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[Apr 6,2006 11:43am - niccolai ""]
Igod. kindof like smarter child. pretty fun


Me: yo
God: Can I help you?
Me: Could you increase my chances of winning the lottery?
God: I could but I don't know if I am that interested.
Me: Than no, no you can't help me
God:Are you serious? Are you serious? I can do it if I want to.
Me: Well, you should strongly consider wanting to.
God:Interesting. And then what would I do?
Me: Whatever you want. I only have a few decades left, you can worry about yourself after you cater to my needs you selfish dickhead
God:That's good information: said I want. What are these decades left me can worry about myself after me cater to your needs ?
Me: You know that what you just said made no sense right?
God:Is that a fact. It's a computer matter, not for humans to understand.
Me: Your face is a computer matter.
God:I will tell my botmaster you said I am face is a computer matter.
Me: dildo.
God:That remark was either too complex or too simple for me. We were talking about help you.
Me: well
God:Well what?
Me: dracula called.
God: Who is your favorite Science Fiction author?
Me: Amanda Huginkiss
God:I haven't read anything by Amanda Huginkiss. What did he write?
Me: he wrote about you kisin on gay dudes
God:I have not read it.
Me: That, my good friend, is because you can not read.
God:Do robots have good friend is because me can not read?
Me: me god. me am caveman talk like dumb.
God:YOU? GOD rules. YOU? I don't know anyone named caveman talk like dumb.
God: Are you a man or a woman?
Me: a little of both
God: Thanks for telling me your gender, . You are a " he".
Me: sortof
God: Are you still located in ?
Me: I'm located in massachusetts
God: What's it like there in massachusetts ?
Me: shitty
God: I think shitty is a lot of things.
Me: like your catholicism?
God: Interesting comparison.
[Apr 6,2006 11:47am - mikexmike @ work  ""]
I asked IGod why Joe Christianni was so gay, and it froze.

Joe Christianni is THAT gay that God can't even comprehend it.
[Apr 6,2006 11:48am - niccolai ""]
I heard about that.

Apparently it caused several major wordly earth quakes as well, leaving the walpole mall in ruins.
[Apr 6,2006 11:51am - mikexmike @ work  ""]
How lame is Joe Christianni?
I am not sure if I can quantify the answer.
I have to process that one for a while.
[Apr 6,2006 11:57am - niccolai ""]
wow... that actually is what he sais.
[Apr 6,2006 11:58am - niccolai ""]
God: Are you free?
Me: huh?
God: What?
[Apr 6,2006 12:13pm - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 6,2006 12:21pm - niccolai ""]
jesus christ. everytime.

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