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BATHORY box set

[Apr 20,2006 11:51pm - litacore ""]

looks better than the Venom one.
[Apr 21,2006 12:10am - anonymous  ""]
looks cool. but as with the Venom box...I think it's gonna be lacking on anything we haven't already heard. Anything that is unreleased is more than likely going to be "Viking" era material as opposed to black metal era stuff. Seems so from the tracklising.
What about the unreleased "Occulta" s material supposedly recorded between The Return... and Under the Sign...?
I don't need a "best of..."....I have all the Bathory stuff already.
The art work is kinda gay as well...I think Quorthon would have done something more clever as opposed to the typical "memorial" kinda cover.
[Apr 21,2006 12:15am - litacore ""]
my own collection is a bit sporadic, I don't own anything after Hammerheart
[Apr 21,2006 12:19am - anonymous  ""]
although it's great for people who don't have anything from bathory.
it's too bad he never performed live...would have been cool to see some video of even a reh. or something. if any exist.
[Apr 21,2006 12:10pm - litacore ""]


Ed Norton as Quorthon
[Apr 21,2006 12:15pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I thought he played a few shows way back when in Europe.

The boxed set looks sexy.

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