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[show listing]  ____________________________________________
[May 1,2006 6:43pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]

Awww yeah.

Hatchet is no longer on the bill b/c one of the members is away that weekend.
[May 1,2006 8:48pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
So sick... I thought 21+ was $7 though?
[May 1,2006 8:58pm - litacore ""]
sick show, will try to make it

fucking SICK
[May 1,2006 9:53pm - inject-now ""]
awesome show. this is going to rule.
[May 1,2006 9:53pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
The information I have says $6 for 21+, better bring that extra dollar just in case.
[May 2,2006 9:31am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
You can crush me, As I speak
Write on rocks, What you feel

Don't call my name, Call your name
Like the headdirt, In my dreams

Now feel this
[May 2,2006 2:06pm - anonymous  ""]
[May 2,2006 3:24pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Yes. Come to Grief.
[May 2,2006 3:59pm - DJ death  ""]
Hey Hirudenia, any way that asshole in Martyrvore can use your drum kit? I will bring my own cymbals, Snare, kick pedals, accessories, etc. Let me know! I will have your back next time if youd like...

Matt Gemini
[May 2,2006 4:00pm - DJ death  ""]
mike or jeff, email me at Kraftwerk14@yahoo.com with a response.
[May 2,2006 4:08pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Damn! This is the same day as http://www.deathintheforest.com
[May 2,2006 5:30pm - inject-now ""]
matt, should be no problem. let us use your kit in sommervile if possible.
[May 3,2006 12:21am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
You're proud of being poor
Nothing changes nothing
You eat your skin
Your soul never existed

Screw you and your world
Perpetually cut with lies
I could stand the pain
For long enough
But the taste is just
Too bitter

I have a lot of Godflesh lyrics left.
This thread is not going anywhere.
[May 3,2006 12:36am - CNV  ""]
Killer line up for sure

looking forward to it
[May 3,2006 10:26am - DJ death  ""]
Yeah, i will be bringing my kit to the sommerville show, and i think thats plausible. Hirudenia can deffinetly use my kit.

Gemini Matt
[May 3,2006 4:12pm - inject-now ""]
cool matt. thanks.
[May 4,2006 1:49am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Your pain has no credential here
It's just a shadow of my wound
Our world...

If you wish to conquer pain
You must learn to serve it well
Serve it well

Your pain has no credential here
It's just a shadow of the wound
My world...
[May 4,2006 12:02pm - inject-now ""]
chelmsford will be destroyed!!!
[May 5,2006 2:12pm - anonymous  ""]
[May 6,2006 12:44am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
The earth, Froze up
One dead, Pale world
And you'll swing, From the reaping hook (hearth?)
And you'll die, By a reaping hook (hearth?)

Locust, Locust
Furnace, Furnace

Corruption, In the goat herd
Flesh crumbles, In the real world

My furnace
The locust furnace

Earth, Earth

Furnace, Furnace...
[May 6,2006 4:33am - RichHorror ""]
So uh... if Hatchet isn't playing this, does that mean IWEIPH can?


[May 6,2006 4:46am - BestialOnslaught ""]
I think MARTYRVORE was the replacement...?
[May 6,2006 4:47am - RichHorror ""]
This show is part of some pro-yield sign movement, I know it.
[May 6,2006 1:54pm - RichHorror ""]
See, I knew it.
[May 6,2006 2:07pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]

I'm not actually the one calling the shots for this show, I'm just the infernal messenger, but IWEIPH was definitely one of my suggestions.

We should set up something in August or September for all these bands that haven't gotten to play together yet: IWEIPH, Smite the Righteous, Dreaded Silence, Coffin Birth, ExAgenda, et all.
[May 6,2006 2:09pm - RichHorror ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:We should set up something in August or September for all these bands that haven't gotten to play together yet: IWEIPH, Smite the Righteous, Dreaded Silence, Coffin Birth, ExAgenda, et all.

That's a pretty awesome lineup right there.

The yield sign won, seeing as how now I have to buy a new car.

[May 6,2006 2:11pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
RichHorror said:

The yield sign won, seeing as how now I have to buy a new car.

With more trunkspace for all the Girl Scouts.

I meant the cookies. Sure I did.
[May 6,2006 2:13pm - RichHorror ""]
If you did, my heart is broken beyond the point that it can ever be mended.
[May 6,2006 5:34pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Shameless bump 2.0
[May 7,2006 8:03pm - inject-now ""]
[May 8,2006 12:26am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
[May 8,2006 3:05pm - inject-now ""]
[May 9,2006 12:22pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Nature will step on you,
nature will eat you up,
Jesu...Jesu Nature don't care for you,
nature don't see you.
Jesu...Jesu You're Fucked
You've Lost
[May 9,2006 11:08pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Mike, if you see this (maybe I'll PM it as well), Chris Martyrvore asked me this:

Also we don't have a bassist , but I'd like to run a cable from our g.amp into a bass amp fpr maximum destruction of sound! either from head to head or head to cab whatever works! Matts head and cab are 8ohms. I'd like to go from his head into a bass head if possble so MARTYRVORE doesn't sound to thin. And also feed back is part of our show as well I just want to send this idea out now so we don't have to deal with this at show time OK! Let me know. See if Hirudineas' bassist Ben will let us do this. I have lost his #....OK this is all!

I can't help out with this I'm afraid, we also do not have a bassist.
[May 10,2006 1:19pm - inject-now ""]
yeah i can bring a bass amp. should be fine.

