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Guitarist needed for Boston band

[Apr 30,2006 11:36pm - these_are_fucked ""]
Our guitar player has finally hung up his hat and returned to his other band full-time, so "these are" needs to fill some shoes. We are four friends who've known each other for most of our lives. We practice upwards of twice a week at our Allston Space, and while our members are all in school, the band is foremost in all of our lives. We are touring in late may in support of our upcoming EP, which we are recording professionally as soon as we get back from tour in June. Our lead guitarist will be with us until we return from tour, at which point we'll be needing to find a replacement.

We want a fellow workaholic, with similar musical and social interests, who can stand to be around the four of us for most of his/her life (and vice-versa). We are in our early 20s, enjoy tasteless dick jokes, etc. Our myspace is here:


and our personal pages are linked, so if youre interested, you can see if we're the kind of assholes you might hate, or the kind you might love. Please contact us on myspace to set up an audition. Thanks!
[Apr 30,2006 11:46pm - brian_dc ""]
aw...who left?
[Apr 30,2006 11:57pm - these_are_fucked ""]
jeff is leaving :(

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