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What the fuck is YOUR problem, you fat barrel of monkey spunk?

[Apr 27,2006 8:56pm - litacore ""]

along with Mason from "Altered States" and Eddie Cabot from "Reservoir Dogs", Byron Hadley (the big huge MEAN chief guard) from "The Shawshank Redemption" has some of the BEST DIALOGUE EVER.

runner up:

ANDY: Mister Hadley, do you trust your wife?

HADLEY (not amused): Oh that's funny. You're gonna look even funnier sucking my dick WITH NO FUCKING TEETH!!!
[Apr 28,2006 12:21am - Ryan_M ""]
the shawshank redemption is one of the best movies ever made. i can't describe how much i love it, it's fucking incredible.
[Apr 28,2006 9:24am - litacore ""]
some other great lines by Hadley (this is paraphrased from memory, of course):

(to the fat barrel of monkey spunk, crying due to his first night in Shawshank):
"I'm not going to count to three, I'M NOT EVEN GOING TO COUNT TO ONE! You will SHUT THE FUCK UP or I'll sing you a lullaby!"

(after beating the fat barrel of monkey spunk TO DEATH with a BILLY CLUB, warning to the other inamtes):
"If I hear so much as a MOUSE FART in here the rest of the night, I swear by God and Sonny Jesus, you will all spend the night in the INFIRMIRY! That goes for every last motherfucker in here!"

(to Andy):
"Damn right I don't need no wife-killing banker to tell ME where the bear shit in the buckwheat!"

I'm easily amused.

[May 2,2006 12:03pm - Ryan_M ""]
kind of an amusing line from Haywood, talking about Brooks's attempt to slit his throat to avoid parole: "Old man's crazy as a rat in a tin shithouse"

Red's description of Andy when he first sees him come off the bus:
"That tall drink of water with the silver spoon up his ass"
[May 2,2006 12:19pm - INFECT ""]
hahahahhhaha this reminds me of the other night when i got my my girlfriend really stoned and then started reciting morgan freemans lines from shawshank, she started freaking out because apparently i do a pretty mean morgan freeman impersonation

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