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guitarist looking for a project

[Apr 23,2006 11:43pm - dimebonics  ""]
Ive been playing guitar for around 12 years. i have equipment to start playing live shows anytime. im into all types of music as long as its heavy and has interesting arrangements and riffs. im into everything from Down to Mastodon to Necrophagist to Amorphis to Meshuggah to Testament.

I think i come up with some interesting stuff, and would love a project with other decent musicians (ie: can tune your instrument correctly and can tell what notes are where on the fretboard) to bounce ideas off of and visa versa. i can run scales fairly fast, i practice everyday, i can do vital remains and between the buried and me type sweeps as well (nothing crazy like Yngwie though). While Im not too picky for the band/sound, I am absolutely not into typical metalcore (where every song has a chuga-chuga part), nor am I into the nu-metal sound (I absolutely cannot stand bands like Disturbed).

I live in Manchester, NH but I work in Boston, MA -- so anywhere near those two locations would be ideal.

Thanks for reading. You can get in touch with me at tony@dimebonics.com.
[Apr 23,2006 11:46pm - Sacreligion ""]
that don't make no sense? of course it don't
[Apr 23,2006 11:47pm - dimebonics  ""]

its like when you set it up to blow it up... im already pre-blown so im already hooked up!
[Apr 26,2006 5:08pm - anonymous  ""]
Hey Tony, if you're interested, me and a couple of my buddies just started putting a band together. Its definitely heavy. No chugs, no two-step or any of that fake metal bullshit. We practice in Somers, Ct if you're interested. I know you said N.H. or Boston would be ideal but I thought I'd give it a shot. We are all serious about the band and are more than willing to play shows as soon as we can. We're influenced by: Cryptopsy, Between the Buried and Me, Job For A Cowboy, DragonForce Necrophagist, Hate Eternal, Belphegor and plenty more. So like I said, if you're interested at all or have some questions email Felix @vasectomygrind@aol.com
[Apr 26,2006 5:11pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
fuck dude im from londonderry and my band jams in haverhill ma,email me at ikilleverything@aol.com and well smoke some joints!!

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