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attn: keithmutiny

[Jun 8,2006 8:00pm - succubus ""]

i just got home from shopping and my last stop was the grocery store...i was looking for Bud Light to buy for a coworker as a joke...anyhow...then i see a 12 case of bacardi silver different flavors...so i grab that....and THEN!!!!


i see

SPARKS! i actually recognized the can at first

it said $7.99 so i figured it was a 4 pack..i grab it....and there were 6!

anyhow, not sure if you knew they sold it here too and in the grocery store.

also, say hello to yer girlie from me !
[Jun 8,2006 8:09pm - KeithMutiny ""]
awsome, i found the sparks plus at the liqiour store on broadway in providence, its like 7% alcohol, they charged me the same price as regular, dunno if they realised it. But ill tell Beth you siad hello.
[Jun 8,2006 8:17pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
oh i get no hello, i see how it is boo
[Jun 8,2006 9:44pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Hi Sean:spineyes:
[Jun 8,2006 9:45pm - anonymous  ""]
don't forget to tell dan

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