fatty
[Apr 20,2006 4:36pm - brian_dc ""]
well, yeah...if we're going to go based on body mass alone...of course Cav is much smaller than I.
[Apr 20,2006 4:38pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
lets not try to compare brian, even though i already did but hey you cant control me. im free, free like the eagle or other small fury creatures that fly and you have no will over me to whoever my love goes. and its not you fatman.
[Apr 20,2006 4:49pm - KeithMutiny ""]
this thread made me laugh.
[Apr 20,2006 4:50pm - KeithMutiny ""]
wait, no booze, fuck this show, seriously.
[Apr 20,2006 4:52pm - brian_dc ""]
it's the "no jerks" part that really gets me
[Apr 20,2006 4:54pm - KeithMutiny ""]
no jerks either, wow, good luck, that bitch is empty.
[Apr 20,2006 10:57pm - brian_dc ""]
also up
[Apr 21,2006 12:03am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
brian, you son of a bitch. you just dont learn when someone tells you to shut the fuck up. you shut the fuck up. i will kill you, oh wait wrong thread Ha
[Apr 21,2006 12:10am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I'm gonna go to this show
[Apr 21,2006 12:12am - brian_dc ""]
that's a fine idea
[Apr 21,2006 2:13am - Doomkid ""]
I <3 Kill Wilkinson
[Apr 21,2006 9:13am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
oh man, we should play that one of these days

the 8 minute opus that never was
[Apr 21,2006 9:43am - brian_dc ""]
We once had an 11 minute song. Cut it down to 6 minutes and is what we now know as So We Drove On.
[Apr 21,2006 7:18pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
11 minute songs? Truely the Amorphis of hardcore
[Apr 21,2006 9:59pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Opeth of Providence
[Apr 22,2006 1:33am - brian_dc ""]
I apparently was called Opeth Brian or Brian Opeth for awhile behind my back by Tommy Sly of ATNFAC
[Apr 22,2006 9:56am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Sly's first name isn't Sly?

this is news to me
[Apr 22,2006 5:47pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
don't be gay
[Apr 23,2006 1:46am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
please don't
[Apr 23,2006 1:49am - brian_dc ""]
you have a problem with gay people?
[Apr 23,2006 1:53am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
the problem is they won't have sex with me :(
[Apr 23,2006 1:58am - brian_dc ""]
[Apr 23,2006 9:25am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Apr 23,2006 10:44am - brian_dc ""]
yee haw, and the like
[Apr 23,2006 11:45am - brian_dc ""]
yahoo, and such
[Apr 23,2006 1:16pm - thesearefucked  ""]
nick i need you to call me asap
[Apr 23,2006 2:21pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
your face is fucked
[Apr 23,2006 2:30pm - blue nli  ""]
im really sorry i cant make this show guys, but there is some business i have to take care of.
[Apr 23,2006 3:19pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
hahahah yeah, I can see why. It is pretty OVERCAST out

[Apr 23,2006 4:09pm - KeithMutiny ""]
Im a jerk, and I'm comming, so poo on you!
[Apr 23,2006 4:11pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
youre not a jerk, you're an asshole and it says nothing about assholes not being there. thats why ill be there

[Apr 23,2006 4:22pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

damn fine print...

[Apr 23,2006 4:41pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
in your face, in your face, in your face

if i could find an icon thingie for a victory dance itd go here. yes im that overtired and bored right now Ha

take that santa claus
[Apr 24,2006 1:30am - brian_dc ""]
thanks for having us at this show.

Although everything about this show has migrated.
[Apr 24,2006 11:02am - thedeparted ""]
what was the drama that cav speaks of
[Apr 24,2006 11:05am - cavnli  ""]
in short...nick ttos was accused of some shit (which i happen not to believe) like 4-5 years ago and a couple people at harvard (ya this place was actually at harvard u) caught wind of it and tried to shut the show down. we werent there for most of the drama cus we showed up late.
[Apr 24,2006 11:07am - cavnli  ""]
but i promised myself i wouldnt talk about this stuff on rttp...oh well im a hypocrite...no one will read this thread anyways besides members of DC and ttos most likely.
[Apr 24,2006 11:55am - thedeparted ""]
ah ok, sounds like some stupid shit

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