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Now Find a show to go to!

Jun 6 (Tue) - Valasyrka, Hatchet, Extinction Agenda, Hell's Infinite VI, The Goodnight Flight, 21+, No Cover, Doors at 9pm - JP McBrides, Haverhill MA +[view flyer]


JP McBride's (Haverhill, Ma) - [extinction_agenda][goodnight_flight][hatchet][hells_infinite_vi][randomshots]
[show listing]  _____________________________________________
[May 13,2006 8:45am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]

Who has won?

Who has died?
[May 15,2006 8:45am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Reroute to regay.
[May 15,2006 9:12am - RichHorror ""]
And again, too many good shows on the same day.
[May 15,2006 10:37am - DreamingInExile ""]
yup, I will be there for the metal goodness :newhorns:
[May 15,2006 11:44am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
How many other shows are there on 6/6/6? I thought only one.
[May 18,2006 6:57pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Hell's Infinite Six have been added to this show.
[May 22,2006 8:11am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
2 weeks tomorrow. bump.
[Jun 1,2006 11:05am - Thrash Police Chief  ""]
No cover?
[Jun 4,2006 11:12am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
2 days until the Merrimack Valley is finished.
[Jun 4,2006 1:00pm - BornSoVile ""]
I will be there.
[Jun 4,2006 1:38pm - dyingmuse ""]
i live here, yeah, i'll be there! valsyrka and hell's infinate six are awesome! i haven't heard the rest of the bands, but i am sure they will rock!
[Jun 4,2006 1:40pm - Kevord not logged in  ""]
This show will be incredible. No cover. Free metal. Why wouldn't you go to this.
[Jun 4,2006 4:07pm - Kevord ""]
[Jun 4,2006 7:16pm - dyingmuse ""]
party at the His, Valsyrka, Sob, Hatchet and other's jamroom area after from what i heard.

[Jun 5,2006 5:20pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
[Jun 5,2006 5:22pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
were having a party after?!?? our jamspace is across the street
[Jun 5,2006 5:24pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Speaking of this, shouldn't some of us share some cabs or something? I can't see any reason for us all to bring our gear across the street.
[Jun 5,2006 5:28pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
yes well prob be supplying the pa as always and i dont mind people using my bass shit
[Jun 5,2006 5:35pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
If our new bassist (Tony from Hatchet) and I could use your bass cab/head that would be great. He's just starting out with ExAgenda and doing a few songs so we haven't had any time yet to buy gear.

In return, I'm sure he'll offer up his guitar rig if anyone needs it. People can use my stuff too if they want.

We'll probably all be at River's Edge before the show, so we'll figure it out.
[Jun 5,2006 5:39pm - Kevord ""]
I'd let people borrow my liver but it should be preoccupied tomorrow.
[Jun 5,2006 5:41pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
It had better be.
[Jun 5,2006 6:07pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
what times load in?? maybe we can all meet up early and discuss it
[Jun 5,2006 6:08pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
SACAPAPADOO said:what times load in?? maybe we can all meet up early and discuss it

and when i say discuss it i mean stick things in our ass and tell our dads about it......:moe:
[Jun 5,2006 6:55pm - dyingmuse ""]

[Jun 5,2006 7:05pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
SACAPAPADOO said:SACAPAPADOO said:what times load in?? maybe we can all meet up early and discuss it

and when i say discuss it i mean stick things in our ass and tell our dads about it......:moe:


I can't say for sure when the load in is, maybe 8:30pm?
[Jun 5,2006 7:10pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Oh yeah, if anyone still needs our new demo, the third and final mix will be available at this gig for free. The one that will go to press.


Alright, alright, I get it.
[Jun 5,2006 11:03pm - Kevord ""]
[Jun 5,2006 11:22pm - DreamingInExile ""]
bump indeed! this show will kill!!!

and if it wern't for ghetto it would be about walking distance from my house
[Jun 6,2006 1:07am - SACAPAPADOO ""]
aw shit
[Jun 6,2006 10:04am - Thrash Police Chief  ""]
Get out your gear, the thrash is go!
[Jun 6,2006 10:08am - the_reverend ""]
ill probably be here. anyone with CDs given to me
[Jun 6,2006 10:19am - DreamingInExile ""]
Aaron, do you have the Shroud/Withersoul split CD yet? I'll have Dan bring a few to the show.
[Jun 6,2006 10:41am - DreamingInExile ""]
Scott, how about a Dungeonbat reunion show tonight?

Swivel? .357 Noise? Alert?

maybe you should get Ironhide and Rakun to play
[Jun 6,2006 11:20am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Eh, I have nothing to do with any of that stuff anymore. Maybe a song or two will resurface one day.
[Jun 6,2006 12:29pm - the_reverend ""]
yes, I have that CD already mark.
[Jun 6,2006 12:40pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I have both .357 demos in my car right now, it's a total throwback to yester year
[Jun 6,2006 2:38pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
A throwback with a throwdown attached.
[Jun 6,2006 2:43pm - DreamingInExile ""]
indeed sir. I also have BOTH the swivel Demos and the Alert "Know my place" Demo

those were the days...
[Jun 6,2006 2:47pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Alert demo on CD? I do not even have the cassette anymore, I sent it to our gracious RTTP host.
[Jun 6,2006 2:49pm - DreamingInExile ""]
no, the tape HAHAHA

I need to get all those demos onto a CD though (then install my cd player in my car)
[Jun 6,2006 6:28pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Heading out soon.
[Jun 6,2006 6:29pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I'm stopping by the space before the show, since I've got nothign but time from here on out
[Jun 6,2006 6:32pm - DreamingInExile ""]
oh, and I've got a shirt for you to laugh at tonight Scott
[Jun 6,2006 6:33pm - the_reverend ""]
what? it's not starting for 2 1/2 hrs...
DHTH, bring your DS and mario
[Jun 6,2006 6:34pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I'll bring my DS too, either of you have Mario Kart?
[Jun 6,2006 6:38pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 6,2006 6:38pm - DreamingInExile ""]
[Jun 6,2006 8:03pm - the_reverend ""]
ok, getting some cereal and yogurt and jetting
[Jun 6,2006 9:00pm - the_reverend ""]
whoah.. this place is right next to the "hill"side of haverhill. I've only dared to drive up there once. in highschool and that was cause my bestfriend had just let me driver his truck for the first time.
I'm going to be sprinting to my car afterwards.
[Jun 7,2006 12:28am - the_reverend ""]
valasyrka didn't get to play. the cops are here. going home.
[Jun 7,2006 12:29am - the_reverend ""]
only 8 cruisers and the paddywagon
[Jun 7,2006 12:51am - Kevord ""]
This sucks. I was just talking to Scott from Extinction Agenda about how we could have shows here at least once a month cause the place was packed. I had so much fun tonight. It was like a Methuen Reunion. Blame it on gay Emo Hardcore. Fuck you Good Night Flight.
[Jun 7,2006 1:06am - the_reverend ""]
I wasn't one of the first 30 people through the door so no dungeonbat shirt for me. whoah is me.
[Jun 7,2006 1:09am - Kevord ""]
The Dundeonbat fans were all there. We totally convinced Eric the drummer that they were headlining. He got really upset cause he was too drunk to remember how to play the songs.
[Jun 7,2006 1:16am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
It was a damn shame the singer of that gay screamo band had to act like a fucking monkey and not only rob Valasyrka (who went through all the trouble of setting this thing up) of their set, but endanger future shows at the bar.

The Hells Infinite Six set slayed, and thanks to everyone who showed up, SoB members, Rev, the entire Merrimack Valley brigade, my Somerville posse, etc, despite the drama near the end. Thanks to Sac for helping with the bass gear, I hope I get to hear you play soon man!
[Jun 7,2006 1:21am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Kevord said:The Dundeonbat fans were all there. We totally convinced Eric the drummer that they were headlining. He got really upset cause he was too drunk to remember how to play the songs.

All six members of Dungeonbat were in attendance, even Justin.

Also, about five members of December Wolves were there.

