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: : Fantasy Football anyone? : :

[Jul 11,2006 7:13pm - nate ""]
Now going into our second year of play, who wants in on it this time? It's still way early so i want to try and fill the amount of teams up. Last year it was 8, it would be great to have at least 10 but hopefully have 12 teams so it's more competitive.

Here's what you need to be able to do:

1. Have at least one day per week to set your lineup
2. Have a yahoo account set up, if not get one.
3. Be able to do a live draft, which will be done online. We will probably do this on a sunday. If you cannot make a live draft than you need to pre-rank the players you want so you'll get at least some of the guys you want on your team.
4. Be able to talk shit and receive shit without getting into any online drama. Last years league was great and we all had fun talking shit and pumping eachother up for the games each week. If you can't handle the shit talk DON'T SIGN UP!

If you wanna join the league leave your e-mail address here in the thread. Who's in??
[Jul 11,2006 7:27pm - tbone_r nli  ""]
i'm down.
[Jul 11,2006 7:27pm - anonymous  ""]
I will play, and win. But I am a bit lazy as yahoo sucks me balls. we'll see.
[Jul 11,2006 7:28pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jul 11,2006 7:29pm - anonymous  ""]
That was me BTW, Byron.
[Jul 11,2006 7:30pm - nate ""]
I know your e-mail Byron, t_bone if you want in post your e-mail address here as well as whoever else wants in.
[Jul 11,2006 7:31pm - tbone_r nli  ""]
[Jul 11,2006 7:37pm - anonymous  ""]
tbone_r nli said:ballsweat2002@yahoo.com

ha, ball sweat. You rule man.
[Jul 11,2006 7:48pm - DomesticTerror ""]
I'm in.
Nate, let's do a live draft this year!
[Jul 11,2006 7:50pm - nate ""]
that would be cool, but we'd have to make sure everyone can do that. I've been wanting to do a live draft for the past few years I've been playing but never find the time, BUT I WILL make sure to do it if everyone else that's up for playing wants to do it.
[Jul 11,2006 7:52pm - nate ""]
so if Byron is down so far we've got 4 teams. I'll keep bumping this for a few days and see who else is wanting to join!
[Jul 11,2006 7:53pm - DomesticTerror ""]
cool. i shouldn't be too much of a problem with this much time ahead. we'll just have it on sunday or something. if they gotta go to church, fuck 'em!
[Jul 11,2006 7:54pm - nate ""]
bahaha sunday works for me too. This is gonna rule, it was fun last year!
[Jul 11,2006 8:25pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
I will dominate all! Put me down.

[Jul 11,2006 10:03pm - DomesticTerror ""]
The Ass Marauders will own all of you!
[Jul 11,2006 10:06pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jul 11,2006 10:16pm - nate ""]
didn't you get 3rd place Scotty boy??
[Jul 11,2006 11:17pm - tbone_r nli  ""]
i can't wait for fantasy football this year. last year my top 3 picks all went lame (holmes, TO, ahman green), and there's so much to look forward to this year.

will leinart play over warner?
will bledsoe explode with TO, glenn and jj?
will culpepper bounce back in miami?
will lj/holmes be splitting carries in kc this year?
how are the saints going to utilize bush/mccalister?

i just came
[Jul 12,2006 5:01pm - nate ""]
[Jul 14,2006 10:47pm - nate (in MA for the weekend)  ""]
[Jul 15,2006 11:32pm - DomesticTerror ""]
nate said:didn't you get 3rd place Scotty boy??

didn't the Pats get jonesed by denver, and the steelers win the superbowl? (in other words, yes.)

