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Spongebob = Fuckin Metal

[Apr 19,2006 10:32pm - Ryan_M ""]
[Apr 19,2006 10:37pm - Mary ""]
[Apr 19,2006 10:38pm - dreadkill ""]
put him in an immortal cover and i'll laugh more.
[Apr 19,2006 11:09pm - Ryan_M ""]
yeah an immortal album cover would be better - these aren't that funny i admit, i posted them because i was bored.
[Apr 20,2006 2:54am - dwellingsickness ""]
haha I do like this one though.......

[Apr 20,2006 8:36am - the_reverend ""]
the person who made this never heard of immortal
[Apr 20,2006 8:39am - Ryan_M ""]
when i get a chance i think i'm going to draw spongebob as an immortal band member. call him sponge-abbath or something. i'll draw him grimly weilding his bubble blower or something! i'll try to post it if i can get someone to show me how to use the scanner and some html! i'm limited in my computer knowledge.

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