[Jun 7,2006 1:23am - Kevord ""]
Every band besides the goodnight flight was great. The entire night was amazing. I saw people I havn't seen in year. I actually was enthusiastic that the area might have a viable Metal scene cause the bar was packed. But who knows now.
[Jun 7,2006 1:25am - Kevord ""]
Well a December Wolves set wasn't gonna happen. But the fact that it could have happened in the future at J.P. Mcbrides pisses me off more than anything.
[Jun 7,2006 1:25am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are 666ing as we 666.
[Jun 7,2006 1:26am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Only 44 pics? My fat head alone should easily fill double that!
[Jun 7,2006 1:27am - Kevord ""]
Lol, I hope the picture of my drunk ass after the show is there. I was trashed and thanks to the show getting shut down I had to drive home.
[Jun 7,2006 1:27am - the_reverend ""]
your fat head had a red light on it for the entire set.
[Jun 7,2006 1:28am - the_reverend ""]
that picture is dark, but on my screen, you can clearly see you AND behind you the singer of GNF up against the cop car.
[Jun 7,2006 1:29am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I hate that red light. Actually these pics came out great Rev, thanks!

Almost forgot I played in another band too.
[Jun 7,2006 1:31am - Kevord ""]
You definetly need to post that picture than. I hope the singer of GNF gets anuly raped in jail.
[Jun 7,2006 1:42am - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 7,2006 1:42am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Heh, Rebecca is in it too.

Heavy Metal Police Raid.

I'm glad there are actually some pics of me standing up with the bass in Hatchet BEFORE the strap broke.
[Jun 7,2006 1:44am - Kevord ""]
Hahahaha. Yes that's my drunk ass.
[Jun 7,2006 8:32am - DreamingInExile ""]
the first 3 bands slayed all, I love the reunion feeling of a good Merrimack Valley show. I ran into people I haven't seen in a loooooong time. sucks that Valasyrka got the shaft, GNF should have gotten the "headlining shaft" spot, just so everyone could have enjoyed Valasyrka then left to go drink more beers. I ended up leaving just after midnight anyways, and when I was leaving the Jamroom parking lot, I saw nothing but blue lights over at the bar.

we need to set up another MV Metal Night, start it earlier (like do a saturday show) and get the few MV bands that didn't play in on this (Seed, Shroud, Dungeonbat, December Wolves, etc.)

Good times, were had last night, I'm still pissed that Vs got shafted, especially since they set this shindig up...
[Jun 7,2006 1:05pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
yep kill emo kids
[Jun 7,2006 1:30pm - sacreligion ""]
why the hell was that band put on this show anyway?
[Jun 7,2006 1:31pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
A good question, but some of the members of that band are cool with Brian (HI6/Valasyrka), and I think all of the bands practice across the street from the bar in question (at least four of the bands do).
[Jun 7,2006 1:33pm - sacreligion ""]
yeah but you never put emocore on a metal show for this exact reason

some kid's gonna get drunk and act like he's a tough guy and then goes to jail
[Jun 7,2006 1:35pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Eh, I've played a lot of mixed gigs where that kind of stuff didn't happen, and they did involve metalcore/emo bands.

But in this case, the gig was four bands that were clearly metal (death, thrash, black, and tech/death) and one complete outsider, so that was kind of weird.
[Jun 7,2006 2:37pm - ninkaszi  ""]
sucks i had to miss this...i was stuck at a car dealership until 10:30pm. i had a pretty lame 666!!!
[Jun 7,2006 2:39pm - RichHorror ""]
Every show IWEIPH plays, we are an outsider.
[Jun 7,2006 2:40pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
RichHorror said:Every show IWEIPH plays, we are an outsider.

but atleast you guys are good shits and arnt emo fags
[Jun 7,2006 2:41pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
But IWEIPH is GOOD, and that is where the comparison fails
[Jun 7,2006 2:42pm - RichHorror ""]
Clearly the mistake here was not having IWEIPH on the bill.
[Jun 7,2006 2:44pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
2 che mr whorror
[Jun 7,2006 3:25pm - BornSoVile ""]
fucking gay. what pisses me off is that i was taking a piss during the gnf and i missed all the tom foolery on stage. i came out looked at sinister minister, grabbed a beer and a shot (what's up with 12:30 cut off?), i felt like a smoke, turned to my buddy Giroux, who told me some dude just got hit, i looked outside and everyone was looking in one direction on the porch. within a second i heard sirens and next thing i knew, blues were everywhere. tons of cops! the whole nine yards, finish your drinks and get out, which sucks cause i just bought that beer! best part was some chick collapsing to the ground crying "why? why? why?". aweful band by the way.
[Jun 7,2006 3:28pm - Morbid_Mike ""]
BornSoVile said:fucking gay. what pisses me off is that i was taking a piss during the gnf and i missed all the tom foolery on stage. i came out looked at sinister minister, grabbed a beer and a shot (what's up with 12:30 cut off?), i felt like a smoke, turned to my buddy Giroux, who told me some dude just got hit, i looked outside and everyone was looking in one direction on the porch. within a second i heard sirens and next thing i knew, blues were everywhere. tons of cops! the whole nine yards, finish your drinks and get out, which sucks cause i just bought that beer! best part was some chick collapsing to the ground crying "why? why? why?". aweful band by the way.

FUCK GNF! And really what is up with a 12:30 cut off!
[Jun 7,2006 3:28pm - RichHorror ""]
BornSoVile said:best part was some chick collapsing to the ground crying "why? why? why?".

Totally the end of every date I've ever been on.
[Jun 7,2006 3:31pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
i am so mad this shit happened way to ruin the one and only 666 for me i hope this kid gets raped by his dad and then watches and grand parants strangle fuck his mom
[Jun 7,2006 3:43pm - arilliusBM ""]
[Jun 7,2006 4:34pm - my_life_with_her_ghost ""]
pretty sad-what happened at this show-we used to have tons of shows around the mv area, but douchebags like that fucking gnf singer:krusty: always have to fuck shit up-some people can't handle beer
[Jun 7,2006 4:38pm - ninkaszi  ""]
who got beat?
[Jun 7,2006 4:54pm - dyingmuse ""]
damn good show last night! i left just after his(who owned) so i just missed all that shit that happened. bummer about valsyrak. so i had 10 beers in 2 hours, and i am just able to look at the screen now without hurling. all the bands i saw rocked, awesome turnout!
[Jun 7,2006 4:55pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
ninkaszi said:who got beat?

beat as in the singer from TGF?
[Jun 7,2006 4:57pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
The turnout was sick, probably 100-150 people at peak? (assuming there were a few not there for the metal, at the bar)

We should try and double this for our next Valley metal outing.
[Jun 7,2006 4:59pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
dude easily,thats why i wanna book a show at illusions it would pack in so fast itd be a fire hazard
[Jun 7,2006 5:06pm - Kevord ""]
I have no idea if or who got beat. I was standing by the bar and saw the singer for TGNF jump in the air and punch some ceiling tiles. I don't know if that's what started shit or what. But then I saw a guy who work there dragging the kid out. The bar stopped survey right after that and then came the blues.
[Jun 7,2006 5:08pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Another kid was actually thrown out before the GNF singer. I saw that.
[Jun 7,2006 5:10pm - DreamingInExile ""]
why on earth would you want to intentionally get tossed out of a show? I never understood the fighting and stupid antics that go on...

anyone else get the point of doing that?
[Jun 7,2006 5:11pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
dude the kid was tossing beer hitting the ceiling and beating on women, the owner wasnt having it so he pulled the kid off stage by the front of his pants, at first i thought someone was trying to pants him but then i realized that the motha fucka was getting his ass tossed outta there and he started swinging and he hit the owner in the face.
[Jun 7,2006 5:12pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Kid should quite music and go pose for Calvin Klein. fag.
[Jun 7,2006 5:16pm - DreamingInExile ""]
HAHAHA, I'd rather see him become the poster child for severe beatings after fucking up that venue on all us that were there to enjoy the metal
[Jun 7,2006 5:16pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
DreamingInExile said:why on earth would you want to intentionally get tossed out of a show? I never understood the fighting and stupid antics that go on...

anyone else get the point of doing that?

