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poop or puke?

[May 3,2006 5:53pm - succubus ""]
ok so i get home and see this thing on the ground...looks like shit to me...so i call aaron and tell him that the cat did that and he tells me that it's probably puke...


what do you think it is?
[May 3,2006 5:54pm - KeithMutiny ""]
110% a turd, no question
[May 3,2006 5:55pm - litacore ""]
[May 3,2006 6:05pm - davefromthegrave ""]
I've seen some really chunky brown cylindrical projectile cat vomit chunks in my time. so, I'm undecided. But what's with the low quality photo?
[May 3,2006 6:11pm - succubus ""]
i took it with my camera phone..all my camera equipment is charging...heh
but yeah i thought poop and aaron was tellnig me i was probably wrong...as you can see...even if i am wrong..you guys seem to agree
[May 3,2006 6:12pm - anonymous  ""]
if it's from a cat it is definately puke
[May 3,2006 6:13pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
It's puke, I've watched one of my cats sit in the middle of the living room and puke up one of those things before.
[May 3,2006 6:13pm - niccolai ""]
It's turd, but it's not from your cat...

[May 3,2006 6:15pm - davefromthegrave ""]
succubus said:i took it with my camera phone..all my camera equipment is charging...heh
but yeah i thought poop and aaron was tellnig me i was probably wrong...as you can see...even if i am wrong..you guys seem to agree

I demand higher quality. You aren't doing that pile of shit justice taking some shitty camera phone picture of it.
[May 3,2006 6:15pm - davefromthegrave ""]
[May 3,2006 6:26pm - badsneakers ""]
[May 3,2006 6:52pm - the_reverend ""]
thank you everyone.
she didn't believe me.
[May 3,2006 8:37pm - succubus ""]
erm aaron..yeah thank you everyone...especially the people who agreed that it looked like poop!
[May 3,2006 8:42pm - aeon  ""]
you're gonna have to get down on your hands and knees and smell it
[May 3,2006 8:53pm - succubus ""]
aeon said:you're gonna have to get down on your hands and knees and smell it

you first..

and if you think it's still sitting there...

[May 3,2006 9:41pm - eddienli  ""]
cat puke looks like shit, smells like cat food
[May 3,2006 10:15pm - the_reverend ""]
"my cat's breath smells like tuna fish"

carina sometimes comes in the bathroom when I shit and I yell at her. one time I started throwing rolls of toilet paper and she fell down laughing. true story.

I'm 99% sure that carina's poop comes out in little victoria secrets bags, smelling like potpuri with little bows on them.
[May 3,2006 10:21pm - davefromthegrave ""]
[May 3,2006 10:30pm - Jared_The_Zompire ""]
It's puke / hair ball.
[May 3,2006 10:32pm - Sacreligion ""]
the_reverend said:I'm 99% sure that carina's poop comes out in little victoria secrets bags, smelling like potpuri with little bows on them.

that sounds like a lucrative ebay plot
[May 4,2006 10:38am - Yeti ""]
rev correction "my cats breath smells like cat food"
[May 4,2006 10:49am - DreamingInExile ""]
it's definately cat puke/hairball (as Jared The Zompire stated)

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