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movie: the omen

[Jun 7,2006 1:46pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
i don't know if there's already a thread about this, and i'm too lazy to look. who saw it last night? in my opinion, it is one of the most well-done horror movies (outside of the underground stuff) i've seen in years. anyone who doesn't think so can politely suck my balls.
[Jun 7,2006 1:50pm - xmikex ""]
no kidding? i would have never thought so. i might check this out after all.
[Jun 7,2006 1:53pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
i had the same attitude my friend. but i was pleasantly surprised.
you know how every horror movie these days like to have a thrill factor rather than seeing someone get completely fucked up? well every terrible thing that happens to someone in the movie, including animals, is shown in full, and embellished. i am going to see it again.
[Jun 7,2006 2:00pm - SteveOTB ""]
I saw it last night. I thought it was pretty good actually.
[Jun 7,2006 2:06pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
steve, you remember the part in the cemetery...when the dog first comes in? i don't know about you, but i think that was ingenius.
[Jun 7,2006 2:07pm - succubus ""]
i was going to see it after work...but then aaron was home so i didn't...i wanna see it though
[Jun 7,2006 2:07pm - RichHorror ""]
I thought it was rad. The original has a slow/boring beginning, to be honest.
[Jun 7,2006 2:08pm - succubus ""]
hmm maybe i can drag aaron tonight...but i doubt it!
[Jun 7,2006 2:10pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
tell aaron that if he doesn't go see it tonight, rich horror and i are going to kick his ass and then the mrs. and cookie monster are going to give him a colombian necktie. my knee's getting better, so he's got it comin!
[Jun 7,2006 2:11pm - RichHorror ""]
All of that will happen until I lay eyes on the cookie monster, at which point I will die of a terror-induced heart attack.
[Jun 7,2006 2:14pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
don't worry rich, i'll make sure he stays in his crib until you've had your way with aaron.
[Jun 7,2006 2:26pm - SteveOTB ""]
mark fucking richards said:steve, you remember the part in the cemetery...when the dog first comes in? i don't know about you, but i think that was ingenius.

I basically shit my pants because it came out of nowhere. There was no build up or nothing.
[Jun 7,2006 5:30pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
werd up. in that sort of mood, it made the excitement 10 times better. i'm still recovering from a heart attack.
[Jun 7,2006 11:02pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
wow I can't believe so many people liked this film. I thought it was one of the worst horror movies I've seen in years. The director didn't use Damien to his fullest advantage. Used too many typical horror cliches. I thought the acting on all acounts was terrible, and the only redeeming factor was when Keith (the photographer) got beheaded. It stayed pretty faithful to the original, but I found that the lack of proper direction, actors basically being not into their roles enough to kill the movie for me.

I was actually really pissed half the way through, cause I thought Mia Farrow did one of the worst jobs I've ever seen her do and her roll just really agrovated me. Not as much as the trailer for "The Wicker Man" remake, that is going to be the worst re-make of all time...bar none.
[Jun 7,2006 11:27pm - Dankill  ""]
Haven't seen it yet, but the main gripes I've heard about the movie by critics are:
lack of subtlety in the growing evil, which was key to the original.
the kid playing Damian looking way too weird and evil, where as the original Damian had that perfect look that was cute and then scary wouldn't even changing his expression, where as the new one is just straight creepy.
[Jun 8,2006 2:16am - powerkok ""]
chris_from_shit_fuck said:wow I can't believe so many people liked this film. I thought it was one of the worst horror movies I've seen in years.

Youre like 16!!
of course you havent seen any good horror movies in years.
[Jun 10,2006 2:42pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
powerkok said:chris_from_shit_fuck said:wow I can't believe so many people liked this film. I thought it was one of the worst horror movies I've seen in years.

Youre like 16!!
of course you havent seen any good horror movies in years.

I'm 20, and I've seen good horror movies but they're not poor American remakes rushed out because of a date of the year (ie when any Friday the 13th is rushed to come out on a "Friday the 13th".)
[Jun 10,2006 4:09pm - Jugulator ""]
The majority of the Ft13th flicks are cool so Im expecting that the next one will be good.I havnt seen the Omen remake yet.I doubt its gonna be as entertaining as the original. The original was boring in some parts but most good horror movies have slow parts.

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