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Nerdiest dorm ever

[May 12,2006 10:40am - the_reverend ""]
[May 12,2006 10:43am - Man_of_the_Century ""]
That is the coolest thing I think I have ever saw... ever.
[May 12,2006 11:18am - This_Is_Heresy ""]
That would probably be awesome and everything, but I'm pretty sure they would freak the fuck out if you went anywhere near their computer with a beer in your hand. Thus destorying the point of "PARTY MODE!!!!!!111!"
[May 12,2006 11:43am - brian_dc ""]
I would not be able to sleep with all that electronic noise
[May 12,2006 11:44am - the_reverend ""]
[May 12,2006 11:45am - brian_dc ""]
you don't know how much that would infuriate me...you clearly have no idea
[May 12,2006 11:52am - the_reverend ""]
you are the kind of guy that sees messages in the silver sky.
[May 12,2006 11:53am - brian_dc ""]
that's probably true.
[May 12,2006 11:55am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
That's awesome until they have to take everything apart and set it back up again during winter break.
[May 12,2006 11:56am - brian_dc ""]
I was going to say that it's funny that no one ever parties with them and they never get laid.

but then I saw it was MIT...they do fine, I'm sure.
[May 12,2006 11:58am - CTborderpatrol  ""]
[May 12,2006 11:58am - CTborderpatrol  ""]
/\ is that thing a bong?
[May 12,2006 11:58am - brian_dc ""]
no...it's the party button
[May 12,2006 12:08pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
im surpised they dont have an on-demand Warcraft Server

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