[May 10,2006 10:36pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
[May 10,2006 10:50pm - CNV  ""]
Necromantic ritual summoning
[May 11,2006 12:44am - automaticpea  ""]
[May 11,2006 4:16pm - anonymous  ""]
yah grief kid!
[May 12,2006 2:29pm - anonymous  ""]
[May 13,2006 9:03am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Back to the front.
[May 14,2006 9:55pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
The dead are not ready to be forgotten.
[May 14,2006 10:01pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
So I guess that that means none of these band members will go to DITF.
[May 14,2006 11:37pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Eh, as much as I'd love to see 1349 and Belphegor, I can't justify the personal expense for an 8 hour road trip, tickets, etc. I think we had this Reflections gig booked before I was even aware of DITF though. Too many shows, not enough time in my life.
[May 15,2006 8:58am - anonymous  ""]
will Grief have the Grief live CD at this show?
[May 15,2006 10:24am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:So I guess that that means none of these band members will go to DITF.

Man, I really want to go to that fest

but I opted for party san in Germany this summer and it is going to break the bank
[May 15,2006 11:53am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
That would break a lot of banks.

Good news: we have bass.
Bad news: not for this show.
[May 15,2006 12:09pm - SuperFly ""]
anonymous said:will Grief have the Grief live CD at this show?

no, it won't be out until june. as far as I know.
[May 16,2006 1:09pm - ninkaszi  ""]
[May 16,2006 7:34pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
Reflections soundman doesn't know metal too well. Just a heads-up.
[May 16,2006 7:51pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I believe we asked if we could do our own sound, but they refused. Just one of those things that probably can't be helped.
[May 17,2006 12:40pm - SuperFly ""]
SuperFly said:anonymous said:will Grief have the Grief live CD at this show?

no, it won't be out until june. as far as I know.

I stand corrected. I got them yesterday. so yes we will have.
[May 18,2006 4:44pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Yet another reason for everyone to attend this show, and another reason for a BUMP!
[May 18,2006 4:58pm - anonymous  ""]
SuperFly said:SuperFly said:anonymous said:will Grief have the Grief live CD at this show?

no, it won't be out until june. as far as I know.

I stand corrected. I got them yesterday. so yes we will have.

cool. grab some of those Sunn Live CDs tonight to sell Sat. too, and I'll be happy!!!!
[May 19,2006 12:17pm - anonymous  ""]
[May 19,2006 12:22pm - SuperFly ""]
should have t-shirts for tomorrow also. they are supposed to be ready in the morning. hopefully they are.
[May 19,2006 1:16pm - anonymous  ""]
when was the grief live cd recorded?
[May 19,2006 2:11pm - SuperFly ""]
sometime last year. don't remember the date exactly.
[May 19,2006 3:01pm - inject-now ""]
[May 19,2006 3:01pm - RichHorror ""]
I am going to this after all.
[May 19,2006 5:00pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I am ill and will probably die at the end of our set.

I know nobody wants to miss that.
[May 20,2006 3:47pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Tonight. Come uppance.
[May 20,2006 4:27pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
skulls and booze
[May 21,2006 1:17am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
This was fucking awesome. Thanks again to Grief, Martyrvore and Hirudinea for coming out to play, and for everyone who went!
[May 21,2006 11:31am - notorious_D.U.G. ""]
The EA Pestilence cover was mint!
[May 21,2006 12:32pm - Kinslayer  ""]
notorious_D.U.G. said:The EA Pestilence cover was mint!

Shit yes!
[May 21,2006 1:23pm - RichHorror ""]
EA was ten times better than when I saw them at HMB, and I liked them back then too. I wanted a demo and shirt, but I was too going back and forth between thrashing and crippled.
[May 21,2006 1:53pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Sick fucking show!

[May 21,2006 1:57pm - pam nli  ""]
I'm sad I had to miss this.
[May 21,2006 1:58pm - RichHorror ""]
Yes. Yes you are.
[May 21,2006 3:26pm - Kevord ""]
Extinction Agenda was incredible. I can't wait for the show June 6th in Haverhill.
[May 21,2006 3:30pm - watchmaker666 ""]
Ouch my head!
[May 21,2006 3:55pm - inject-now ""]
sorry paul! i think i got the worst of it though. thats what i get for headbanging too close to the crowd.

awesome time. every band kicked ass and it was a fun drunken night as usual. heil and kill.

the new grief live cd is great...thanks superfly!
[May 21,2006 3:55pm - RichHorror NLI  ""]
24 inches of pain!!
[May 21,2006 4:41pm - pessimist NLI  ""]
[May 22,2006 12:24pm - paganmegan ""]
Very good show.
Martyrvore kicked ass, extinction agenda covered pestillence (killer)
hirudinea was as hate filled and awesome as usual, grief sounded fuckin tight as a japanese virgin

And the live grief disc is amazing (thanks jeff) and thanks to eric from grief for the t shirt!

[May 22,2006 12:26pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
RichHorror NLI said:24 inches of pain!!

HA! The VIP room was were the real party was at.
[May 22,2006 12:53pm - SuperFly ""]
thanks megan, I could use a japanese virgin right about now.
[May 22,2006 12:55pm - watchmaker666 ""]
WTF Jeff I didn't know you were handing out free shit! What is this some kind of nervous shakedown?
[May 22,2006 1:09pm - SuperFly ""]
[May 22,2006 1:10pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
JEFF how was the over/ under
[May 22,2006 1:13pm - SuperFly ""]
I'd say about the time we went on I was right in the ball park with 25.
[May 22,2006 2:15pm - paganmegan ""]
SuperFly said:thanks megan, I could use a japanese virgin right about now.

I'll lend you the pair that I keep in the basement

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