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what would u do if u have a green light and u see someone who has a red light charging down the road....

[May 17,2006 8:34am - succubus ""]
He had a pick up truck and was towing a trailer...I drive a monster of a truck as well...for a brief second I thought about ramming into him...just bcz he was driving like a prick....only for a sec though....
[May 17,2006 8:55am - the_reverend ""]
yeah and you would be the most right person ever.

from your wheelchair after a massive brain stem in jury.
[May 17,2006 8:57am - the_reverend ""]
plus, you lived in mass, you should know what to do.
[May 17,2006 8:59am - Man_of_the_Century ""]
You should have hit him and got some money. Everyone can use more money.
[May 17,2006 9:06am - the_reverend ""]
right, who needs the ability to speak or move your legs. plus, who's face doesn't need more bruising.
[May 17,2006 9:23am - Man_of_the_Century ""]
Medical Science works wonders....
[May 17,2006 9:29am - dwellingsickness ""]
the_reverend said:yeah and you would be the most right person ever.from your wheelchair after a massive brain stem in jury.

I could race her down that big ass hill in front of the building were the radio station is:spineyes:
[May 17,2006 9:39am - the_reverend ""]
my money would be on you.
I think her abilities would be more of an uncontrolable, screaming and arms waving event than graceful.
[May 17,2006 9:41am - succubus ""]
Aaron would have gotten $$$ since everything's in his name...like I said I only thought about it for a second...and I was alert enough to see him and to see that he had no intention of stopping so i slowed down a bit and let him go through..just pissed me off...sometimes we all have reasons for speeding and shit...i remember getting a call at work that something happened to my dad...i was already freaking out...then i was speeding home and some guy got mad because a girl passed him and he started fucking with me...cut me off (i hadn't cut him off...but i did pass him)...so then he slams his breaks and i go to change lanes, he changes lanes...not letting me by, he was being a cocksucker...of course we get off at the same exit...and i wound up going on the wrong side of the road because he was a cocksucker and i just wanted to pass him...then an 18 wheeler is coming...and he's still not letting me by...i just blast off, cut him off and slam my breaks because there's a stop sign...i remember looking in my rearview and saying..are you happy cocksucker?
[May 17,2006 9:44am - the_reverend ""]
I would hate all the feeding you through a tube and changing your diapers for the next 23400932 years.
[May 17,2006 9:46am - succubus ""]
my $$ would be on him as well...but i'm sure he could teach me a trick or two!
[May 17,2006 9:49am - dwellingsickness ""]
succubus said:my $$ would be on him as well...but i'm sure he could teach me a trick or two!

I'd let ya win the 1st time hahah
[May 17,2006 9:52am - Man_of_the_Century ""]
Out of curiosity, What kind of truck do you drive?

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