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Aug 10 Daughters, The Assistant, Letters From the Dead, Held Hostage

[show listing]  _________________________________
[Jul 26,2002 11:46pm - xmikex ""]
Sat. Aug 10th <br>@ the lawrence KOC <br>Daughters (ex as the sun sets) <br>The Assistant (NJ) <br>Under A Dying Sun (CA) <br>Dot Flash Line (CA) <br>Letters From The Dead (MA killyourfamilywithawaffleiron grind) <br>Held Hostage (killyourneighborswithabutterknife core) <br>Killing Beverly (MA grindmetalcorekillfest) <br>My Dead Past <br> <br> <br>
[Jul 27,2002 1:08am - RustedAngel ""]
i checked out under a dying sun, and they are some ultraf4g indie band from CA. they suck.
[Jul 27,2002 12:16pm - xmikex ""]
what tom means of course is, support the scene hardcore pride come out to the show and have a rockin good time and such
[Jul 27,2002 1:53pm - the_smile_adventure ""]
The show is at 1pm by the way. Nice and early. (which means no staying up will 8am for me...ahh) <br> <br>This show looks priest, kids. Everyone must go. Dance like a unicorn. weeee <br> <br>Support local music. Eat my life.
[Jul 28,2002 1:07am - RustedAngel ""]
should be fun. <br> <br>indiebands--
[Jul 28,2002 2:31am - the_smile_adventure ""]
DAUGHTERS <br> <br>thats all i really want to see...but im down for supporting the others. killing beverly is okay...need to give them a better listen this time around.
[Jul 29,2002 12:04am - RustedAngel ""]
yeah im anxious to check out daughters even though I don't understand why they'd change the name from atss to some g4ywad name like daughters. <br> <br>I think we're playing right before them or something? (source: the other guitar player in the band)
[Jul 29,2002 1:13pm - xmikex ""]
he might actually be right about this one. supposedly the assistant is headlining, daughters is playing before them and we're playing right before daughters. <br> <br>regardless i don't see any need for some queer indie rock action at that show. and if any stupid mod kid starts with me i'll be going home with his teeth in my pocket.......i mean.....support the scene. unity....all that.
[Jul 29,2002 6:01pm - the_smile_adventure ""]
hahahahahaha <br> <br>i hate everyone. <br> <br>peace.
[Jul 29,2002 6:41pm - RustedAngel ""]
id rather see hulkamaniac than any indie band, anyday. I heard he was splitting a set with letters from the dead at this show?
[Jul 29,2002 7:22pm - bananarama  ""]
yea mike, violence. <br>yea tom, homophobia. <br> <br>i think that show could stand a little variety, I'll welcome indie rock. I also wonder if the chick from the assistant is hot? she sounds woof-tarded <br> <br>if any toughcore kid starts with me I'm going home with his palm-muted Em chord in my pocket.
[Jul 29,2002 7:25pm - Sxxfrrew  ""]
where the picture is, its supposed to say H O M O Phobia. <br> <br>alright aaron, its officially old and not funny, at least change the little thumbnail. <br> <br>
[Jul 29,2002 8:26pm - RustedAngel ""]
yeah the little icon is me. but im not a homo. <br> <br>don't talk shit about the icons though, or your picture will be supplimented for the word homo instead of my face.
[Jul 29,2002 8:27pm - RustedAngel ""]
okay maybe they are too wierd, they turn sentences into guessing games.
