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DEVOURMENT Sign to Brutal Bands

[May 15,2006 9:54am - dwellingsickness ""]
DEVOURMENT have signed a two album deal with Brutal Bands. The label had this to say:

"The most torturous band to ever come out of Texas joins forces with Brutal Bands with a two album contract! We are extremely excited to welcome them into our family of sickness. We know that the addition of DEVOURMENT to our already stellar roster will bring Brutal Bands to a new heightened level in 2006. And from talking to Mike Majewski (vocals), everyone in the band seems to be very excited about this deal as well. More news will be announced shortly regarding their upcoming release due out later this year, along with new merch, and of course some DEVOURMENT package deals!

DEVOURMENT just finished up a couple of shows in the NY area, and the response from the fans was enormous! Be sure to check them out at these upcoming fests...

GATHERING OF THE SICK FEST 6 - August 4 - Albuquerque, NM
FIST FUCK FAMILY FEST III - August 8 - Merida, Mexico"

[May 15,2006 9:58am - the_reverend ""]
did I mention yet that I saw them saturday.. well, technically it was sunday by then, but still.. awesome.
[May 15,2006 10:02am - dwellingsickness ""]
[May 15,2006 4:23pm - vesgore ""]
im just glad its not relapse
[May 15,2006 8:16pm - metalguy ""]
Why? Because there music would probably get out to a wider audience?
[May 16,2006 12:40am - dwellingsickness ""]
I thought people would be all over this seein as it seems everyone likes these guys

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