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Death Metal Tape Sale

[Jul 22,2006 11:03am - Ryan_M ""]
I don't know if anyone on the board still listens to tapes, but I have a bunch of death metal/thrash tapes for sale. I'm not expecting to earn a shitload of money for these, just send $5.00 to cover the shipping and I'll mail them over. If you're interested, e-mail me or drop me a line on Myspace.

Morgoth - "Cursed"
Pantera - "Far Beyond Driven"
Nuclear Assault - "Handle With Care"
At the Gates - "The Red in the Sky is Ours"
Suffocate - "Exit 64"
Screaming Afterbirth - "Puke Pile"
Splattered Cadaver - "Merciless Butchery"
Cryptic Slaughter - "Money Talks"
Anal Cunt - "Top 40 Hits"
Napalm Death - "Utopia Banished"
[Jul 22,2006 11:04am - dyingmuse ""]
morgoth were fucking amazing back then!

[Jul 22,2006 11:15am - Kinslayer  ""]
that Morgoth tape kills but I already have it...
The Eternal Fall is great as well...
[Jul 22,2006 11:16am - Kinslayer  ""]
I want the At the Gates and the Cryptic Slaughter!
[Jul 22,2006 12:48pm - vomitthesoul ""]
ND-Utopia Banished is a killer Grindcore album.Why you wanna sell that?

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