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video:luke falling into fire

[May 1,2006 2:24pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
yea this is a repost, i just thought this video wasnt getting enough attention,its so funny dude. he falls into the fire screaming like a chick its golden!http://s31.photobucket.com/albums/c381/SAC...iew¤t=lukefallingintofire.flv
[May 1,2006 2:35pm - the_reverend ""]
stop drop and roll
[May 1,2006 2:43pm - SteveOTB ""]
You can barely make it out.
[May 1,2006 2:45pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
yea but the audio is dead on,you can see him hit the fire cause it flares up and we start laughing..

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