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Brian Posehn's worst metal covers of all time

[Jul 20,2006 12:54pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 20,2006 12:56pm - Yeti ""]
thats awesome.
[Jul 20,2006 2:54pm - brian_dc ""]
9. Manowar, Into Glory Ride
Drummer auditions:
"Loincloths and a handlebar moustache? Yeah, I'll join your band. Will it be metal?"
"Oh yeah, the most metal."
"Will it be gay?"
"Yeah, the most gay."
[Jul 20,2006 2:55pm - brian_dc ""]
wow...these are all so good
[Jul 20,2006 2:57pm - brian_dc ""]
my second favorite is the Exodus cover.
[Jul 20,2006 3:05pm - craigforacurse nli  ""]
Pantera, Metal Magic
I love this band with all my heart, but the covers for their first two albums are unbelievably terrible. That weird wolf-like creature with a blade… Isn't the point of being a kickass wolfman that you don't need a weapon? And why is he nude except for a belt? Kickass invisible pants? I just picture that art on the town loser's van.

i guarantee there are rednecks with that album art on their pickups.
[Jul 20,2006 3:06pm - craigforacurse nli  ""]
Yngwie J. Malmsteen—the J stands for jackass

hahahahaha so simple, yet so very true.
[Jul 20,2006 3:27pm - Anthony nli  ""]
that Pantera Behind the Music made it seem so awesome to be Pantera in the 80s metal days. Playing cock-rock at wild, huge drunken parties every weekend? Who wouldnt want to do that?
[Jul 20,2006 3:53pm - xmikex ""]

that poison cover made the best list too, what the fuck!
[Jul 20,2006 4:12pm - craigforacurse nli  ""]
Anthony nli said:that Pantera Behind the Music made it seem so awesome to be Pantera in the 80s metal days. Playing cock-rock at wild, huge drunken parties every weekend? Who wouldnt want to do that?

i didnt see it. i couldnt bring myself to watch an hour of commentation stroking pantera's career. did they talk about how phil, the quintessential "tough guy", is openly bisexual?
[Jul 20,2006 4:22pm - Anthony nli  ""]
haha really? i didnt know he was bi. it doesnt make a difference though; im sure there are plenty of tough fags out there who would be brutal in a fight.

alot of it was about how strained Phil's relationship with the rest of the band was because of his rampant drug and alcohol abuse.
[Jul 20,2006 4:24pm - christraper ""]
Thats the only reason Craig ever liked Pantera. Ive seen him talking about Phil in his sleep, its pretty disturbing.
[Jul 20,2006 4:25pm - craigforacurse nli  ""]
why are you watching me in my sleep homo?
[Jul 20,2006 4:25pm - christraper ""]
cuz you invited me bitch. now bend over.
[Jul 20,2006 6:16pm - ShadowSD ""]
craigforacurse nli said:i didnt see it. i couldnt bring myself to watch an hour of commentation stroking pantera's career. did they talk about how phil, the quintessential "tough guy", is openly bisexual?

No, but Phil comes off as a confused, self-absorbed, heroin addict who probably shot up five minutes before the interview, and who squandered the last potential years of Pantera making the rest of the band wait on his side projects; Dimebag, on the other hand, comes off as an infallible god. So if you hate Phil Anselmo as a person, you'd probably enjoy their Behind The Music.

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