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today was my first time...

[Sep 17,2003 12:29am - the_reverend ""]
on a trampoline!
it was so much fun.
unbelieveable amounts of fun.
[Sep 17,2003 12:42am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
You've been living in a cave. Bastard.
[Sep 17,2003 12:42am - DysenteryVokills ""]
YOUR FIRST TIME?!?!?!...ok thats it your fired.....there so fun there sik for fat kids since we dont have to do much
[Sep 17,2003 12:49am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Nevermind, fucking spaces don't show up in posts. Stupid website!
[Sep 17,2003 9:31pm - the_reverend ""]
I was on it again today for over an hour.
man... my spine hurt (from landing in akward positions)
my ribs hurt (from laughing constantly)
my knees hurt (all rug burnt)
and no, my face doesn't hurt... but I'm sure it's killing you
[Sep 17,2003 9:35pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
the_reverend said:my knees hurt (all rug burnt)

I thought you were on a trampoline, not at Tom's house. Silly Aaron.
[Sep 17,2003 9:41pm - the_reverend ""]
oh, you have me confused with your mom.
she's a s...l...u...t...
[Sep 17,2003 9:45pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Only for my dad, but at least she's cool enough to wear the Dimmu thong, unlike some people...
[Sep 17,2003 9:53pm - the_reverend ""]
well.. my balls keep flopping out of my thong
[Sep 17,2003 10:23pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I can't even pretend to fit mine into a thong, in fact they burn right through the fabric. So there.
[Sep 17,2003 10:55pm - trinitytest ""]
I broke my ankle on a trampoline once. was flipping and ended up landing with my ass on my heel and it just broke the fucker. Then my friends kept jumping and laughing at me saying "hey look i'm bob" as then pretended to fall down and hurt themselves. I have very good friends. and very shiney guns. ooooh shiney gun you're so precious. muhahahahaha. end scene
[Sep 17,2003 11:14pm - the_reverend ""]
actually.. I was on the trampoline at this little girl I babysit's house.
she fell and hurt her arm and I kept jumping.
but she was ok
[Sep 17,2003 11:17pm - trinitytest ""]
don't be sad. you'll get her next time. that little bitch.
[Sep 17,2003 11:21pm - the_reverend ""]
actually, she's not at the "bitch" stage.
she's just learning to read now.
I've heard "Pam and Sam want a yam" like 30 times.
[Sep 17,2003 11:30pm - Lynneaus ""]
my parents used to take us on the trampolines down cape cod every year when we were kids.. till they just lost their excitement...

i think they would be fun again tho...

muhahha my aunt asked me to watch my cousins (14 and 12) for a weekend next month... its gonna be fun muhahah
[Sep 18,2003 12:00am - the_reverend ""]
I'll give you a hint,
they like what you tell them to like.
[Sep 18,2003 9:36am - Lynneaus ""]
hahaha ive tried... i used to watch them all the time until they were about 6 and 8...
the 12 year old is mini me... except she doesnt like music ?!?!? she has listened to metal before while with me... but she said she just doesnt care about music... i dont get it... but she will do what u tell her to do.

[Sep 18,2003 9:52am - the_reverend ""]
I've been baby sitting http://www.jivanna.com since she was almost 3.
[Sep 18,2003 10:15am - Lynneaus ""]
the_reverend said:I've been baby sitting http://www.jivanna.com since she was almost 3.

hahaha i looked at some of the pictures... cats and toilets has to be the greatest thing ever

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