[Jul 29,2002 10:37pm - xmikex ""]
variety is a great idea on paper. but poorly mixed shows often end in disaster, or at least thats been my experience. Alot of times people try to make everyone happy and puts everyone on the bill who asks to be on the show. You end up with too many bands, too many complications, and a shitty crowd. You get a handful of kids there to see one thing, and another handful there to see another. It may look impressive when 100+ kids show up, but when there's only 10 watching each band it turns to shit. <br> <br>then there's the whole situation of kids who came to dance (and by dance i don't mean be a dick and punch girls, we're not talking about hatebreed), and the kids who came there to be indie rock scenesters and do whatever it is that they do. The two groups square off into separate cliques and resent eachother the whole show. <br> <br>variety may be the spice of life, but i've seen "variety" ruin more then it's share of shows with potential for good, so you'll have to excuse my cynicism. <br> <br>If you put, Dying Fetus, Reel Big Fish, Aretha Franklin, Sworn Enemy, and Eastcide all on the same bill you'd get variety, but you'd also get the stupidest show of all time. My point, variety has it's importance in life, but in shows not so much. <br> <br>that E chord thing was funny though. judjudjudjud haha
[Jul 30,2002 12:04am - eben  ""]
ok, point taken. but i mean you'll never see dying fetus and reel big fish on the same bill! :) haha <br>if they were, you know i'd be there ( for reeel big fish natually) <br> <br>anyhow, for me , its about the music, and nothing but. scene , whatever, i dont care, i wear saucony sneakers and tight shirts with stupid prints on them, but I'm at the shows to listen to music, and if there is a variety of bands, to me thats better than a whole show of deathgrind, or ska, or whatever, pick a genre. the thing is, well, i like indie and mathrock and stuff, and although projects i have been in usually are deathgrind or the like, i still have much respect for the good indie rock and mathy stuff out there. anyway, go to the show, cuz ive heard the daughters, and your all gonna be slaughtereed with retardo riffs. <br>peace to word god born son
[Jul 30,2002 12:07am - RustedAngel ""]
you both have good points. <br> <br>but eben, your cool with different types of music...but you know damn well thats not the case for the majority of kids at shows. <br> <br>so basically even though there are a few kids who like the variety, there are more kids who don't. <br> <br>i think...?
[Jul 30,2002 12:11am - eben  ""]
true. im not one to rock the boat, (bob marley, woah) <br>amd i totally know what your saying. regardless, its a sweet show. and if people could stop being f u cking stupid for a few hours there could a fun show in new england.. and i think that would satisfy more than few. i dunno, since im not in a band anymore, i gotta pay the 5-10 bux, and i want as much bang for me buck matey.
[Jul 30,2002 12:18am - xmikex ""]
either way, the lineup is the way it is. those of us who don't like indie rock will simply not watch/pay attention to the indie rock bands. its not like we're gonna make a big deal about it, or start some gay tuffguy fight over it a bands sound. they probably won't like our band either, so it all works out. at the end of the day we'll go back to our thing and they'll go back to theirs. oh well. best of luck to them and i hope the show goes as well as possible. hopefully everyone will have a fun time, grind, core, or indie.
[Jul 30,2002 12:21am - eben  ""]
you should watch/pay attention. it may not pummel you, but it can still move you. <br>grind on. <br>love eben
[Jul 30,2002 12:21am - RustedAngel ""]
yeah, i just said that i checked one of the indie bands out and didn't like their music. I didn't say they were dicks or anything like that. They have every right to play the show and I'll probably check them out regaurdless of what I think of their music now.
[Jul 30,2002 12:25am - eben  ""]
word to grandpa. see you there
[Jul 30,2002 12:27am - eben  ""]
enough about lawrence. how about ORIGIN in worchester! holy f.u.ck
[Jul 30,2002 12:28am - RustedAngel ""]
i am going to crap my pants for the entire night
[Jul 30,2002 12:51am - RustedAngel ""]
<a href="http://www.returntothepit.com/amimetalornot.php?id=8771" target="_blank">http://www.returntothepit.com/amimetalornot.php?id=8771</a> <br> <br> <br>>>>> hahahah
[Jul 30,2002 12:29pm - xmikex ""]
eben you're probably right. i should give them the same chance that i do every band. just cuz tom says they're not good doesn't mean anything......afterall he listens to Nevermore booooooooooo! <br> <br>origin, saturday, im there, everyone is dead
[Jul 30,2002 1:38pm - RustedAngel @ School  ""]
ok. Mr.Madball!
[Jul 30,2002 3:26pm - xmikex ""]
thats right Mr. Blind Guardian, dork.
[Jul 30,2002 3:44pm - the_reverend ""]
wow, I didn't think I could actually loose respect for tom, but I just did... <br>blind gaurdian is so bad.