thats because he knew that valasyrka was going to play after them and knew that we wouldve caused satan to arise so he did the only thing he could do and started hitting people, women..owners of fancy irish pubs..CEILINGS!! he was outta control, outta mcbrides, and prob outta TGNF..oh well fuck em and fuck it
[Jun 7,2006 5:17pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
DreamingInExile said:HAHAHA, I'd rather see him become the poster child for severe beatings after fucking up that venue on all us that were there to enjoy the metal

[Jun 7,2006 5:17pm - Infant_Skin_Suitcase ""]
that is shitty
[Jun 7,2006 5:20pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I really hope GNF gets blacklisted from shows for this shit... I know that I will NEVER play a show with them after they ruined this one for valasyrka (and possibly the rest of the scene)

has anyone gotten in touch with the owner of McBrides yet?
[Jun 7,2006 5:22pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
i sent him an email and brian (our drummer) knows him so im sure well work somthing out... and yea dude black list
[Jun 7,2006 5:25pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I really hope that we'll be able to set shows up there in the future. it's a cool easy to get to venue, not huge, kinda like an O'briens or DeeDees of Northern MA
[Jun 7,2006 5:27pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
[Jun 7,2006 5:29pm - Kevord ""]
leave the fag a message who ruined it!
[Jun 7,2006 5:32pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Fuckin' kid, not even old enough that he can legally drink.
[Jun 7,2006 5:33pm - Kevord ""]
If you look at his picures he already has the Return to the Pit picture of him hanging from the ceiling on there.
[Jun 7,2006 5:33pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I didn't think he was old enough to drink...
[Jun 7,2006 5:34pm - DreamingInExile ""]
Kevord said:If you look at his picures he already has the Return to the Pit picture of him hanging from the ceiling on there.

that's like saying "look at what kind of stupid shit I'm capable of"


"watch me I can fuck everything up for everyone"
[Jun 7,2006 5:38pm - Kevord ""]
Yeah, I bet he thinks it's funny. Asshole
[Jun 7,2006 5:42pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
oh man i wanna drink his blood
[Jun 7,2006 5:46pm - Kevord ""]
The best thing to do is call the owner of every club there playing at and tell them what happened.
[Jun 7,2006 5:49pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
yea but im pretty lazy so how about we just divize a scheme where the members of the band just throw him out because hes a blond emo kid
[Jun 7,2006 5:50pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I would hope they already had plans to throw him out after last night.
[Jun 7,2006 5:52pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
yea bra seriously its like come on naw
[Jun 7,2006 5:55pm - grundlegremlin ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:I would hope they already had plans to throw him out after last night.

I agree.I know 3 of those guys and they are good kids,I always thought they should ditch the singer,he is awful,and apparently sucks at life as well.
[Jun 7,2006 6:11pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
they are god kids they were very apolagetic to me in my drunken rage but that kid does suck at life and they can most definitly do better
[Jun 7,2006 6:17pm - grundlegremlin ""]
I hope that JP's still puts on shows,I would like to play there. The owners are pretty cool.That bought my friends and I a round when they first opened.It's kind of ironic that an emo band could get a show shut down,only on 666 i guess.
[Jun 7,2006 6:18pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I know huh, all the metal bands were saints, and the screamo band gets it all fucked up. Well, I guess metal bands aren't under the rock star illusions as much.
[Jun 7,2006 6:22pm - grundlegremlin ""]
That kid just needs to stay home and cry in his room and focus on his hair like other emo kids.
[Jun 7,2006 6:22pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
yea and we dont have the same hair cut
[Jun 7,2006 6:31pm - Kevord ""]
[Jun 7,2006 6:35pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
fuck yea dude thats badass, kindda made me feel like an ass in the end though cause i was waiting for a phone number to call or a website to goto
[Jun 7,2006 6:37pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Kevord owes me a can of Pepsi, since I just spit mine out my nose when I saw this flyer.
[Jun 7,2006 6:46pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
hahahaha thats what you get for drinking pepsi
[Jun 7,2006 7:08pm - DreamingInExile ""]
we need to start printing flyers for metal shows like that... do it on 11x17 paper, 1/2 will be the show flier, and the other 1/2 will be that
[Jun 7,2006 7:27pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
look at what i did because im so badass: http://groups.myspace.com/EMODESTRUCTICUS
[Jun 7,2006 10:22pm - SeedBassist ""]
I'm fucking pissed I couldn't go to this.....stupid me for being 19. But yes, DEFINATELY more merrimack valley metal shows in the future. I know for a fact we'd love to take part in a few of 'em. Just sucks when people gotta be assholes and ruin shows, there's already been 3 popular clubs shut down in haverhill in the past year alone, hopefully that trend doesn't continue....
[Jun 7,2006 10:39pm - sacreligion ""]
book more pubs...i want metal and beer-battered fish
[Jun 8,2006 12:13pm - anonymous  ""]
every place in haverhill gets ruined....
[Jun 8,2006 12:17pm - anonymous  ""]
wow.... i know that kid he used to go to my middle school......
[Jun 9,2006 1:05am - anonymous  ""]
yeah, he's the fag and the one who looks like everyone else, am i mistaken, or was everyone there but them wearing black? its not their fault hell broke loose when they played and not any of the other bands....i know, your just jealous and have nothing better to do for about 4 hours than to type a bunch of shit about someone.......fucking metal
[Jun 9,2006 1:09am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
They weren't all wearing black, and at least they aren't talking shit anonymously like you are, and if you hadn't noticed already, NONE OF THEM RUINED THE FUCKING SHOW.
[Jun 9,2006 1:15am - sacreligion ""]
what? some anonymous douche who's obviously close with/in the band and sticking up for the drunk kid who couldn't handle himself and ruined a perfectly good show like most dumbass kids do?

maybe if you keep accepting people acting like that as alright there will be NO places to play anymore. wow that's totally worth it
[Jun 9,2006 1:19am - sacreligion ""]
anonymous said:its not their fault hell broke loose when they played and not any of the other bands

hell breaking loose=douchebag singer wanting attention because daddy spent too much time at work or something
[Jun 9,2006 1:28am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Hell didn't break out during the other bands' sets because we were not drunken, emo rock star faggots. We came to play some music for our friends, families, and each other.

It was this kid's fault as soon as he picked up that first drink (from what I'm reading, he's not even old enough to!) and decided he was going to be an asshole. Congratulations!
[Jun 9,2006 5:54am - Kevord ""]
It's funny, I don't remember the other bands trying to rip down the bars ceiling. Just one drunk emo douchebag.
[Jun 9,2006 6:04am - Kevord ""]
Maybe Scott and Jeff punched the bars owner in the face. Oh wait, No they didn't.
[Jun 9,2006 6:06am - Kevord ""]
Oh, and give us credit. We talked shit for way more than 4 hours.
[Jun 9,2006 6:09am - sacreligion ""]
we suck! *high five*
[Jun 9,2006 2:32pm - anonymous  ""]
oh well shit happens. I'm sure none of you "metalheads" ever did anything stupid when you were drunk. As a matter of fact I saw a few acting like complete fucktards at the show before any of this shit happened with the goodnight flight. In my opinion all of the bands played well and it was probably a good thing that Valasyrka wasn't able to play because Satan would have surely rose up through the floor of McBrides and went on a recessed ceiling tile rampage.
[Jun 9,2006 2:40pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Alright, first off, not everyone who is a "metalhead" is a weak drunk. I'm sure everyone has done something stupid when he/she was drinking, and many were probably LEGALLY drunk, but there are separate magnitudes of 'stupid'. And what the singer of GNF did was off the Richter scale of 'stupid'.

Not only did the band who BOOKED the fucking show not get to play, but what that kid did endangered future opportunities to perform at JP MacBrides.

