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shopping during the day

[May 4,2006 9:58am - the_reverend ""]
so.. my car is being worked on (40k something or other) and I've got time to kill. I went across the street to shaws to do some shopping. it's like a carnival over here.
everyone either has a baby or is over 65.
[May 4,2006 9:59am - the_reverend ""]
its like school in the summer time, no class
[May 4,2006 10:05am - thedeparted nli  ""]
[May 4,2006 10:21am - the_reverend ""]
carina would love this shaws.
they hvae so many different types of quorthon meatless things.

anyhow, I left there and found a marsh where I was petting and catching frogs.

then I found an abandoned house and now I'm going to staples.
[May 4,2006 10:35am - the_reverend ""]
I just found hundreds of smashed eggs.
[May 4,2006 10:43am - the_reverend ""]
whoah, I trespassed a little and found 3 loons. wtf!
[May 4,2006 10:45am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
goddamn...all i got the other day when my car was getting work done was a free chrysler 300 series rental.
[May 4,2006 10:45am - Ma_Dukes ""]
[May 4,2006 10:46am - davefromthegrave ""]
rev's exploring. how cute.
[May 4,2006 10:47am - davefromthegrave ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:goddamn...all i got the other day when my car was getting work done was a free chrysler 300 series rental.

you shoulda burned out as much as you could in the time it was taking to get your car fixed.
[May 4,2006 10:47am - the_reverend ""]
this day is either like the simpsons 25 stories episode that starts with millhouse and bart on the bridge or a family circus cartoon.
if perfessor fink comes in at the end with his glaven and theme music, ill know which one it is.
[May 4,2006 10:47am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
haha, nah. i couldn't degrade such a beautiful machine. they had to order an extra part for my car so i got it all day tuesday AND yesterday. big pimpin'
[May 4,2006 10:52am - the_reverend ""]
sorry, I looked at my pictures. the birds were seaducks not loons
[May 4,2006 10:58am - the_reverend ""]
grr.. I have a bad tire... and have to replace it. why do a brand new car cost me so much to repair all the time!
[May 4,2006 11:00am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
tell me about it aaron...i just had a 60k mile tune up, which includes replacing my timing belt. that tune up costs $670. i also needed my oxygen sensor replaced, that's another $140 plus $90 for the diagnostics alone. they also fixed an evap leak, a/c belts, and replaced a $500 part that the oxygen sensor essentially melted to. thank christ that was under warranty.
[May 4,2006 11:00am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
That Shaws sounds like the Salem Wal-Mart at 3am
[May 4,2006 11:03am - davefromthegrave ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:tell me about it aaron...i just had a 60k mile tune up, which includes replacing my timing belt. that tune up costs $670. i also needed my oxygen sensor replaced, that's another $140 plus $90 for the diagnostics alone. they also fixed an evap leak, a/c belts, and replaced a $500 part that the oxygen sensor essentially melted to. thank christ that was under warranty.

[May 4,2006 11:05am - the_reverend ""]
haha, no, the people there had one kid, not 5 and they weren't buying cigarettes with foodstamps.
(you are talking NH right)
[May 4,2006 11:11am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
davefromthegrave said:MarkFuckingRichards said:tell me about it aaron...i just had a 60k mile tune up, which includes replacing my timing belt. that tune up costs $670. i also needed my oxygen sensor replaced, that's another $140 plus $90 for the diagnostics alone. they also fixed an evap leak, a/c belts, and replaced a $500 part that the oxygen sensor essentially melted to. thank christ that was under warranty.


exactly. and to top it off i still have to get an engine flush, some special body cleaning to get rid of a shitload of sludge, front end alignment, and get some circuit fixed for the airbag on the passenger's side, which will cost $340, on top of a few other things at small costs. i pretty much hate life at this point, haha.
[May 4,2006 12:48pm - anonymous  ""]
i'm still in springfield..aaron, i hope you bought some of those things..
[May 4,2006 12:55pm - the_reverend ""]
I couldn't. they would have gone bad cause of the amount of time before I could get them back.
we can go there some time.
[May 4,2006 3:19pm - Yeti ""]
the_reverend said:this day is either like the simpsons 25 stories episode that starts with millhouse and bart on the bridge or a family circus cartoon.
if perfessor fink comes in at the end with his glaven and theme music, ill know which one it is.

Family Circus sucks. that was always the worst part about the comic section. the only other comic the measured up to it in suckiness was Cathy.
[May 4,2006 3:55pm - anonymous  ""]
i've never done a tune up on my car 85k. still running strong but maybe its time to take it in to get the belts replaced.
[May 4,2006 3:56pm - anonymous  ""]
the_reverend said:grr.. I have a bad tire... and have to replace it. why do a brand new car cost me so much to repair all the time!

oh and be glad you don't own a VW or worse a BMW, those parts cost a ton
[May 4,2006 4:51pm - Anthony nli  ""]
davefromthegrave said:rev's exploring. how cute.

haha yeah i found Rev's adventures highly amusing
[May 4,2006 4:59pm - jesus ""]
you should try going to market basket across from my house on somerville ave on a saturday. its absolutely insane. and whites are the minority by far
[May 4,2006 5:04pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
anonymous said:i've never done a tune up on my car 85k. still running strong but maybe its time to take it in to get the belts replaced.

at first i wasn't going to have them do the 60k tune up, but the timing belt can go at ANY time. there are no symptoms at all. sometimes they can even go earlier. i've known people who's timing belts have gone at 48k, and even fucking 28k. the timing belt alone is on average $300-350, but if it goes you could be facing up to $4000-5000 worth of work, worst case scenario. cars suck.
[May 6,2006 2:16am - succubus ""]

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