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The new daughters..............

[May 15,2006 12:52pm - midgetstealer ""]
What is that garbage they call music? The new song sounds like a shitty ass jeromes dream. I was never really a huge fan of them but at least they had a cool idea going on their ep and canada songs. This shit is just fucking terrible.
[May 15,2006 12:56pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
clean vocals?
[May 15,2006 12:57pm - midgetstealer ""]
It doesnt fit
[May 15,2006 12:58pm - midgetstealer ""]
And they charge 1000 to book them on a show
[May 15,2006 1:05pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
thats only because they are rockstars now and bring out all the scene kids, im sure you would make the 1000 back.
[May 15,2006 1:21pm - mOe ""]
meh, Daughters is one of those bands that i've seriously grown out of over the past 2 years, but this sounds like any other daughters song but with terrible vocals....all power to em, i guess
[May 15,2006 1:24pm - mOe ""]
p.s. did they really need 3 years to write that??
[May 15,2006 1:24pm - the_reverend ""]
I haven't listened yet, but the drumming live was awesome.
[May 15,2006 1:30pm - nick ""]
it reminds me of a more metal arab on radar.
or yes a more arab on radar jeromes dream.
[May 15,2006 1:42pm - the_reverend ""]
it's the vocals that always remind me of AOR
[May 15,2006 2:19pm - midgetstealer ""]
mOe said:p.s. did they really need 3 years to write that??

Haha i know thats what i'm saying you have dedicated fans waiting to hear some kickass music and then they release that it's an extreme let down.
[May 15,2006 2:31pm - brian_dc ""]
the vocals reminded me of the white stripes.

pure garbage...I'm with moe on growing out of them...only it happened like a yearago for= me
[May 15,2006 2:37pm - diamond_dave ""]
i'm not a fan of the band, but a few of the dudes are friends of mine. it didn't take them 3 years to write, actually only a few months. the rest of the time they have been touring, working, living, etc.
it sounds different because, well, it has been 3 years and i think peoples tastes have changed. some people wanted to go heavier, some wanted to go not heavy at all. i think they tried their best to find a common ground that everyone in the band could be satisfied with.
[May 15,2006 3:00pm - Josh_Martin ""]
diamond_dave said:i'm not a fan of the band, but a few of the dudes are friends of mine. it didn't take them 3 years to write, actually only a few months. the rest of the time they have been touring, working, living, etc.
it sounds different because, well, it has been 3 years and i think peoples tastes have changed. some people wanted to go heavier, some wanted to go not heavy at all. i think they tried their best to find a common ground that everyone in the band could be satisfied with.

Bad idea. Compromise always leads to shitty music. When there is that big a divide in taste between band members there needs to be a lineup change.

(I've never heard Daughters, I'm just speaking in general terms)
[May 15,2006 3:10pm - Murph ""]
What I just heard was Daughters with shit vocals...the intesity of that band's sound has left if that is the vocal direction they are going in. Another band dies to me, and it sucks cause they are from Prov.
[May 15,2006 3:38pm - diamond_dave ""]
Josh_Martin said:

Bad idea. Compromise always leads to shitty music. When there is that big a divide in taste between band members there needs to be a lineup change.

(I've never heard Daughters, I'm just speaking in general terms)

i agree. from what i heard, they actually could have made two decent bands out of this. i haven't heard the new record, but from what these people are saying, it sounds like a watered down version of both.
[May 15,2006 3:43pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
I dont like the vocals either, it reminds me of spoken word.
[May 15,2006 3:46pm - diamond_dave ""]
actually i just listened to the new song and i think it's way more interesting than what i remember of canada songs. i think the vocals fit the music better.
[May 15,2006 4:05pm - SinisterMinister ""]
So are they releasing the tracks w/o the vocals as well? Then I'd be interested.
[May 15,2006 4:48pm - anonymous  ""]
one trick pony
[May 15,2006 5:03pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
what the fuck did i just listen to? =(
[May 15,2006 7:49pm - metalguy ""]
I actually thought it was kinda cool...ahahahahahha
[May 15,2006 7:50pm - metalguy ""]
Actually I think this is great
[May 15,2006 7:56pm - Lamp ""]
Would have been a lot better with the old vocals, I think.
[May 15,2006 8:15pm - nick ""]
i cant believe there is this much daughters talk going on on this board.
you must all be closet fans.
[May 15,2006 8:17pm - tbone_r nli  ""]
i was under the impression that their new stuff was going to sound more like as the sun sets. apparently i was mistaken.
[May 15,2006 8:31pm - the_reverend ""]
from what I heard live, I thought so too (with arab on radar vocals).
but I have yet to listen to this.
[May 15,2006 8:46pm - Anthony nli  ""]
i can't get into daughters at all. some as the sun sets was cool though.
[May 15,2006 8:49pm - the_reverend ""]
[May 15,2006 9:25pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
its not bad, the vocals are just lame.
[May 15,2006 11:13pm - KINGDIAMOND  ""]
this song is awful.
[May 15,2006 11:23pm - metalguy ""]
For some reason I feel as though the screaming vocals wouldn't work that well in this song.. Except for a small part near the end. As The Sun Sets will never come back... Get over it
[May 16,2006 12:11am - sxealex ""]
fuck that song
[May 16,2006 12:45am - dwellingsickness ""]
Daughters has been and always will be fucking gay

[May 16,2006 2:00am - anonymous  ""]
dwellingsickness said:Daughters has been and always will be fucking gay

amen it does seem to be a bunch of closet daughters fans here.
[May 16,2006 2:11am - George nli  ""]
this band is the stupidest gayest bullshit ever. never were good, and of course they just got worse.

[May 16,2006 9:38am - Radical_Dirt_Biker for reaLz!  ""]
Daughters blows.....I could never understand why anyone ever got into them in the 1st place. I saw them at the Palladium once and almost spit my bourbon and coke out.....what a waste of good bourbon that would have been.
[May 16,2006 10:03am - xmikex nli  ""]
daughters always sucked. they rode the success of as the sun sets and got away with playing generic nu-grind.
[May 16,2006 10:05am - RichHorror ""]
Anyone letdown by this album deserves it for liking this band in the first place.
[May 16,2006 12:03pm - cav ""]
lame just like all their other shit. the vocals sound like beck

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