[Jul 30,2002 3:49pm - RustedAngel @ school  ""]
haha blind gaurdian. I'll admit I do listen to a few tracks, but their singer sounds too much like queen for my likings. <br> <br>helloween / iced earth / jag panzer are my favorite pm bands. <br> <br>and there is nothing wrong with Nevermore, their breakdowns are heavier than any hardcore band (and most metal bands). They can definetly shred it up and play breakdowns that are not open E chords and it still sounds way heavier. So what if warren dane actually sings? If he has the range why shouldn't he do it, can you sing? Im sure you listen to some gay bands that sing too. Except the music is probably emo! hahah <br> <br>mr. hulkamaniac
[Jul 30,2002 5:32pm - xmikex ""]
hulk hogan has awsome clean vocals. and the lyrics, oh man they blow every metal band away: <br>"i used to tear my shirt, but now you've torn my heart. I knew you were a hulkamaniac right from the very start...you were my friend, this is not the end, when the hulkster comes to heaven we'll tag up again..my friend...the world just lost another hulkamaniac" =*(**** <br>that right there is the only emo you'll hear me listening to. hahaha <br> <br>haha jag panzer, reminds me of that stupid show with James Brolin or whoever. what a coincidence they both suck. <br> <br>lets re-name this thread, Mike and Tom Verbal Abuse <br> <br>
[Jul 30,2002 9:08pm - RustedAngel ""]
<a href="http://www.returntothepit.com/pics/2002mmf1/nightfall/summer_dying005.jpg" target="_blank">http://www.returntothepit.com/pics/2002mmf1/nightfall/summer_dying005.jpg</a> <br> <br>>>> hahaahah!
[Jul 31,2002 9:34am - eben  ""]
could the owner of the black ford F-350 please park somewhere else... theres a band trying to... oh, thats your guitarist! my bad.
[Jul 31,2002 12:16pm - xmikex ""]
tom don't laugh. keep eating those Chicken Amigos and listening to nevermore and that'll be you in 8 years
[Aug 3,2002 12:59am - skip ""]
whats the email addy for the promoter of that daughters/the assistant show. i want to try and talk them into letting the breathing process play a few tunes. GRIND!
[Aug 10,2002 3:28am - skip ""]
what time does this show start?
[Aug 10,2002 7:03am - doug in fits  ""]
[Aug 10,2002 8:29am - the_reverend ""]
I'm more interested in when it gets over. <br>anyone? <br>If I go, I need to leave at 6:30.
[Aug 10,2002 11:22pm - eben  ""]
ok. worked till 5. busted to get my better half, went to the show, and missed just about everything. lots of driving. little music. <br> <br>fuckhead <br> <br> <br>fuck <br> <br> <br> fuck i hate everything
[Aug 11,2002 1:06am - the_reverend ""]
I decided (since I was near-vomiting) that I shouldn't go.
[Aug 11,2002 2:33am - the_smile_adventure ""]
the whole show was a breakdown. <br> <br>all the bands were talented...but it was just breakdown city usa and i found myself knowing the patterns to the songs even though it was my first time hearing them. i'm very sick of predictable music hardcore/metal music these days...and it appeared everyone else there felt the same considering hardly anyone showed interest in the music which was played. one band...which i forget the name of...got very mad about the fact that the crowd didnt care much and they did a lot of shit that made me toss a thumbs down...i dont feel like explaining. <br> <br>dot flash line and daughters, though, did help the show. dot flash played rather sloppy...but...its cool with me. they were reletively good and i know they are better than what i heard. they are going places...i think. <br> <br>daughters...yeah...incredible...thats all that needs to be said. <br> <br>woo shitparty
[Aug 11,2002 11:31am - xmikex ""]
smileadventure you're probably referring to my band, Letters From The Dead. And if so, I think you got the wrong idea. We don't take ourselves seriously enough to get mad over the fact that some kids aren't into the music. my guitarist, Sean was mad because his head got knocked off his cab and was almost broken. I put the mic up to the PA speaker cuz I just felt like making things interesting because I was pretty bored. <br> <br>We fully understand that no one who goes to shows are our mothers and therefore are under no obligation to like or pretend to like our "music". From the second I walked into that show I knew there were gonna be a bunch of kids who just weren't gonna dig what we had. Doesn't make them bad people for not liking us, so oh well if they don't like us. What I don't appreciate whatsoever are the people who find it neccessary to make fun of bands they don't like. Thats just lame, and pretty pussy if you ask me. <br> <br>We have our "fans", and we made some new ones that day. If kids don't like our stuff then fine, thats them. Those people who know us know that when kids don't get into our set then we get bored and start acting like dorks to keep ourselves entertained. Some people take that too seriously, and I don't get it. <br> <br>And if you're referring to me returning my Farewell Chapter 7", thats a whole other story all together, and this messageboard is not the appropriate place for it. <br> <br>thanks.
[Aug 11,2002 11:34am - xmikex ""]
i thought that dot flash line band wasn't half bad actually. i took eben's advice and gave some bands a chance. they were different but interesting.