And the kid hasn't even done the right thing and apologized. It would only take a few mature words to the right people to get everything straightened out. Shit DOES happen. So if you are that person, anonymous, do it.
[Jun 9,2006 2:47pm - sacreligion ""]
are we still playing "defend the dumbass"?

the kid obviously fucked up and did something stupid...why are you trying to make it seem like it's ok?
[Jun 9,2006 2:47pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Because he's either:

1) that kid.
2) one of that kid's female friends.
3) one of the member's of that kid's band.
4) a male friend (hard to imagine? wah wah wah)
[Jun 9,2006 2:52pm - sacreligion ""]
i think i proposed that in an earlier post...and is about 100% true
[Jun 9,2006 2:59pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Yes you did, and you are correct.
[Jun 9,2006 3:03pm - anonymous  ""]
Blink 182 called and they want thier gimmick back.
[Jun 9,2006 3:16pm - DreamingInExile ""]
this is the thread that never dies...

I'm still amazed that ANYONE would defend that kid (even defending himself is foolish)

I'm just pissed that a homocore singer ruined a perfectly evil metal night
[Jun 9,2006 3:18pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
The kid could very well have apologized to the club and to the bands for his actions. He could have done it right there at the show.
[Jun 9,2006 3:22pm - DreamingInExile ""]
but that requires being a MAN and owning up to your actions.

I, personally, think he owes the club, the bands, and the attending people an apology for putting an end to the night.
[Jun 9,2006 4:12pm - anonymous  ""]
this emo douche lives for the press we are giving him! give it a rest he is not worth it trust me...
[Jun 9,2006 4:21pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]

[Jun 9,2006 4:34pm - Kevord not logged in  ""]
We are not press. We are more push. Like off a fuckin cliff.
[Jun 9,2006 5:03pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
this is what he emails me:hey folks. its called EMOtional music, which emo is short for, so if you put emotion into your music you might be emo too. maybe 'saves the day' might of played. but as of right now our band seems to be too agressive too and intense for you "metal kids" Im sorry you didnt get to play. I didnt intend to shut down the show. I was just doing what i do best, "breaking it down yo." I respect you all as musicians and i enjoy your music, however, I feel like this is blown way out of the water. I would expect all you kids to be supporting the chaos and disorder of the night, concidering metal is metal. I'm pretty positive Dime Bag wouldn't of been offended by a kid just swinging from the cieling. There was nothing wrong with what I did, the way everyone re-acted to it was why shit popped off.
this is what happened
its not that big of a deal
relax, stop talking shit
or I might get EMOtional.
-Love Joey

and my retort:dude you fucked up big you fucked us over sooo bad because you were having a tiff and you couldnt control your booze.... im surprised your still in your band because the way they (members of your band) were talking shit about you didnt sound like you were sticking around for much longer.
emo is gay emotional bullshit .its little bitches crying about how their fat girlfriends with the same hair cut broke up with them beacuse they wanted the guy that works at taco bell....
its a stupid trendy disease, you make me sick and you have been blacklisted.
p.s its pretty fucking lame however that the only people that was getting into your music was a group of girls that you constantly pushed around. big ups to you bro.
this is half of my rebuddle to how i feel about the situation and these are my words and my words only, im not sure how the other memebers of my band feel about you but im sure shit gets more respect then you.
[Jun 9,2006 5:07pm - Kevord not logged in  ""]
There was nothing wrong with what he did? The Haverhill Police seemed to disagree.
What a pompous asshole.
[Jun 9,2006 5:11pm - Kevord not logged in  ""]
And I don't even understand the "Saves the Day" reference. Except both bands suck.
[Jun 9,2006 5:11pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
hes lucky the cops did show up otherwise he would have been fucked
[Jun 9,2006 5:12pm - Kevord not logged in  ""]
Watch out he might break it down on ya. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
[Jun 9,2006 5:17pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
relax, stop talking shit
or I might get EMOtional.
i hate this kid sooo much
[Jun 9,2006 5:20pm - Kevord not logged in  ""]
This kid thinks he's fuckin Jim Morrison. He's just some trendy fag who ruined a great show. He's not even a musician. He just Whines into a microphone throws it on the floor and has a hissy fit.
[Jun 9,2006 5:20pm - BornSoVile ""]
nothing changes the fact that that band sucks.
[Jun 9,2006 5:27pm - anonymous  ""]
nobody from valaserka had anything to do with the putting together of that show on 666.....actually jeff from thegoodnightflight"that gay screamo band"toad ,joey p,and jay avery were the one who made tuesnight poss.....get facts right ......what is this high school? get over it ...for metal heads you guys wine too much
[Jun 9,2006 5:28pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
BornSoVile said:nothing changes the fact that that band sucks.

the band members are cool but the singer kid needs a toothbrush stuck up in his ass
[Jun 9,2006 5:32pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
i love the reversed psyche trip but when it all comes down to it the singer of a band fucked over alot of people and were all pretty pissed off,your lucky thats all were doing about it because someof us having nothing to live for
[Jun 9,2006 5:52pm - ANONYMOUS EDWIN  ""]
[Jun 9,2006 6:03pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
but edwin arnt you mad that some cupcake lookin like mutha fucka fucked over me and the rest of the world that night?
[Jun 9,2006 6:05pm - Anonymous  ""]
If a metal bands singer had fucked up the show cause he was a loser who couldn't handle his alcohol it still would be lame. Especially if he felt no remorse.
[Jun 9,2006 6:48pm - ANONYMOUS EDWIN  ""]
i agree that someone def fucked it for you guys....but everyones makin it out ta be like everyones set got ruin and no one got to play but TGNF...I LOVE YOU GUYS i just dont want anymore drama between our freinds swivel doesnt sound too far from the goodnightflight....i cant wait ta c you guys tho

[Jun 9,2006 6:49pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
i like the other guys in the band i just dont think very highly of the singer because we got fucked due to his retarded retardedness
[Jun 9,2006 7:11pm - strings  ""]
my singer drank too much and was out of hand..you are all closed minded fuckin half ass musicians....music is art...art is self expression....your putting our music off as merely following a trend is fucking bullshit....threatening my fucking singer personally in the ways that you did is absolute bullshit....myself and everyone else in the band appologized extensively to everyone that mattered....the fact that you fucks put us off as a trend shows what you truely are as musicians yourself...closed minded fuckin followers....and as for saying "your lucky thats all were doing about it" thats out of line....fuck off... the original MTC are the only ones that matter and the only ones we have any respect towards ... to any of them we appologize again...and to the rest of you fuck off...and go jerk off to a poster of Aragon or something
love tgf
[Jun 9,2006 7:26pm - Emo is gay  ""]
[Jun 9,2006 7:26pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]

So that gives your singer a right to fuck up a show? Because the band playing after you is playing more gigs in the near future? That is by far the stupid and most ignorant thing I have ever heard. How many shows are they going to get to play on 6/6/6?

Who cares what 'mixture' of bands I've been in? I did not ruin the show on Tuesday night. I am not the problem here. I've been in a hundred bands, from umpteen styles of metal to techno to rap-rock to rock to punk to goth to what the fuck ever I wanted to do. Never emo. Never fashioncore bullshit. And I will continue to do so. It has no bearing whatsoever on this discussion. Thanks for the weak attempt at a red herring, but noone is going to fall for it here.

If GNF was a SKA band, people would still be pissed. If you were a DEATH METAL band, we would still be pissed. Don't you have an iota of common sense?

[Jun 9,2006 7:36pm - anonymensch  ""]
strings said:my singer drank too much and was out of hand..you are all closed minded fuckin half ass musicians....music is art...art is self expression....your putting our music off as merely following a trend is fucking bullshit....threatening my fucking singer personally in the ways that you did is absolute bullshit....myself and everyone else in the band appologized extensively to everyone that mattered....the fact that you fucks put us off as a trend shows what you truely are as musicians yourself...closed minded fuckin followers....and as for saying "your lucky thats all were doing about it" thats out of line....fuck off... the original MTC are the only ones that matter and the only ones we have any respect towards ... to any of them we appologize again...and to the rest of you fuck off...and go jerk off to a poster of Aragon or something
love tgf

Every single member of every other band that played that night could play your shitty band under a fucking rug. That is not even in question.

