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Attn: live bands who want to play on RTTP

[Sep 25,2003 8:46am - the_reverend ""]
Sorry, I've had no bands for a little while
1) was waiting to see if I'd get my hour back
2) the recording computer in the studio is fucked. we are waiting a dual protools mac and cool edit pc set up. the mac is going to have a 16 track mixer built in!
[Sep 25,2003 9:00am - joe/notcommon ""]
we forgive you.
[Sep 25,2003 4:56pm - University of Joe McNamara  ""]
i think KA still wants a copy of their performance, if you haven't already given it to them that is.
[Sep 25,2003 5:06pm - DysenteryVokills ""]
I dont forgive you.............. u fucking suck.....your FIRED!!.......hahah j/k rev. Yeah put DYSENTERY first on the list to do that shiz we should it with aghnim(there fucking sik)
[Sep 25,2003 5:12pm - University of Joe McNamara  ""]
hey DysenteryVokills, how is that club marque place? any good?

and did you guys like all asia?

[Sep 25,2003 5:27pm - the_reverend ""]
fuck.. I was waiting for someone to give me an address for them.
but I see ka all the time.
I'll burn one and put it in my car.
[Sep 25,2003 8:54pm - joe/notcommon ""]
I think mark's address is on their site
he is their front man and fearless leader
[Sep 25,2003 9:01pm - jesus ""]
University of Joe McNamara said:how is that club marque place? any good?

and did you guys like all asia?

either would be fine, all asia has a insane high strung asian lady who freaks out and marque has a drunk old guy who swears and tells jokes over the PA in between bands. i like both venues

[Sep 25,2003 9:05pm - joe/notcommon ""]
i met that asian lady
i came from school to go to a punk show and towards the end of the show she made me open my bag to make sure i wasnt dealing drugs to the kids
[Sep 25,2003 9:15pm - George ""]
just let us(aganihm) know when you want us to come on. im sure we'd be down for spliting a set or something.:yoda:
[Sep 25,2003 9:40pm - DysenteryVokills ""]
joe just call me will not DysenteryVokills.lol. Personally i think we might be better settled for Club Marque jsut becuase theres room to pit and ppl pit to us. But al asia is closer and still fun jsut if u have a show there move all the table to the other side of the bar not where the "stage" is so ppll can have room and have a good time.
[Sep 25,2003 9:40pm - DysenteryVokills ""]
joe just call me will not DysenteryVokills.lol. Personally i think we might be better settled for Club Marque jsut becuase theres room to pit and ppl pit to us. But al asia is closer and still fun jsut if u have a show there move all the table to the other side of the bar not where the "stage" is so ppll can have room and have a good time.
[Sep 25,2003 9:41pm - DysenteryVokills ""]
ok it jsut posted twice GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY and did i mention GAY!!!!!!!!!!
[Sep 25,2003 9:41pm - Hoser ""]
Rev....RESINATE wants to fuck RTTP up real bad one night. We wanna go apeshit in the studio and poop in our pants and slobber. When can we play RTTP....we dont need no stinking mixer!
[Sep 25,2003 9:45pm - joe/notcommon ""]
ok Will, who draws well there (at marquee)?

I might look into it
I rarely book outside boston though
[Sep 25,2003 9:48pm - DysenteryVokills ""]
get a hardcore band to play and that place will be booked to shit....get that band Days gone By(from worcester i believe) they draw a croud.
[Sep 25,2003 9:49pm - joe/notcommon ""]
i dont book hardcore bands, and the one time i changed my mind it was days gone by i got and they were a no show
[Sep 25,2003 9:51pm - DysenteryVokills ""]
Do like an all day fest or something get all kind of local abnds bring all the NC bands get some death grind cough dysentery cough and others and d o small fest youll def draw ppl.
[Sep 25,2003 9:52pm - joe/notcommon ""]
yeah, i could do that. the only problem with those small fests is it gets hard to pay the bands decent
i usually stick with 3-5
[Sep 25,2003 9:54pm - DysenteryVokills ""]
dont pay the bands fuck it jsut get together have fun and play its not that far anyone who bitches about getting paid obviouslly thinks there kid rock or fred durst.
[Sep 25,2003 9:57pm - DysenteryVokills ""]
kevorkians angels
phantom limb
and who ever else is NC band
then dysentery
shading the end
A Cold Reality(i can get them to play..ill threaten to eat them)

right there joe sik fest nice range of metal too in my opinion.

Give bands tickets and ahev them sell them and tell them they get half the money and the club/you gets the other half or something.

.........just suggestions.....i dont have a clue haha
[Sep 25,2003 9:58pm - DysenteryVokills ""]
how could i forget Bane of motha fn Existance
[Sep 25,2003 10:00pm - Hoser ""]
Add Resinate and the Network to the line-up and you'll complete the Dover
Melodic / Death / Grind side of the show.
It'd be fuckin' sick.
[Sep 25,2003 10:02pm - NolinLifeAtZero ""]
Rev, we\'d like to play RTTP, again.

But then you already knew that.:whipper:
[Sep 25,2003 10:03pm - joe/notcommon ""]
how about


[Sep 25,2003 10:57pm - DysenteryVokills ""]
fine with me joe:spineyes:

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