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show tonight: AFI, DEP and Nightmare of You

[Jun 20,2006 11:04am - succubus ""]
Anyone else going?
Honestly, I'm a little confused at the "mix" of bands playing
[Jun 20,2006 11:16am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
i would go if it wasnt 30 dollars
[Jun 20,2006 11:30am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
obviously for DEP
[Jun 20,2006 11:33am - brian_dc ""]
my sister and her boyfriend are going to this show for AFI...waiting for them to come back saying, "Yeah, there was this band that we both hated but we think you would like...dillinger...eh, something with dillinger in it, I forget...they were just noisy, but that's your kind of crap."
[Jun 20,2006 11:40am - JonahBloodbath ""]
I work for avalon so I might sneak in and hang out.
[Jun 20,2006 11:41am - succubus ""]
i got tickets fedex'ed to me from the publicist and i think the price on them was 22 or 23 bucks...but after ticketmaster charges I'm sure it was close to 30. I figured there wouldn't be many DEP fans since they could see them for less $$ elsewhere with "harder" bands
[Jun 20,2006 11:41am - succubus ""]
What do you do there Jonah? everyone's always really nice to me there, i really like the staff
[Jun 20,2006 7:20pm - succubus ""]
Here now..sold out...met 1 Guy here solely for DEP
[Jun 20,2006 7:38pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
[Jun 20,2006 7:45pm - succubus ""]
Yeah..weird..isn't it...
Ok I recognize a nightmare of you song...wimpy sounding but I like it..hahaha
[Jun 20,2006 8:37pm - succubus ""]
Heh..dep scared some of the young girls here....I think my pics suck due to all the strobes...I didn't get that many...the singer climbed EVERYWHERE....heh
[Jun 20,2006 9:31pm - succubus ""]
Ok so dep and afi are friends..hence they decided to do the tour together.
Waiting for afi to come on..
[Jun 20,2006 10:20pm - Cecchini ""]
DEP has this knack for getting on tours they are totally out of place on.
[Jun 20,2006 10:35pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I don't actually think it's all that strange. One super popular band plays with another super popular band. Both came up from a lot of the same fans in the old days, so...I dunno.
[Jun 20,2006 10:37pm - kevord ""]
It wouldn't be that strange a few years ago. It's just because of the mainstream popularity AFI has.
[Jun 20,2006 10:39pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
DEP might not be on TRL quite yet, but they are definitely mainstream enough to open for AFI.
[Jun 20,2006 10:42pm - succubus ""]
A few people that I saw left after dep...only a few...afi's fan base was all over the place though there were a lot of young kids with their parents who were horrified while dep was playing..it was actually pretty funny
[Jun 20,2006 10:43pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Hahaha, I hope you got pictures of that...
[Jun 20,2006 10:43pm - succubus ""]
Ummmm I am trying to post and it says I already posted the same msg..wtf..

A few people that I saw left after dep...only a few...afi's fan base was all over the place though there were a lot of young kids with their parents who were horrified while dep was playing..it was actually pretty funny
[Jun 20,2006 10:45pm - succubus ""]
Oops bcz I posted it already..weird....I tried to get crowd pics...but I don't think I caught any parents...
[Jun 21,2006 12:37am - anonymous  ""]
yeah, DEP is definitely mainstream
[Jun 21,2006 12:39am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Mainstream enough to be given the opening slot on the US tour of pretty much the hottest rock/punk/whatever band in the country right now (AFI's record hit #1 on Billboard sales charts, and I believe their last album did too).

[Jun 21,2006 12:41am - anonymous  ""]
yeah, definitely mainstream
[Jun 21,2006 12:42am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
[Jun 21,2006 1:58am - JonahBloodbath ""]
I showed up, watched 4 or 5 dep songs and left. the sound was really weird, it was mixed like a pop show, guitars really quiet, bass/drums loud. wack!

carina, i'm on the "promotions team", haha.
[Jun 21,2006 2:05am - MadOakDevin ""]
I wouldn't even show up for DEP. That band is horrible.
[Jun 21,2006 2:10am - JonahBloodbath ""]
have you ever seen dep ooooon weeeeee3333dd?!111
[Jun 21,2006 2:12am - MadOakDevin ""]
HAHAHAHA Half Baked rules! So does Jim Brewer or however his last name is spelled.

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