[Aug 11,2002 11:32pm - the_smile_adventure ""]
yeah man i dont want to seem like im insulting you guys. i really didnt know what the shit was happening. i could tell you were bored haha. i honestly dont think you guys are a bad band. i actually enjoyed your set, but i couldnt dig it as much as i normally would because i was catching onto too many breakdowns. ah but my tastes have changed...i'm more into grind anyway. like i said, all the bands were talented, but just too many breakdowns. <br> <br>but hey i mean...do as you wish..i'm not tossing shit at you guys. sometimes i'm really in the mood for breakdowns (i do listen to unearth here and there haha). i mainly went to the show to see daughters, so my mind wasnt really focused on the music types of the other bands. <br> <br>i dont know what was up with the tears references...i wasnt catching it, but i also didnt really care to ask around. not my business. <br> <br>ah yes
[Aug 12,2002 1:26pm - xmikex ""]
word. i hear you. you don't seem like a shit talker, so i can understand where you're coming from. i agree with you a little about the whole breakdowns thing. after playing after both hXh and killing beverly, two great bands that are all about the breakdowns, i had a feeling that by the time it got to us kids were just gonna be sick of it. but oh well, we sold a decent chunk of merch and didn't cause any damage to the club, or get banned so i'll call it a success. <br> <br>there wasn't much to the tears references. someone stupid yelled out "play farmers market", I tried to go along with it cuz i was a huge tears fan and everything, but i guess derek doesn't like people/me mentioning tears, whatever that was about. i kept bringing it up to try and be funny, not a jerk. again...cuz I was bored. i didn't think it was a big deal, hopefully it wasn't.
[Aug 12,2002 3:05pm - the_smile_adventure ""]
yeah awesome. you got a good attitude. good luck with everything.
[Aug 12,2002 5:06pm - RustedAngel ""]
well it was a pain in the ass getting to this show, traffic before the hampton tolls was retarded and it took an hour to go 2 miles. Sean called my cell phone and said we were about to go on and I told him I wasn't going to be there for like 40 minutes. I heard him say "I think we should play without him" over the phone to someone else, and then he ended up working out getting us on a little later. <br> <br> <br>I got there right after held hostage was done and caught a little bit of killing beverly. When we went on I realized I wasn't really prepared, I couldn't find my cord, and i was getting no output from my head through the mesa cab I borrowed from Joe. (I solved this problem by just unplugging my sonic maximizer from the effects loop) hopefully its not broken. I suppose that would be better than my $1000 head being broken. So that put me in a wierd mood so I didn't move any when we played, I just stood there like I was playing the most complicated music on earth =) haha I really wish I'd remember to bring my discman so we could have played hulkamaniac. I heard some f4gs were mocking us (tyler? and others) they can eat dix. <br>Sean ended up smashing an LTD guitar he just bought at the end and nick figured he would try to be nirvana too and hit his cymbols and in the process knocked over seans head and cab. All this while I just stood in my place and held on to my gear! <br> <br>Some wierd band went on after us and got old after the first riff. They had some guy with some sort of stringed instrument that was cool. But they weren't no Therion, right mike? <br> <br>Daughters went on, and I made sure I was in a spot so I could easily sneak behind the drummer and watch the machine. They were the best band playing that show in my opinion, but since they only played for like 6 minutes they definetly get some points off for that. At least play the god damned songs 3x or something. I don't know if this show was worth sitting in traffic with a broken air conditioner for an hour. <br> <br>This is one of the last shows that I'll have played with Letters From The Dead, I hope to play at least one last show that goes a little smoother. Maybe if we get onto the rttp show that will be my last show with them. <br>
[Aug 12,2002 5:07pm - xmikex ""]
haha good attitude, haven't heard that since my second grade report card. i'll be waiting for the smile adventure two dead sluts split.
[Aug 12,2002 7:44pm - the_smile_adventure ""]
oh awesome...it will be insano nazi death. we can trade cds or something. ah yah!
[Jun 16,2015 11:39am - Necromonger  ""]
This show is going to rule
[Jun 16,2015 1:02pm - Fedora fagget  ""]
Fedora fagget
[Jun 19,2015 7:41pm - Not Fake  ""]
I think I saw Daughters in Worcester this same year. Bunch of young Jake Bannons up front flipping their shit for all ten minutes of the set

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