I'd rather jerk off to Aragorn (learn to fucking spell, jackoff) than Taking Back Sunday and My Chemical Romance, you prissy little faggots. Go watch your TRL and maybe the singer of Good Charlotte will wink at you. That would make your day.
[Jun 9,2006 8:23pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
id rather jerk off to all you righetous mutha fucks HAIL SATAN!!!
[Jun 9,2006 8:46pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
strings said:my singer drank too much and was out of hand..you are all closed minded fuckin half ass musicians....music is art...art is self expression....your putting our music off as merely following a trend is fucking bullshit....threatening my fucking singer personally in the ways that you did is absolute bullshit....myself and everyone else in the band appologized extensively to everyone that mattered....the fact that you fucks put us off as a trend shows what you truely are as musicians yourself...closed minded fuckin followers....and as for saying "your lucky thats all were doing about it" thats out of line....fuck off... the original MTC are the only ones that matter and the only ones we have any respect towards ... to any of them we appologize again...and to the rest of you fuck off...and go jerk off to a poster of Aragon or something
love tgf

you're pretty much throwing water on a grease fire. you can't use the argument "it's so fucked up what you guys said" and in the same breath do the EXACT SAME THING. Your singer ruined a good time, people are pissed at him, nobody else's fault but HIS.

I'll be in the back jerking off to my Arwen poster...mmmmm elf sex
[Jun 10,2006 8:09am - kevord ""]
This could win the award for best thread of 2006 so far.
[Jun 10,2006 8:26am - kevord ""]
If anyone needs some wacking material.
[Jun 10,2006 10:39am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
That is awesome.
[Jun 10,2006 1:38pm - ANONYMOUS EDWIN  ""]
there was no attempt on mybehalf what so ever ..i cant change anyones mind minds and i dont xpect...hehe...to either,and if i wanted to it would be impossible for your ego you help you understand what im sayin.
it does suck that valaserka didnt get to play and its not like 666 will happen again anytime soon and yes it was due to some rowdeyness,but that doesnt give you the right to belittle anyone...esp people you dont know.....emo...thats just a fuckin word not a certain style of music ...get it right .....you got to play twice so....SHUT THE FUCK UP...ALL THESE "EMO"KIDS YOU SO "HIGHLY" SPEAK OF WERE THE REASON WHY DUNGEONBAT GOT TO ..PLAY...SHOWS AS MUCH AS DUNGEONBAT HAS PLAYED...I LOVE METAL HARDCORE BLAH BLAH BAH I RESPECT ALL MUSIC I MIGHT NOT LIKE SOME OF IT ...BUT I RESPECT IT...EMO......ALL MUSIC COMES FROM EMO....TION .......DIDNT GETTING MADE FUN OF FOR BEING AN ASSHOLE BUILD UP SOME EMO...TION FOR YOU TO WRITE SOME TUNES.......FOR A PERSON WHO HAS BEEN ON STAGE AS LONG AS YOU HAVE...YOU CERTAINLY HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE HOW TO PRESENT YOURSELF ON IT......KEEP FORWARD UNCROSS YOUR LEGS.....I THOUGHT YOU WERE PLAYIN A METAL SHOW ON UNPLUGGED.
[Jun 10,2006 2:09pm - kevord ""]
I like how Scott has no right to belittle someone then he gets belittled.
[Jun 10,2006 3:17pm - anonymensch  ""]

He was sitting down on the stage because his BASS STRAP broke, you idiot.

[Jun 10,2006 3:30pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]

No they were not. Dungeonbat played metal and hardcore gigs, and one show with a punk band. I was at at every Dungeonbat gig. You were not. Don't try to rewrite history.


Of course all music has emotion. You know very well that we are talking about the fashioncore scene referred to as 'Emo' by just about everyone in our country these days. Sure that is where the word came from, but it has it's own slang meaning today. And you know that.

Also, for the record, I am not the only person here that is bashing 'emo'. So why are you taking this out on me?


Edwin, and I'm assuming you are the Edwin I know (if not, I apologize), you do realize that while I was playing in Hatchet, the bass guitar strap broke while I was doing some "PRESENTING" as you put it. That is why I had to sit on the stage, with legs crossed, to prop up the bass. I did not think I was playin' a metal show on unplugged.

Regardless, all of this has NOTHING to do with the point.

The singer of GNF fucked up the show. Not me. Not you. Not anyone else.
[Jun 10,2006 3:36pm - kevord ""]
Insert photoshopped image of scotts head over Eric Clapton unpluggeds body.
[Jun 10,2006 3:44pm - kevord ""]
The real Definition of Emo:
[Jun 10,2006 3:48pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
kevord said:Insert photoshopped image of scotts head over Eric Clapton unpluggeds body.

Ahahaha, it was hard to understand what he was even saying. I wonder why Edwin is freaking out on me personally, he knows I love him. He was the official Dungeonbat Dancer, and he can talk to me whenever he wants.
[Jun 10,2006 4:01pm - kevord ""]
I think it's funny that anyone is taking the time to defend this kid. If they just ignored us we probably would have moved onto another thread by now.
[Jun 10,2006 8:22pm - kevord ""]
Bump, just cause this thread is still funny.
[Jun 11,2006 2:08am - anonymous  ""]
hey its joey rozmus of the goodnight flight, dont be jelous just because we put on the best show and put all of our heart into it, dont be tough guy onlie kids come and get me kids. Your all a group of close minded fucks who act all 'metal' and tough. but then someone goes crazy and you all fucking cry. cry cry cry. you are more emo than anyone in our band. your fucks, straight up immature, high school gossip fucks. if youwant me come and fight it out. dont sit behind your computer and talk all tough guy shit. fuck you and your judgemental thoughts, i never intentionally offended any band personally or attacked some band for being something i wasnt fond of, so grow up. stop being the 'tough internet shit talker' type and relize it was chaos and fun not ignorance, the owner of the lub attacked me when i set foot offstage, what would youof done? i will never take the title emo, but since you folks are soo good at genres than why dont you write for a fucking music magazine. Cry me a river, the show got shut down, poor dudes, not like there isnt any other shows ever, get over it and stop talking shit about me, because im over it, and you fucks need to know how to be adults, not shun someone for a great performance, too bad your not me, because i wouldnt really care
love you emoist of emoists JOEY FUCKING ROZMUS
[Jun 11,2006 3:59am - the_reverend ""]
hatchet: the last time I saw them, I thought they were all huge guys. I think that's cause they were all up on stage at the middle east. I remember thinking the same thing when I saw DHTH at obriens. They had a second guitar player this time. I think they should get more shows.. cause right now, they are everyone's best little secret.

extinction agenda: not only one person from hatchet, but when they covered pestilence (tony got on bass). Even with just the 2 guitars, their stuff shreds. brian (ex? December wolves) is on guitar. these guys should be on the bolt thrower show, but hopefully scott starts moving a little more. if I had a complaint about them it is that they don't move at all.

hells infinite vi: with in the first song, the guitarist broke a string and had to sitdown cause the back up had no strap. These guys were an awesome surprise on this night. I didn't really know what to expect, but these rocked. The crowd was totally into them and spilt a lot of beer everywhere. Blasphemous Black metal with a touch of death. It also features joe (ex-SOB) on drums. I especially liked that they turned off all those reds and put on some greens. nice!

