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Cabbages . . . knickers . . . it's not got a . . . a BEAK!

[Jun 2,2006 8:58pm - litacore ""]

post your favorite C.O. quotes here!

[Jun 2,2006 10:44pm - powerkok ""]
"Come and get one in the YARRRBLES, if you have any YAHHHHHHHRRBLLES!!"
[Jun 2,2006 11:23pm - davefromthegrave ""]
"as if it was the light of heavenly grace, and my first thought was that I'd like to have her right down there on the floor with the old in-out, real savage"
[Jun 2,2006 11:29pm - litacore using netscape  ""]
You know what you can do with that watch? Stick it up yer ass!

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