[Jul 23,2006 1:27pm - DomesticTerror ""]
[Jul 23,2006 1:28pm - nate ""]
no other takers??
[Jul 23,2006 2:31pm - DomesticTerror ""]
whiskey weed and women
& powerkok should all get in on this
[Jul 23,2006 3:25pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Jul 23,2006 8:35pm - dreadkill ""]
i might be up for defending my championship this year.
[Jul 24,2006 7:29pm - nate ""]
we got 6 teams now, we need at least 4 more....
[Jul 25,2006 8:01am - Man_of_the_Century ""]
[Jul 25,2006 9:09pm - nate ""]
that's 7.... 3 more....
[Jul 25,2006 9:32pm - DomesticTerror ""]
a buddy of mine might be down. who we got so far?
[Jul 25,2006 9:33pm - nate ""]
that's the peeps we gots so far..
[Jul 25,2006 11:57pm - tbone_r ""]
make mikeyx sign up.
[Jul 26,2006 5:05pm - nate ""]
[Jul 27,2006 7:07pm - nate ""]
and again...
[Jul 27,2006 7:10pm - nate ""]
Scott... to do the Real Time Draft seems to be a bit of a pain in the ass... I am setting the league up now and think I might bypass that option....
[Jul 27,2006 7:11pm - nate ""]
we can only do it between 9am and 3pm for some strange reason... night time would be better for me, how does the auto pick sound instead???
[Jul 27,2006 7:23pm - nate ""]
just sent out the initial invites to the people interested so far. I still have the settings for a live draft so let me know when you all can do it, preferably a sunday someitme. I'd like to get 3 more players before we do the draft. If noone can do the online draft you can pre-rank your players and your position in the draft will just be automatic.
[Jul 27,2006 7:23pm - DomesticTerror ""]
that's cool, man. are there trades? i forget, and fantasy baseball is fucking me up...
[Jul 27,2006 7:24pm - nate ""]
yeah there are trades to. I really want to do the online draft but because it can't go past 3pm it kinda sucks!
[Jul 27,2006 7:25pm - nate ""]
but I still might give it a shot...
[Jul 27,2006 7:27pm - nate ""]
weird, some sundays we can go past 3pm, anywhere up to 11pm but some don't!
[Jul 27,2006 11:02pm - nate ""]
3 more teams...
[Jul 28,2006 10:04pm - nate ""]
[Jul 28,2006 10:49pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
let me know whenever
[Jul 28,2006 10:52pm - nate ""]
I already sent out the invites to the people that wanted in so far... I sent yours to high54cancer...
[Jul 28,2006 10:58pm - DomesticTerror ""]
put my buddy down

[Jul 28,2006 11:00pm - nate ""]
aight, so even if we don't find two or more people soon we'll have 8 teams like last year...
[Jul 28,2006 11:01pm - DomesticTerror ""]
we should make brown do it. he's in the white mountains until monday tho...
[Jul 28,2006 11:03pm - DomesticTerror ""]
powerkok and andy/RAOV...where are you guys? c'mon, football!
[Jul 28,2006 11:06pm - nate ""]
yeah we should make him do it, I was hoping he'd have responded by now...
[Jul 28,2006 11:20pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
lame, yeah sorry i havent responded to the email yet done and done now
[Jul 28,2006 11:22pm - nate ""]
cool deal mang
[Jul 28,2006 11:46pm - DomesticTerror ""]
registered. beware the ass marauders in all their bastard glory. good to know it's that Wicked Pissa time of year again. Nate, you're the man!
[Jul 29,2006 12:31am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Jul 29,2006 12:42am - tbone_r nli  ""]
Read me

critical fantasy football rules.

i'll see you scrubs in the showers
[Jul 29,2006 1:14am - DomesticTerror ""]
thata was great. much of it true, all of it hysterical
[Jul 30,2006 1:47pm - nate ""]
some of the poeple that got the e-mail have signed up... where are the other people?? Scott I'm gonna send the invite to your friend today... any word from Robby Rob??
[Jul 30,2006 3:25pm - DomesticTerror ""]
he's still in the mountains somewhere. he'll be back monday.
[Jul 30,2006 5:50pm - nate ""]
draft time has changed, I e-mailed everyone
[Jul 30,2006 8:56pm - W3 nli  ""]
got it that date def works better for me
[Jul 31,2006 5:28pm - DomesticTerror ""]
nate, i got another bro who wants in. you need his email,, or can i just give him the codes. lemmee know
[Jul 31,2006 5:29pm - nate ""]
try the codes, if it doesn't work send his e-mail
[Jul 31,2006 5:35pm - DomesticTerror ""]
cool. 39 days...
[Jul 31,2006 6:02pm - DomesticTerror ""]
he's registered. all we need is byron, dreadkill and one more for 10. And tboner said he's got a couple guys. 12 would be sweet
[Jul 31,2006 6:11pm - nate ""]
12 would be ideal... but 10 will do!
[Jul 31,2006 6:12pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
kill kill kill
[Aug 1,2006 12:32am - DomesticTerror ""]
when do we find out what pick we get? day of?
[Aug 1,2006 8:49am - Man_of_the_Century ""]
30 minutes before the draft it picks the order for it.
[Aug 1,2006 10:51am - anonymous  ""]
gruntly_gruntpig@yahoo.com wants in!!!
[Aug 1,2006 11:36am - DomesticTerror ""]
damn. that's a lotta mock drafts i gotta do. who am i kidding, i love it.
[Aug 1,2006 11:47am - Man_of_the_Century ""]
You don't have to mock draft. I never have. Unless you enjoy it, then all the power to ya.
[Aug 1,2006 12:19pm - tbone_r ""]
if someone gives me the password/league name i can definitely get some extra people
[Aug 1,2006 3:54pm - nate ""]
tbone... the info is in th eoriginal e-mail that was sent when you got your invite...
[Aug 8,2006 7:48pm - nate ""]
I just posted the league id# and password on the yahoo page... just a few more people...

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