and then... the show changed...
[Jun 11,2006 4:20am - sacreligion ""]
i'm doubting if that last anonymous post actually real

either way...it's funny that being emo was only a mentioned like 5% of the time but most of their argument is not to label them emo and that we're close-minded tuff guys. that and being arrogant while calling us arrogant. sometimes people get drunk and get in fights and smash things, and then they go to anger management. is that emo...tional living? but for some reason it's ok to act like a jerkoff if you're in a band putting on the "best performance." fucking rockstars

i'm gonna egg this on until it smells like sulfur
[Jun 11,2006 4:22am - the_reverend ""]
goodnight flight: I almost called them Goodnight, fight! anyhow now a review from someone who sat there and watch almost their entire set. they weren't that bad over all. I for one love diversity in a show. this would be the second time I've seen them. the singing was a bit out of key, but he was also wicked drunk so maybe that is the reason. this set was weird, cause there were a lot of kids there that I've been going to shows with for years and years... except back then they were 16 and didn't drink. now they are all 21 and well obviously drink. the floor was completely slicked and the singer (joey) and people who were dancing were slipping all over the place. as the set went on, the crowd interactions got more and more sort of violent. at one point, a guy that was dancing around stupidly was tripped over and dragged out. I started to think the show would get shut down at this point or moshing would be stopped, but it wasn't. most of the metalheads were far back, outside smoking, or setting up their drums for their headlining set. so... it continues. the mic keeps cutting out cause the on/off button keeps getting pushed upwards (which engineering wise seems like the wrong way it should be designed). At some point, joey grabs onto the ceiling and starts hanging and swinging. the sound guy yanks on him until he comes down, then turns on the mic and hands it to him. the set continues. the mic gets turned off again, but this is the end of the set so the singer is up on the stage just screaming into the air. while he's doing this, he's pawing at the ceiling and pushes one of the tiles up. the last song ends and the owner grabs joey by the belt and yanks him off the stage, pulling him out of the club. right at the archway between the bar and the stage area, Joey swings at the owner's face. this wasn't a smart move at all and Haverhill's finest rush to the rescue. 8 cruisers and one padded wagon later... the show is shut down, some girl bawls her eyes out, valasyrka get screwed out of playing, and this whole thread goes down the drain.

happy 6/6/6.
[Jun 11,2006 4:26am - sacreligion ""]
some girl was bawling her eyes out and it wasn't rich horror's fault?

this thread will never die
[Jun 11,2006 9:08am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
the_reverend said:

extinction agenda: not only one person from hatchet, but when they covered pestilence (tony got on bass). Even with just the 2 guitars, their stuff shreds. brian (ex? December wolves) is on guitar. these guys should be on the bolt thrower show, but hopefully scott starts moving a little more. if I had a complaint about them it is that they don't move at all.

I definitely want to move a little more (I did at the last gig), it's just not always easy when you've gotta do two things at once. I'll write more instrumental sections or wear a Britney Spears headset mic!
[Jun 11,2006 9:09am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
anonymous said:hey its joey rozmus of the goodnight flight, dont be jelous just because we put on the best show and put all of our heart into it, dont be tough guy onlie kids come and get me kids. Your all a group of close minded fucks who act all 'metal' and tough. but then someone goes crazy and you all fucking cry. cry cry cry. you are more emo than anyone in our band. your fucks, straight up immature, high school gossip fucks. if youwant me come and fight it out. dont sit behind your computer and talk all tough guy shit. fuck you and your judgemental thoughts, i never intentionally offended any band personally or attacked some band for being something i wasnt fond of, so grow up. stop being the 'tough internet shit talker' type and relize it was chaos and fun not ignorance, the owner of the lub attacked me when i set foot offstage, what would youof done? i will never take the title emo, but since you folks are soo good at genres than why dont you write for a fucking music magazine. Cry me a river, the show got shut down, poor dudes, not like there isnt any other shows ever, get over it and stop talking shit about me, because im over it, and you fucks need to know how to be adults, not shun someone for a great performance, too bad your not me, because i wouldnt really care
love you emoist of emoists JOEY FUCKING ROZMUS

Spoken like a true 19 year old! Love those run-on sentences. Way to go Joey! Best performance ever!
[Jun 11,2006 9:28am - DreamingInExile ""]

this is the never ending thread of death pt. II

seriously, everytime I think theis thread has died it comes back.
[Jun 11,2006 2:08pm - anonymous ROZ  ""]
[Jun 11,2006 2:12pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
No problem! Can't wait to see you guys on MTV!
[Jun 11,2006 2:18pm - sacreligion ""]
i think they're more of a fuse band
[Jun 11,2006 2:19pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
First Fuse! Then MTV! All the world is a stage!
[Jun 11,2006 5:22pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
crazy how this thread is still going on
[Jun 11,2006 5:26pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
It's only entertainment...
[Jun 11,2006 6:23pm - ANONYMOUS EDWIN  ""]
i love you too scott thats why it got me so angry cuz it seemed as if you were picking sides in a sense..and i was like "i thought you were like gona talk bout how this is all nonsense and not to put labels on music cuz that's what creates this scene fashion thing that we hate..cuz even some of those fashion kids that look all gay n shit listen to only metal...and how everybodys talkin madd shit not just bout roz "i cant speak for him" but like abouut my boys nsuch....and it seemed as you were like supporting all this drama.........and i'm always still and willing to be the offical dungeonbat dancah
[Jun 11,2006 6:30pm - sacreligion ""]
[Jun 11,2006 6:45pm - kevord ""]
All you motherfuckers are gonna pay. You are the ones who are the ball-lickers. We're gonna fuck your mothers while you watch and cry like little bitches. Once we get to Methuen and find those Emo fucks who are making that Shitty Music, we're gonna make 'em eat our shit, then shit out our shit, then eat their shit which is made up of our shit that we made 'em eat. Then you're all you motherfucks are next. Love, Jay and Silent Bob.
[Jun 11,2006 6:47pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
No problem bro.

I apologize for going overboard on the 'emo fag' thing, I was just really outraged that this kind of thing happened to my brothers in Valasyrka who I wanted to see play, and did the work putting this thing together, sharing gear, bringing over the PA system, etc.

Yeah, I hate the screamo/emo style of music, I admit it, but I'm not taking sides, that's just who I am. It's just not my thing, and a lot of the posing and rock star attitude drives me up a wall. But I don't have any personal gripes with any members of GNF or their friends, and they should play whatever music they want to. Who cares what some washed up old thrasher thinks.

Joey Roz, man, just lay off a little on the booze next time! And punch the floor next time, not the ceiling. And punch me, not the owner (or some people said a girl, but I did not see that), you know? He'll throw you out and end the gig. I'll just put you in a headlock and make you say mercy!

[Jun 12,2006 7:29am - ANONYMOUS EDWIN  ""]
i dont see a washed up thrasher.........all i see is a purebred metalian who hasnt lost his touch......im ready for a dungeonbat reunion
keep rockin
[Jun 12,2006 7:54am - sinistas ""]
anonymous said: the owner of the lub attacked me when i set foot offstage, what would youof done?

Held my liquor and not been a douchebag?

[Jun 12,2006 8:12am - DreamingInExile ""]
ANONYMOUS EDWIN said:im ready for a dungeonbat reunion


Though, it should have happened on 666... all the members were there, including those that left and only played briefly :bow:
[Jun 12,2006 8:29am - anonymous ROZ  ""]
alright this is all over, im sorry guys.
i drank to much
to much
im better now
i apologize for ruining the show for you guys
[Jun 12,2006 9:10am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Well said.
[Jun 12,2006 5:25pm - kevord ""]
Damn it's over. Well it was fun while it lasted.
[Jun 12,2006 9:05pm - JoshuaK  ""]
You guys must be pretty upset now that everything is over, and you'll have to find a better way to spend your time. I find it kind of funny how you all complained that the thread kept going so long, when you were the ones who kept it going! I just read the whole page and saw the same 4 or 5 names recurring constantly. It is pretty pathetic after all, how much time you've wasted dwelling on such an insignificant event. It's called putting on a performance...that's what you do when you play a show. If any of you had any sense of this, then you wouldn't still be in the Valley, reminiscing of the glory days of MV Metal. Who invited TGF to play anyway, since everyone had so much to say about their style...they didn't book themselves, did they? I place blame on the crowd and the club owners for overreacting. And who needs police to stop Joe, he weighs like 95 lbs. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Some 'metal' kids you are.
[Jun 12,2006 11:34pm - JoshuaY  ""]
No one here booked that band. No one here is a kid. No one here called the police. And noone gives a shit about you, or your opinion.

All parties have dropped this. So go fuck yourself.
[Jun 13,2006 12:40am - $Cnote$  ""]
JoshuaY said:No one here booked that band. No one here is a kid. No one here called the police. And noone gives a shit about you, or your opinion.

All parties have dropped this. So go fuck yourself.

