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how many people are coming to psyopus at the living room aug 8?

[Jul 6,2006 10:54pm - cavnli  ""]
@ the living room / providence, rhode island
10 bucks / all ages / 7pm

The Concubine
Knife the Glitter
Dour Cursiva
Shroud of Turin
and one more TBA to fill in for the departed (dont ask)

THIS SHOW NEEDS TO DRAW ABOUT 60-100 people to pay all the touring bands. do you guys think itll draw that?
[Jul 7,2006 2:27am - KeithMutiny ""]
ill go if we play.
[Jul 7,2006 2:44am - the_reverend ""]
I am
[Jul 7,2006 10:29am - joshtruction ""]
I would go but I am playing with them at hudson metal fest 2 days before. If I am impressed enough I may go still.
[Jul 31,2006 11:47am - anonymous  ""]
If I am impressed enough, . . . you are gay.
[Jul 31,2006 11:50am - RichHorror ""]
For someone that hates metalcore Keith wants to play a lot of metalcore shows.

Anonymous e-shit talk is for homos.
[Jul 31,2006 11:57am - the_reverend ""]
I'll be there, but /i don't count.
[Jul 31,2006 12:05pm - brian_dc ""]
sure you do. I don't really even remember what bands the Living Room ended up putting on this by the end of all the trouble...so yeah...mystery time.
[Jul 31,2006 12:37pm - General Gash  ""]
anonymous said:If I am impressed enough, . . . you are gay.

[Jul 31,2006 1:53pm - SinisterMinister ""]
Dour Cursiva finally got a new drummer?
[Jul 31,2006 2:33pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
most likely ill be at the lawerence show, sorry cav sweetcheeks
[Jul 31,2006 3:58pm - Masonic  ""]
my band is playing with them 4 days later.
[Jul 31,2006 3:59pm - blue ""]
is this show even still happening?
[Jul 31,2006 5:27pm - handinjury ""]
I was thinking of going , but it is tuesday night....I'll see what happens.
[Jul 31,2006 7:50pm - Arthur_ATD ""]
acariya is playing this too.

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