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photos from day I of NEMHF

[May 3,2006 1:30am - succubus ""]

yes my pics from day one. made my own thread, more to come...
[May 3,2006 9:05am - Anthony nli  ""]
why do the Black Dahlia Murder dress up like gay guys? I don't get that joke.
[May 3,2006 9:22am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, gay guys are no laughing matter to people from the cape. down there, it's serious bizness
[May 3,2006 9:29am - Anthony nli  ""]
haha, what? you confuse me Aaron. If you mean that I'm from the cape, that aint true. I am from Dorchester and currently live in East Boston.
[May 3,2006 9:39am - Ryan_M ""]
Anthony nli said:why do the Black Dahlia Murder dress up like gay guys? I don't get that joke.

it seems like they sometimes stick to themes when they play live, they're always dressed similar. i saw pics of one show where they all wore hawaiian shirts, pics from another where all their shirts were 80's thrash bands, i saw them play at the bomb shelter and they were all shirtless (it was hot and humid as fuck that night so i don't blame them).
[May 3,2006 10:34am - succubus ""]
woo someone looked at them

[May 3,2006 1:48pm - the_reverend ""]
I linked them to the absence and still remains.

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