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My brother's new baby (pics)

[Apr 8,2006 2:53pm - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 8,2006 2:55pm - the_reverend ""]
the proud dad
[Apr 8,2006 2:57pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
hahaha that first pic is great
[Apr 8,2006 3:11pm - Tully ""]
Hahaha I have a boxer but she is much fatter. Some here have met her.

Boxers are the best dogs ever.
[Apr 8,2006 3:20pm - the_reverend ""]
this was taken in manchester.
she's a little too full of energy.
and she's so fast.
most dogs I can keep up with.
her I cant
[Apr 8,2006 3:26pm - babyshaker not logged in  ""]
my uncle had two boxers awesome animals could jump clear over my head if i was kneeling down only thing that sucks is there hips go early
[Apr 8,2006 3:30pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
our drummer has a pit bull/boxer mix...best fucking dog ever

i'm pretty sure she's a human trapped in a dog's body

one time his mom said "hey juliette, r-i-d-e" and she hopped up and ran to the door waiting
[Apr 9,2006 3:19am - the_reverend ""]
most dogs hips go early due to in breeding.
[Apr 9,2006 4:00am - Mary ""]
For every metal fan, there's a jock/preppy looking guy/girl in a family.
[Apr 9,2006 4:43am - the_reverend ""]
my brother's got a tribal arm band too.
[Apr 9,2006 5:15am - Tully ""]
the_reverend said:
she's a little too full of energy.

Haha, that will never go away. Boxers are fucking BANANAS and I love it. Crazy little fuckers.
[Apr 9,2006 12:03pm - Mary ""]
the_reverend said:my brother's got a tribal arm band too.

Sounds about right.
[Apr 9,2006 12:16pm - jesus ""]
Mary said:For every metal fan, there's a jock/preppy looking guy/girl in a family.

you didnt have fun in high school huh?
[Apr 9,2006 12:26pm - Mary ""]
jesus said:Mary said:For every metal fan, there's a jock/preppy looking guy/girl in a family.

you didnt have fun in high school huh?

Actually, highschool was fun.

[Apr 9,2006 1:31pm - pam nli  ""]
you have a brother?
[Apr 9,2006 1:39pm - MikePile  ""]
Your brother gave birth to a dog?
[Apr 9,2006 1:49pm - the_reverend ""]
yes I have a brother.
boys dont have babies, geez..

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