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Handicapped stall appreciation thread

[Jun 30,2006 4:19pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Jun 30,2006 4:23pm - RichHorror ""]
It's like having your cake and fucking it too.
[Jun 30,2006 4:40pm - christraper ""]
Leg room and a handle bar to brace yourself for those chaotic spray moments. What more could you ask for besides a blowjob?
[Jun 30,2006 4:49pm - notorious_D.U.G. ""]
ahh, the executive suite.
[Jun 30,2006 4:54pm - sinistas ""]
It's all I ever use, if available. My fat ass doesn't like normal stalls. haha
[Jun 30,2006 5:54pm - Ryan_M ""]
christraper said:Leg room and a handle bar to brace yourself for those chaotic spray moments. What more could you ask for besides a blowjob?

exactly, plus i love how it's at the end of the room, and the toilet is way in the corner of the stall so i feel like i have more privacy.
[Jun 30,2006 7:23pm - powerkok ""]
I concur.
Mine, at work is known as 'The Cadillac'
[Jun 30,2006 7:27pm - tbone_r nli  ""]
when i worked for the bpd the handicap stall had its own sink. looking back on things, i should have brought a bouncy ball to keep myself occupied.
[Jun 30,2006 7:49pm - hoser ""]
I'm fat so I have more room....nuff said. Wiping can be a challenge in a small stall...
[Jul 1,2006 3:25am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Handstand pissing off the bar, BADICAL
[Jul 1,2006 10:00am - animal_magnetism ""]
this thread pwnz

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