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who the hell gets..

[Apr 27,2006 8:43pm - jesus ""]
a kidney stone at age 20? :pukeface:
this sucks

anyone got any advice?
ps. it'll be on ebay someday soon
[Apr 27,2006 9:07pm - kok  ""]
no body parts on Ebay allowed, I checked.
[Apr 27,2006 9:26pm - ackbar  ""]
arent kidney stones usually a sign of having a terrible diet? Wikipedia.....here I come...
[Apr 27,2006 9:31pm - Hooker nli  ""]
drink some water, fatty
[Apr 27,2006 10:40pm - Todd NLI  ""]
Better hope you pass it on your own...If not, operation ,and they go in and take it. It sucks, and hurts like a bitch too
[Apr 28,2006 12:02am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I've had them since I was 21. They can be caused by many things, I've been fortunate that they all passed through urine. I've known people as young as 12-13 that have had them. It's not unusual. Queue Tom Jones.
[Apr 28,2006 12:04am - succubus ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said: They can be caused by many things

i hope you're not in too much pain
[Apr 28,2006 12:08am - Cecchini ""]
i passed one once, hurt like a bastard but it was over so fast then you bounce back.

In general, dont drink so much soda, eat a gross amount of chocolate and drink plenty of water. also, some milks can help prevent them, but milk can also cause them I guess.... thats just what i heard.
[Apr 28,2006 12:12am - DomesticTerror ""]
watching that Sox game was like passing a stone...
[Apr 28,2006 12:19am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
succubus said:DrinkHardThrashHard said: They can be caused by many things

i hope you're not in too much pain

Oh no! I didn't mean I have them constantly, like I'm not having one right now. But the thing about the kidney stones, is once you start getting them, you are likely to continue to get them. I usually have one every 18-36 months.

All I can recommend is to figure out what causes it, drink a lot of water and cranberry juice, lots of hydration, stay active and eat well. Once a doctor at the hospital told me that if I drink a tall glass of cranberry juice once per day, I could avoid them coming back indefinitely. Not sure how valid that was.
[Apr 28,2006 1:06am - succubus ""]
def drink water and cranberry juice! my dad had a list of what to eat and foods to stay away from too
[Apr 28,2006 1:51am - dwellingsickness ""]
I have them frequently also, It is part of my medical problems I have learned to deal with, Definately keep hydrated, lots of clear liquids, cranberry juice, water etc... That doc that said the thing about cranberry juice is a tard. You can't totally stop them from coming back. there is a few different ways to treat them besides surgery.
[Apr 28,2006 7:45am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
He probably was a tard. He was a 'University Doctor'. The cranberry juice worked that time though.
[Apr 28,2006 7:54am - i_am_not_me ""]
I had one when I was 9, and my girlfriend had one when she was 16.
[Apr 28,2006 10:07am - kok  ""]
Frequent soda drinkers get these more often then not.
I think caffeine has something to do with it as well.
[Apr 28,2006 10:28am - Yeti ""]
i passed a decent sized kidney stone last year. it was horrible. i can equate the pain to having a spiked bowling ball spinning inside of my torso. when you pass it, get it analyzed.
[Apr 28,2006 1:07pm - dwellingsickness ""]
To much calcium (milk, antacids) and dehydration and lack of exercise are also causes. Yes , Soda drinkers are more likely to get them, as Caffeine dehydrates you, which is a cause of stones, If you drink lots of soda, it is better to switch to caffeine free, as well as if you drink coffee,switch to Decaf.
[Apr 28,2006 1:13pm - Yeti ""]
also keep in mind that it can be genetic too. i come from a history of kidney stones, so i was doomed from the beginning.

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