BURNED!! You are the insult master. Sorry if noone gets the reference.
[Jun 13,2006 3:33am - sacreligion ""]
fuck you all! i'll never let this die! god damn emo kids!
[Jun 13,2006 12:45pm - anonymous ROZ  ""]
dude i hope you do you fuckin piece of shit get over it you little screaming babies wawawawa so you diddnt get to play o fucken well peeps will remeber that more then anything else granted i would have liked to see othjer bands it diddnt haPPEN no one went to jail so all of you stop acting like emo kids fuckin right boo hoo booo hooo get over yourself little bitches
[Jun 13,2006 12:47pm - anonymous ROZ  ""]
well put
[Jun 13,2006 2:55pm - sacreligion ""]
hahahaha...someone fucked up

hey rev what do the IPs look like?
[Jun 13,2006 2:58pm - JoshuaY  ""]
anonymous ROZ said:dude i hope you do you fuckin piece of shit get over it you little screaming babies wawawawa so you diddnt get to play o fucken well peeps will remeber that more then anything else granted i would have liked to see othjer bands it diddnt haPPEN no one went to jail so all of you stop acting like emo kids fuckin right boo hoo booo hooo get over yourself little bitches

A few tips for you, free of charge.

1. Noone is going to take you seriously if you can't even spell simple words like "remember" and "other". You definitely do not have the intellectual gravity to call anyone else a baby.

2. Everyone involved is already finished with this. Go seek your entertainment elsewhere. Preferably in a 1st-grade level English grammar course. We would all appreciate it.
[Jun 13,2006 3:57pm - sacreligion ""]
im not finished with this...i already pledged to never let this die and i'm a man of my word. damn emo kids!
[Jun 13,2006 4:00pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Were you even at this show?
[Jun 13,2006 4:01pm - sacreligion ""]
nope...im just being a dick
[Jun 13,2006 4:04pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Goddamn Worcester punks.
[Jun 13,2006 4:04pm - sacreligion ""]
damn straight
[Jun 13,2006 5:42pm - kevord ""]
I still love this thread.
[Jun 13,2006 5:53pm - sacreligion ""]
then join me! together we can lead this thread with misdirection and nonsense
[Jun 13,2006 6:14pm - kevord ""]
The trick is to find ways to get 19 year old emo kids upset. It isn't really hard. Bring up that they're just trendy or Gay and they get all upset.
[Jun 13,2006 6:16pm - sacreligion ""]
damn gay trendy emo kids!
[Jun 13,2006 6:17pm - kevord ""]
Yeah, with their girl pants and bad hair. If they ever mess up my show boy they'll get it.
[Jun 13,2006 6:27pm - sacreligion ""]
it's backwards hair...get it right
[Jun 13,2006 6:37pm - RichHorror ""]
I heard California has the faggots.
[Jun 13,2006 6:41pm - kevord ""]
[Jun 13,2006 6:42pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jun 13,2006 8:26pm - sacreligion ""]
i've dated girls uglier than you for breakfast
[Jun 14,2006 8:09am - Man_of_the_Century ""]
I poop on emo kids for fun.
[Jun 14,2006 10:21am - joey rozmus  ""]
ROZ was my sister.
Well i got kicked out of my band
so anyone need a singer?
[Jun 14,2006 11:43am - anonymous  ""]
Who gives a fuck. Either way Goodnight Flight plays more shows than all the other bands who played combined, and I'd rather watch a band that can move on stage than a bunch of metal bands whose performance seems so forced. When I go to shows I prefer entertainment and i was entertained by the actions of the Goodnight Flight on 6/6/06. Oh and by the way, that Exticntion Agenda song the singer claimed was better than the new slayer song is not. E.A. is not better than Slayer in any way, shape, or form.
[Jun 14,2006 11:53am - Man_of_the_Century ""]
anonymous said:Who gives a fuck. Either way Goodnight Flight plays more shows than all the other bands who played combined, and I'd rather watch a band that can move on stage than a bunch of metal bands whose performance seems so forced. When I go to shows I prefer entertainment and i was entertained by the actions of the Goodnight Flight on 6/6/06. Oh and by the way, that Exticntion Agenda song the singer claimed was better than the new slayer song is not. E.A. is not better than Slayer in any way, shape, or form.

So you go to shows to watch people dance around instead of play good music? If thats the case, I believe the Avalon has a dance night each weekend that would be right up your alley.

No wonder Emo is such crap, they worry more about appearence than music. Its starting to make sence now...
[Jun 14,2006 12:02pm - JoshuaY  ""]
anonymous said:Either way Goodnight Flight plays more shows than all the other bands who played combined, and I'd rather watch a band that can move on stage than a bunch of metal bands whose performance seems so forced. When I go to shows I prefer entertainment and i was entertained by the actions of the Goodnight Flight on 6/6/06. Oh and by the way, that Exticntion Agenda song the singer claimed was better than the new slayer song is not. E.A. is not better than Slayer in any way, shape, or form.

Wow, another stupid one. Are you guys all drinking from the same well? Let's clarify a few things here, because you have not thought this through.

1. The fact that Goodnight Flight plays more shows has absolutely no bearing on anything. Not every band is on a quest to be a rock star, and the other bands probably don't even play every show they are offered. There is also a larger market for emo and trendy crap than there is for metal music, so obviously a band in that style would have more show opportunities. By your thinking, EVERY band that plays more shows than GNF is a better band. So, Britney Spears, Atreyu, and the New Kids on the Block are better bands than GNF! You are truly a genius.

2. If the other bands were playing music as talentless and effortless as Goodnight Flight, they could probably move around a lot more. I've seen them and they are not entertaining in the slightest. A six-year old could write better music than that. And in the end, the other bands all had a far better crowd response anyway.

3. I'm pretty fucking sure that the singer of E.A. does NOT think his band is better than Slayer, otherwise the band probably wouldn't have them listed as a major influence on their website, would they? He was probably making a joke, and frankly, the new Slayer songs are extremely gay, gayer even than you! And that takes a lot.

[Jun 14,2006 6:06pm - Kevord not logged in  ""]
The thread lives again!!!!!!!!!!!! Man that was easy.
[Jun 14,2006 9:37pm - anonymous  ""]
I wonder whats gona happen next with the 666 drama,i hope someone stirs some soup real good...let me think of something good.
[Jun 14,2006 11:58pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Just let it go, everyone. What is this, Sweet Valley High?

I do not think my band is better than Slayer, and I never said that. Their new songs suck, so I was making a joke. Whoever posted above took it completely out of context. I love Slayer (up to Seasons in the Abyss) and of course I wouldn't even be doing what I do if they never paved the way.

[Jun 15,2006 12:45am - sacreligion ""]
my band is better than slayer

every emo band is worse than halifax(i heard a song by them where they took "kick start my heart" and changed the lyrics and one of the chords...man they must be the next big, original, emotional thing)

*stirs bay leaves into soup*
[Jun 15,2006 10:58am - sinistas ""]

I wonder if this is legit.
[Jun 15,2006 11:02am - Man_of_the_Century ""]
sinistas said:http://boston.craigslist.org/muc/171321040.html

I wonder if this is legit.

