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Jarrod's Place

[Oct 8,2003 4:11pm - University of Joe McNamara  ""]
Jarrod's Place wants bands who play with Meliah Rage to sell 50 tickets or they can't play. How fucking stupid is that? Meliah Rage won't even draw in 50 people to that stupid place. They might draw 5 people.
[Oct 8,2003 4:22pm - litacore ""]
wow. when did jarrods turn into the ritz all of a sudden?
[Oct 8,2003 5:21pm - Ninkaszi187@work  ""]
They have always been like that. I remember when Kreator/Destruction was going to be there and they tried to make every band sell 50 tickets. When all the bands said they couldnt, they cancelled the show. The other club it was moved to said that as well, but none of the bands did anyway.

Bottom line, the sound guy at Jarrods is a fucking tool.
[Oct 8,2003 7:48pm - armageddonday ""]
I fucking hate this policy...this is completely greedy and stupid. As if the clubs weren't making any money on the bar already. Somebody suggested that we should do that...I just couldn't fucking believe it. Bullshit, we pay every band when we do small shows, not the big one though cause we lose money all the time but fuck I would never do that.
Rip offs
[Oct 8,2003 9:28pm - brad  ""]
Ninkaszi187@work said:
Bottom line, the sound guy at Jarrods is a fucking tool.

well said brother, well said

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