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REVEREND announce new singer

[Jun 19,2006 11:48am - the_reverend ""]
REVEREND announces new singer!

San Antonio, Texas, June 17, 2006 - The long pursuit
for the new
vocalist has ended with the signing of Michael Lance,

Several months after lead singer David Wayne's death, the band decided to carry on and search for a new singer, honoring David Wayne's pursuit and love of METAL.

Davey Lee, REVEREND Guitarist, stated, "Michael fits with the band extremely well. We weren't out to find another David Wayne, but someone who could do justice for REVEREND's sound. David Wayne was a big influence on Michael's vocal style and he truly loves METAL. Michael brings his own style to honor the Metal Mastery of David Wayne in REVEREND. We will once again kick ass!"

New REVEREND Vocalist, Michael Lance, had this to say, "It's an honor to be part of something that David Wayne had created and continued to pursue before his untimely death. I will never be able replace him...I can promise to do my very best to honor him by carrying on as the new vocalist."

See more on this news and more at the re-designed REVEREND website, http://www.reverend.cx.
[Jun 19,2006 11:49am - RichHorror ""]
It's pretty obvious to me that Aaron should sing for this band. The marketing alone would be amazing.
[Jun 19,2006 11:58am - powerkok ""]
Rev, U multitasking sob!
[Jun 19,2006 12:09pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Michael Lance has got to be the most pornographic stage name in history. Except for Thor.
[Jun 19,2006 12:10pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
What needs to happen here, is they need to FORGET about Reverend, and go back and re-form Heretic. Get Howe back on the vocals.

Heretic was teh badassest.

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