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Happy Easter

[Apr 16,2006 11:34am - dwellingsickness ""]
[Apr 16,2006 12:01pm - dreadkill ""]
[Apr 16,2006 12:03pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
Yep, Happy Zombie Jesus Day
[Apr 16,2006 12:05pm - RichHorror ""]
Everyone keeps making me listen to Bitchslicer's "Jesus The Undead Wizard".
[Apr 16,2006 12:09pm - ratt_mowe ""]
i bought myself a milky way bar for myself in the name of easter.
[Apr 16,2006 12:10pm - niccolai ""]
Easter is for...


[Apr 16,2006 12:11pm - niccolai ""]
ratt_mowe said:i bought myself a milky way bar for myself in the name of easter.

was it for yourself?
[Apr 16,2006 12:44pm - ratt_mowe ""]
yes it was for myself! no one else bought me anything for easter, nor did i buy anything for anyone for easter. yup.
[Apr 16,2006 12:49pm - sacreligion ""]
my sister got me a cheap easter basket with toy cars and candy...haha fucking awesome
[Apr 16,2006 1:54pm - Ryan_M ""]
my mom gave me a bag of M&M's. i'm spoiling my dinner and eating them now.
[Apr 16,2006 2:02pm - anonymous  ""]
don't you mena hoopy easter?
[Apr 16,2006 2:16pm - the_reverend ""]
that was me.
[Apr 16,2006 2:37pm - powerkok ""]
I told my boss, 'Happy Fucking Easter, for Christs sake' when he got to work, straight out of church.

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