Who cares?
[Jun 15,2006 11:05am - sinistas ""]
I figured the 80,000 people bitching on this thread might.
[Jun 15,2006 11:18am - Man_of_the_Century ""]
I think they are bitching just cause they can... much like me.
[Jun 15,2006 12:02pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Joey (assuming it's Joey) said above that he was kicked out of the band. I think it's legit.
[Jun 15,2006 12:06pm - DreamingInExile ""]
if we keep this thread going, eventually it will become one of the most posted in threads in RTTP history (I doubt we'll beed RA's Never Ending Thread of Death, but we're almost in the top 25 with this one) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[Jun 15,2006 4:59pm - Kevord not logged in  ""]
That's because this thread is awesome. We let it go a long time ago Scott. But beating a dead emo horse is funny.
[Jun 15,2006 6:31pm - anonymous  ""]
Isn't watching a good band play good music as well as move around entertainment? Sure all the other bands could write a tornado of riffs that could run circles around Goodnight Flight but when good song writing comes into play, G.F. has them completely beat. Also it's pretty ignorant to write their music off as something a 6 six year old could play, you were obviously not watching. The only bands that night that could come close are Hell's Infinite Six and what would have been Valasyrka's performance had they played. And don't knock Goodnight Flight for playing more shows than all the other bands combined. How can that possibly be frowned upon. Perhaps their aspirations in music go farther than starting a new band every other month who only plays a few shows in the MV before breaking up and being forgotten about. And whats with this bitter hatred towards emo music. Trendy or not, I'm sure all these shitty bands like Atreyu are enjoying themselves, making a successful career out of something they love while the rest of us work shitty jobs and play shows a couple times a year to the same kids.
[Jun 15,2006 8:19pm - Kevord not logged in  ""]
See even the emo are beating a dead horse.
[Jun 16,2006 2:12am - sacreligion ""]
you must be this tall to post in the latter 25% of this thread or it will go over your head


did anonymer just make a bunch of arguments elaborating on points no one made? no one said moving around during your set is bad, nor did anyone say it was bad to play a lot of shows
[Jun 16,2006 2:15am - JoshuaY  ""]
anonymous said:Isn't watching a good band play good music as well as move around entertainment? Sure all the other bands could write a tornado of riffs that could run circles around Goodnight Flight but when good song writing comes into play, G.F. has them completely beat. Also it's pretty ignorant to write their music off as something a 6 six year old could play, you were obviously not watching. The only bands that night that could come close are Hell's Infinite Six and what would have been Valasyrka's performance had they played.

Speak for yourself. I loved every other band vastly more than GNF and they all had far better songwriting. Are you fucking deaf, go listen to the GNF songs on their MySpace? Awful. Then go listen to any of the other bands.


[Jun 16,2006 4:42am - anonymous  ""]
joeys out?
[Jun 16,2006 7:01am - DreamingInExile ""]
anonymous said:Perhaps their aspirations in music go farther than starting a new band every other month who only plays a few shows in the MV before breaking up and being forgotten about.

Let's see, I can think of 4 (technically 3) bands that Scott from Extinction Agenda, and when I mention names, anyone my age group will remember (you probably won't know the first 3, because, judging by the immaturity level in your comments, you're OBVIOUSLY too young):

.357 Noise

what about Brian, from ExAgenda's other band, December Wolves? did everyone forget them? no, definately not.

so think twice about what you have to say about peope forming bands that get forgotten about, because I sure don't forget a good band, do you?
[Jun 16,2006 7:05am - DreamingInExile ""]
</condescending tone of voice>
[Jun 16,2006 9:22am - the_reverend ""]
people forget how much of masshardcore today that we can blame on swivel/alert/state of alert/cave in and who can forget the legends of:
shrod's blonde hair
shrod's broken leg when he refused pain killers
[Jun 16,2006 9:23am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Hehe. Shrod. I like that one.
[Jun 16,2006 9:26am - the_reverend ""]
oopies, I means scrod. I'll never forget all the little kids who dyed their hair blond at the coffee house in haverhill.
[Jun 16,2006 9:27am - DreamingInExile ""]
Aaron, you forgot Gambit...

I remember going to a Swivel show where Dave Scrod screamed until he turned purple, then after the set, proceeded to throw up... those were the good 'ol days, oh how I miss them
[Jun 16,2006 10:44am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
[Jun 16,2006 10:49am - DreamingInExile ""]
Gambit was awsome... I remember their split 7" with Cave In, they had 4 or 5 songs on their side and Cave In had one
[Jun 16,2006 10:59am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I just liked the lyrics, totally set up the style for Agoraphobic.
[Jun 16,2006 12:50pm - anonymous  ""]
a little stuck in the past are we?
[Jun 16,2006 1:29pm - DreamingInExile ""]
there's nothing wrong with respecting the scene's fore fathers...

if it wern't for some of those bands, we wouldn't have the scene we have.

Swivel - The defining moment where metal met hardcore in the Merrimack Valley
.357 Noise - one of the few bands to pull off the hybrid rap/metal/hardcore thing and do it well. (but the only one from the area)
Converge - The reason Hardcore/Metal/Noise mixed
Bane - Throwback to Oldschool Hardcore (post-punk/hardcore split)
Ten Yard Fight - Throwback Hardcore (preppunk/hardcore split)
Alert - Hardcore/Rock/Metal pioneers, ahead of their time.
Gambit - Metal, paved the way for bands like Agoraphobic (as scott mentioned)
Cave In - mixed rock/metal/alternative and became one of the first bands from the local scene to make it in the REAL WORLD (kudos guys, now it's time to return to your roots)
Piebald - Opened the doors in the MV to EMO, if it wern't for them, most likely bands like The Goodnight Flight wouldn't exist.

I could go on with the list, but there's no point, if you don't remember or know of any of these bands, then you wouldn't remember any of the less popular ones (Geneva Cross, God Awful, Switch, Bliss/Filter/Quinine, Think Tank, Dead Burning Flowers and many many more...)

what do all these bands have in common? The Red Barn (R.I.P.) that WAS the scene back in the day.

so, there's todays history lesson. for those that lived that scene, you know what it was like, for those that respect it: good, you understand what once was, and for those that have NO respect for the past and why we still do what we do, it's over your heads, and you'll never get it

[Jun 16,2006 1:56pm - RichHorror ""]
Scrod was in Buzzov-en, so he's ok by me.
[Jun 16,2006 2:44pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
I have a TV.
[Jun 16,2006 4:32pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
anonymous said:a little stuck in the past are we?

a little following the trend aren't we?
[Jun 16,2006 4:54pm - Kevord not logged in  ""]
Good history lesson mark. But Dead Burning Flowers doesn't count cause they never played a show and I'm not sure if they ever really had songs. Just alot of flyers and stickers.
[Jun 16,2006 5:38pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Geneva Cross! That was the Swivedeth to Alertallica.
[Jun 16,2006 6:49pm - DreamingInExile ""]
Kevord not logged in said:Good history lesson mark. But Dead Burning Flowers doesn't count cause they never played a show and I'm not sure if they ever really had songs. Just alot of flyers and stickers.

they had a few... classics, like Hammering Nails into the Floor with your Forehead (which was 3 minutes of feed back followed by a JUN)

but I accept the fact that they don't count, seeing since you are right about them never playing a show, but you get credit for at least knowing of their existance
[Jun 16,2006 6:51pm - DreamingInExile ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:Geneva Cross! That was the Swivedeth to Alertallica.

HAHAHA, how sadly true it is.

but... wouldn't it be the Alertallica to the Swivedeth (or do I just see it that way because I like Megadeth more then Selloutica?)

and on top of it all...

I still have a TON of the old swivel "Don't fuck with Chris Cardone" fliers packed away somewhere
[Jun 16,2006 6:54pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
It would, I just thought it sounded better the other way.
[Jun 16,2006 6:58pm - DreamingInExile ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:It would, I just thought it sounded better the other way.

that and Geneva Cross stayed on the 'lighter' spectrum where as Swivel took Alert and kicked it up a notch
[Jun 16,2006 7:00pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Geneva Cross lasted what, one show? Two?

Adam was an awesome guy though, I never had anything against him and I wish his 'firing' was not handled the way it was. I had to do a lot of damage control.
[Jun 16,2006 8:29pm - DreamingInExile ""]
yeah, I was always cool with Adam.

I think they had 2 shows, if that's the case, then I saw them both. I was at the Red Barn almost every friday night HAHA
[Jun 19,2006 6:57am - DreamingInExile ""]
it wouldn't be a monday morning if someone didn't raise this thread from the grave...
[Jun 19,2006 11:23pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
and keep it alive at nightfall

damn emo kids
[Jun 19,2006 11:24pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i went to a show at the qvcc(one of the guys in ULT was wearing a pathos shirt...i thought that was pretty sick considering the predictable environment)

ive never seen so many kids pay $8 to stand outside and smoke butts while bands were playing...they only came for the sic mosh from the bands with the buildups though
[Sep 26,2006 7:11pm - Kevord ""]
Pams drama thread made me remember how great this thread was. Sweet memories.
[Sep 26,2006 7:23pm - the_reverend ""]
oh nos
[Sep 26,2006 9:01pm - DreamingInExile ""]

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