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Morbid Angel - Blessed are the Sick Appreciation

[Jul 14,2006 2:58pm - Ryan_M ""]

I've been listening to this album a lot lately; this has to be at least one of the top 5 best death metal records ever made.
[Jul 14,2006 3:08pm - Anthony nli  ""]
absolutely incredible album. ill never get tired of this. seeing Vincent perform these songs with MA was unreal, especially Fall from Grace.
[Jul 14,2006 3:51pm - pam ""]
my favorite MA album. Fall From Grace was the SHIT. I rocked out so hard.
[Jul 14,2006 4:27pm - Ryan_M ""]
i could have died after watching them play fall from grace, and day of suffering as well, and been happy. my neck was pretty damn sore the next few days after that show!
i would love to see morbid angel go out and do a tour playing all of blessed are the sick the same way slayer did playing all of reign in blood.
[Jul 14,2006 4:45pm - vomitthesoul ""]
Great album but Altars of Madness is better in my opinion.The best DM debut besides Deicide's self titled album
[Jul 15,2006 2:13pm - retzam ""]
I think I also like Altars better. But still, this album is so amazing. I saw them on the first Vincent reunion tour but not the most recent time, so I missed Fall From Grace, and I'm still pissed off about it.
[Jul 15,2006 4:48pm - pam ""]
Ryan_M said:i could have died after watching them play fall from grace, and day of suffering as well, and been happy. my neck was pretty damn sore the next few days after that show!
i would love to see morbid angel go out and do a tour playing all of blessed are the sick the same way slayer did playing all of reign in blood.

I'd bite off my little finger to see that.
[Jul 15,2006 7:46pm - Troll ""]
[Jul 15,2006 9:04pm - i_am_not_me ""]
I was listening to it coming home from Wal-Mart today. Killer album.
[Jul 16,2006 12:33am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I'm a complete whacko, and I like "Altars of Madness" better. Go figure.

I also like their last 2 records and thought they were interesting.
[Jul 16,2006 1:04am - Abyss ""]
Not my favorite Morbid Angel album, But still its great!!!!!!!!!!! Desolte Ways is amazing. The Ancient Ones kicks ass!!
[Jul 16,2006 5:38am - dwellingsickness ""]
I also like Altars way better,Was living in Fla when Blessed came out, saw the Blessed tour like 5-6 times down there.
[Jul 16,2006 3:09pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
definitely my fav MA album
[Jul 16,2006 8:01pm - Pete Sandoval  ""]
Covenant is better.
[Jul 16,2006 10:05pm - Ryan_M ""]
for me, no other morbid angel record can even come close to the stregnth and greatness that is blessed are the sick. it's the only m.a. album i own, and it's all i'll ever need from them.

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