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KYUSS: "Welcome to Sky Valley"

[Jul 13,2006 10:41am - the rooster  ""]

better than everything else.
[Jul 13,2006 10:42am - the rooster  ""]
i know J. Dwyer is with me on this.
[Jul 13,2006 10:43am - Josh_Martin ""]
I think their best album is Wretch.
[Jul 13,2006 10:43am - Messerschmitt ""]
love that band. i haven't heard the album yet. is it in stores yet?
[Jul 13,2006 10:45am - the rooster  ""]
Messerschmitt said:love that band. i haven't heard the album yet. is it in stores yet?

yup... since 1994.
[Jul 13,2006 10:46am - Messerschmitt ""]
ugh oh yeah. just realized that.
[Jul 13,2006 10:55am - Kinslayer  ""]
All Kyuss kicks ass but I agree that 'Welcome to Sky Valley' is thier best...I'm pretty sure that album is technically self titled and people just call it 'Welcome to Sky Valley' because of the sign on the cover...

Blues for the Red Sun is a close second.
[Jul 13,2006 11:02am - Anthony nli  ""]
i love Kyuss
[Jul 13,2006 2:15pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Anthony nli said:i love Kyuss

i agree with this statement 110% and with what andrew said too.

[Jul 13,2006 2:32pm - Granny_Monster ""]
Awesome! One of my all time favorite albums, hands down.
[Jul 13,2006 3:22pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Blues For The Red Sun is actually my fave, but I like them all.
[Jul 13,2006 9:44pm - SoulsOfTheSlain ""]
i hate... slow songs
[Jul 23,2010 10:41am - reimroc ""]
people like to shit on QOTSA but seriously rated r is fucking awesome or you are a pussy
[Jul 23,2010 10:47am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
great album
[Jul 23,2010 10:51am - AndrewBastard  ""]
rated R does fucking rule...really laid back and trippy but upbeat at the same time....they have one before that album that also kicks ass....name is escaping me....FTR kinslayer is me...
[Jul 23,2010 10:53am - reimroc ""]
its their self-titled and yes it is awesome i consider it the last kyuss album.
[Jul 23,2010 11:01am - The_Rooster ""]
Holy fucking old thread.

I'm a big QUOTSA fan. "Lullabies to Paralyze" is my fav., "Rate R" being a very close 2nd.

This is timely, because I just got my hands on another copy of "When the Circus Leaves Town" (my other one disappeared)... so good. I dig the stuff with Scott Reeder on bass the best.

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